Set 3 Flashcards
Western efforts at mediation” between govt. & brotherhood
A negotiation to resolve differences that is conducted by some impartial party
Urge the army to depose” his successor Morsi
Force to leave (an office)
= force out
(Podochutto kora)
Purportedly” from Canadian security intelligence service
Believed or reputed to be the case • Livingstone then purportedly purchased the Treasury Notes from a listed securities dealer against his account
= putatively, supposedly
(Sarkotha, sharmormo)
Strained” US-Brazilian ties
Lacking natural ease • a strained style of debating
= labored
≈ awkward
Showing signs of mental and emotional tension • her voice was strained as she asked the question
≈ tense
(Antorikotashunno, saka)
VIPs barred” from using govt. facilities
Disallow membership or entry • He was barred from membership in the club
= debar, exclude
Render unsuitable for passage • bar the streets
= barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade, stop
Expel, as if by official decree • he was barred from his own country
= banish, relegate
Education in peril”
Voyaboho bipod, bipod deke ana
Stop attacks on journos”
A writer for newspapers and magazines
= journalist
The eternal” singer
Chironton/ ontohin
Passengers disembark” from a flight
Leave a ship, aircraft or train
Zahaz/ Aero Plane theke nama
Threats from fascist”
Fassibadi/ chorom dokkhinponthi
In a severely malnourished” state
Not being provided with adequate nourishment • it is estimated that at the present time roughly a million children under 5 years of age are severely or moderately malnourished
≈ foodless, ill-fed, starved, starving, underfed, undernourished, unfed, unnourished
(Opishti/ pushtihinota)
Dhadha/ prohelica
The outcome of overture” made by the PM
Alochonar prostab
15th amendment is the case of the political gridlock”
A traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible
Buy coffee and muffins”
A sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped pan
= gem
[British] Round, raised muffin cooked on a griddle; usually split and toasted before being eaten
= English muffin
( choto halka golakar cakebishe ja usually makhon die gorom gorom khaoa hoi)
Utopia” tutors team
Kalponik shorgorajjo
~n : akashkushum
A dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force
= living dead, zombi
(voodooism) a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead body
= zombi, zombi spirit, zombie spirit
A god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies
= snake god, zombi
Someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way • only a zombie wouldn’t have noticed
= automaton, zombi
Kete neoa choto tukra, tukitaki (khoborakhobor)
A plethora” of pristine” melodies
Extreme excess
= embarrassment, overplus, superfluity
( adhikko )
Completely free from dirt or contamination • pristine mountain snow ≈ pure ( Adim )
Golfer clinches” Indian open in style
Secure or fasten by flattening the ends of nails or bolts • The girder was clinched into the wall
Hold a boxing opponent with one or both arms so as to prevent punches
Hold in a tight grasp • clinch a steering wheel
= clench
Embrace amorously
Flatten the ends (of nails and rivets) • the nails were clinched
Settle conclusively • clinch a deal
Picketer hurled” a petrol bomb inside
Shojore nikkhep kora
The mob hurled stones at the police
Party ticket aspirants” bought nominations
Kheti/ protipotti etc er jonno lolup bekti/ prottashi
In stark constant”, police barring” leaders’ and activists’ access to the office
Disallow membership or entry • He was barred from membership in the club
= debar, exclude
Render unsuitable for passage • bar the streets
= barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade, stop
Expel, as if by official decree • he was barred from his own country
= banish, relegate
Secure with, or as if with, bars • He barred the door
◑ unbar
AL cheers, BNP jeers’(at)
Upohash/ bidrup/ hashithatta kora
Titkari deoa
The seems we’re starkly” opposite in the two rival camps
Shompurno/ puradostur
Fanfare” and exuberance” were clearly visible at the AL office
Trumpet, beugel etc er khonkar/ turjoninad/ shobdo/ shongit
Prachurjo/ uchchash
At the fag” end of its tenure…
Klantikor/ ekgheye kaj
He started howling”
They chanted” slogans
Purabritto shur/ kotha/ gaan/ prarthona
Bride flaunts” her gold jewellary
Attotriptir shonge jahir kora
Flaunt one’s new clothes
Act ostentatiously” or pretentiously”
Lok dekhate posondo kore emon, jakalo
Attavimani/ damvik
We don’t really want a didactic” figure
Shikkhulok/ nitimulok
Arduous” task of self-purification
Dusshaddho/ kostokor
The magazine spoke to the eloquent “ poet
Bagpotu/ shundor bachonvongi
Snubbing” a visiting US delegation
Oboggapurno achoron, prottakkhan kora ( kono prostab)
Ensuing” days of clashes
Following immediately and as a result of what went before • ensuing events confirmed the prediction
≈ succeeding
Raising funds through zakat & usher “
Probeshok/ darik ( je bekti rongaloy/ prekkhagriho ittadi sthane manushke tader ashon dekhiye dey)
Zakat is a levy” on the property of riches
Prapto khomota onushare kor dharjo/ aday kora
In its charter”, jamaat mentioned
Shashok/ shorkar korteik prodotto odhikar/ onumoti shongkrat shonod
They used false Facebook post for rampage”
Uttejito achoronpurno/ unmotto chutachuti
Murdered by renegade” soldiers
Shodhormo/ political dol tyagi, dhormovrosto, bisshashghatok
Oversee” the next national poll
Tottabodhan/ dekhashona kora
Relive one of the most incendiary”
Oshot uddssey shompotti te ognishonjokkari
Ushkani/ prorochonadayok
Views may may differ, but the rational” view will be…
Jouktik, bicharbuddhishomponno
Those who foolishly sought” power…
Seek : khoja/ onneshon kora er pparticiple
He resolutely” stood in the present
Dridhotar sathe
The prodigious” enlightenment of his mind
Bishal/ bipul/ otikay/ bipul poriman
Relentless” bipolar rivalry
Nirmom/ nirdoy
America’s adversary” with sound logic
Someone who offers opposition
= antagonist, opponent, opposer, resister
( protikul/ boiri)
No untenable” pledge
Oshomorthonjoggo/ rokkhajoggo noy emon kisu
The weapon of destruction unleashed”
Sere/ leliye/ bishforito hote deoa
Unleash a new atomic weapon
Major security setback” for the America
An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating
= black eye, blow, reversal, reverse
Dismantle” all offensive weapon
Ongsho bissinno kora, tukra tukra kora, niraboron kora
Later a stalemate” developed
Btorko/ bibader purno ocholabostha
Chalmat kora (chess)
Indo-US diplomatic standoff”
Dure shore thaka, karo shohochorjo eriye thaka
Washington continued to harp” on their line
Harp (baddojontro bajano)
Barbar ek e kotha bola, panpan kora
Enjoy diplomatic immunity” retroactively”
Onakromotta, kor/ sulko ittadi theke obbehoti
Nirapotta (rogbedhi theke)
Otit porjalochonamulok
The two largest democracies have been at loggerheads”
Motannoiko/ jhogra-bibad
Councillors were at loggerheads with the govt. over the grant allocation
An invasive” body search
Temporary housing in Fukushima, prefecture”
Proshashonik elaka/ jela
” I am a Berliner “ is an assertion” from historical significance
Joralo ukti, dabi
The besieged” citizens of the walled city of West Berlin
Oborodh kora, senabahini kortrik ghire fela
The spectre” of manually assured destruction ( mad)
Bopod, dukkho-durdoshar atongko
Voot, oposaya
Stockpiles” of nuclear missiles
Something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
= backlog, reserve
A storage pile accumulated for future use
Expressing solidarity” with the people
He was candid” about the realities
Okopot, monkhola, shorol
In order to boost their morale”
In his word freedom is indivisible”
Obovajjo, obisseddo
A leader endowed” with conviction
Provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature) • a well-endowed college • endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights • endowed with good eyesight
Shompotti dan kora
In his address he held out” the contrasting realities
Protirodh obbehoto rakha
The enemy could not hold out our determined assault
The dreadful” power of ending all humanities
To avert” a crisis of such nature
Erano, behoto kora
Avert an accident/ suspicion
It transpired” that the soviet leader considered Kennedy lacking war like interest
Prokashito/ janajani hoa (ghotona/ gopon bepar)
Egos run rampant” on occasion
Oniyontrito/ obadh ( shamajik rogbedhi/ onachar)
Undeterred” by the international communities
Nirutshahito kora, badha deoa
The stifling” situation could end only through…
Shashruddho/ shashprosshash grohon kostokor bodh kora
We were stifled in the crowded train
She would not bow down” to any pressure at home or abroad
Get into a prostrate position, as in submission
= prostrate
Bend one’s knee or body, or lower one’s head • He bowed down before the King
= bow[2]
Relieving the nation of a grueling” two months long suffering
Porisrantikor, kothin
A grueling task
While several tainted” figures have been left out
Daag, kolongko, khut, dosh, dushon
City dwellers “in their thousands” went about their business yesterday
Hay literary festival
He is the eldest son of veteran” politician
Jhanu, probin
The new parliament slated” for January 29
Pod/ kajer jonno kauke prostab kora
Tibro shomalochona kora
They heaved” a sigh of relief no new wave of hartaliday was announced
Utter a sound, as with obvious effort • She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do
Shun” destructive programmes
Kono kisu theke dure thaka
porihar kora
Eroding” official sales in the country
Dhire dhire khoy kora/ kheye fela
Perilous” condition stagnant
Including govt. taxes and levies”
Govt adeshe dharjjo kor
Activists scuffle” with police
Hatahati/ marpit kora
In export consignment” from Bangladesh
Hostantor, prerito mal
Fraudulence in phytosanitary” certificate
Concerning the health of plants; free from pests and pathogens
The bloc” considers gourds, eggplants, citruses and amaranthus” as critical commodities
Ek e uddessho/ sharthe gothito gosthi/ dol
Large widely distributed genus of chiefly coarse annual herbs
= genus Amaranthus
At the helm” of the shipping ministry
Kornodhar/ kandari/ Neta
Palestinian brothers sit on the rubble” of their house
It/ pathorer tukra
The little daredevils”
Beporoa, otishahoshi
He came to narrate his ordeal” before a probe committee
Kothin/ ogni porikkha (choritrer/ shohishnutar)
Touts”, unscrupulous” land officials
Bibekbuddhihin, obibechok
The policy intends to strangle” the media
Gola tipe dhora/ shashruddho/ hotta kora
Locals anchored a buoy” to mark the spot
Boya, plobok, lifebuoy
Devoid” of crowd
Bihin, borjito
The crowd that had been there for over a week to see salvage” operation
Uddharlarjo ( ognikando, jahajdubi etc)
The undulating” views along the Dhaka- tangail highway
Torongayeto hoa, Toronger moto uchunichu
Landscape of soothing” green
Affording physical relief • a soothing ointment for her sunburn ≈ comfortable, comfy Freeing from fear and anxiety = assuasive ≈ reassuring
Long but crammed” rows of small tin-sheds have sprung up”, mashroom-like
Theshe/ theshe/ kanay kanay vora
Na bujhe mukhosto kora
~into, ~ up with
Hothat probahito hoa, mati/ brikkher kando theke udvuto hoa. ~up
Erratically” on croplands and water bodies
Kothabartay oshabdhani (sb)
Oniyomito/ onishchit gotishomponno (sth)
The hastily” built rooms are too stuffy” and small
Drutota, tora, taratari, joldi
Boddho, shashruddhokor/ gomramukho, rogchota, bodmejaji
Constructions galore” on lands
In great numbers • daffodils galore
≈ beaucoup, many
Existing in abundance • whiskey galore
= abounding
(Prochur porimane)
Earmarked” for acquisition
Parthokkoshuchok symbol die chinhito kora
A distinctive mark
Exams, business in tatters”
Sinno bostro, nekra
Shomman binosto kora
Tax income from stock plunges” 47pc in July
Jhap/ dubiye/ dhikiye deoa, nimojjito kora