Set 20 Flashcards
What renal pathology is characteristic of RBC casts and proteinuria?
Glomerulonephritis, ischemia or malignant HTN (end organ damage to kidney)
In which pulmonary disease would you see an increased Reid index?
Reid index (thickness or depth of gland layer/total thickness of bronchial wall) > 50%
Seen in COPD and Chronic bronchitis (hyperplasia of mucus-secreting glands in the bronchi)
A 56-year-old man develops right lower extremity edema after returning from Europe from a business trip. An exam of the right lower extremity demonstrates a red, warm, lower leg with a positive Homan’s sign. What is the patient’s diagnosis? What is a positive Homan’s sign? What is Virchow’s triad? What is the most common inherited hypercoagulability syndrome?
Homan sign = dorisflexion of the foot —> calf pain
Virchow’s triad = stasis, hypercoagulability. endothelial damage
Most common inherited hypercoagulability syndrome = Factor V Leiden (factor V cannot be degraded by protein C, inability for protein C to control clotting cascade)
Which adrenergic antagonists can be used to treat hypertension as well as urinary retention in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? What is the difference between the prostate exam findings in BPH versus adenocarcinoma of the prostate?
Terazosin, Prazosin, Doxazosin
BPH: Symmetric, smooth and enlarged. Periurethral lobes
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate: Asymmetric, hard nodule. Posterior lobe (peripheral zone)
What enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis? What class of drugs inhibits this enzyme?
HMG-CoA reductase
What arteries supply the adrenal glands? From what arteries do these arteries arise?
Superior adrenal artery (from the inferior phrenic artery)
Middle adrenal artery (from the aorta)
Inferior adrenal artery (from the renal artery)
Many factors are involved in the proper morphogenesis of organs in utero. In the case of oligohydramnios, lack of fluid flowing in and out of the fetal lungs leads to pulmonary hypoplasia. This is an example of which type of error in organ morphogenesis?
Given the following scenarios describe the corresponding complement deficiency?
Frequent Neisseria infections
C5-C9 deficiency
Given the following scenarios describe the corresponding complement deficiency?
Frequent pyogenic respiratory tract infections
C3 deficiency
Given the following scenarios describe the corresponding complement deficiency?
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
DAF (GPI anchored enzyme) Decay activating factor [complex of CD55 and CD59]
CD55, CD59 (prevents complement from attacking RBCs)
Given the following scenarios describe the corresponding complement deficiency?
Increased frequency of type III hypersensitivity reaction
C3 deficiency
Which neoplasm is most commonly responsible for the following paraneoplastic effects?
ACTH -> Cushing’s syndrome
Small cell lung cancer
Which neoplasm is most commonly responsible for the following paraneoplastic effects?
PTH-related peptide -> hypercalcemia
Squamous cell lung carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer
Which neoplasm is most commonly responsible for the following paraneoplastic effects?
Erythropoietin -> polycythemia
Renal cell carcinoma, thymoma, hemangioblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, leiomyoma, pheochromocytoma
Which neoplasm is most commonly responsible for the following paraneoplastic effects?
Small cell lung carcinoma and intracranial neoplasms
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Claw hand
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Ape hand
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Wrist drop
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Scapular winging
Long thoracic
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Unable to wipe bottom/anus
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Loss of forearm pronation
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Cannot abduct or adduct fingers
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Loss of arm abduction
Unable to abduct arm beyond 10 degrees
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Weak lateral rotation of arm
Suprascapular and/or axillary
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Loss of arm and forearm flexion
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Loss of forearm extension
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Trouble initiating arm abduction
What nerve is damaged when a patient presents with the following symptom (upper extremity)?
Unable to raise arm above horizontal
Long thoracic