session 7 Flashcards
systematic process of recording consumer information via structured questionnaire; focus on consumer attitudes and emotion
Attitudes have three components:
affective, behavioural and cognitive
whether consumers intend to do something with an object) ex: i intend to buy dr pepper
Affective component:
Affective component (= how consumers feel about an object)✓E.g., I like DrPepper.
Cognitive component
what consumers believe about an object. For example i believe dr pepper has 23 flavors
cognitive attiudes
Knowledge, opinions –Which brands are you familiar with?–What are the key features of the brand
affective attitudes
Liking, emotions–Which would you prefer?–How do you feel about the brand
behavioural attitudes
Actions, intentions–How many times have you previously purchased the brand?–How likely are you to recommend to a friend
Survey methods
In person: door to door, executive, mall intercept
Internet is the most accessible way and less effortful , most popular, ad hoc, internet panel
Mail: not popular
Phone: traditional, computer assisted, computerized
Different questionnairs you can use
Google forms: free collaborative user friendly, basic design
Survey monkey : free, popular, user friendly, more flexible design
Amazon mechanical turk: survey and panel, paid, experienced survey takers
Qualtrics: survey and panel, paid
Internet surveys
Positives :reach, cost effective, can be done wherever
Negatives: people are not taking them properly, people are not paying attention (can have attention check questions) people use bots to complete their surveys, excludes groups of people who don’t have internet access (non response bias) can use quota sampling to combat this , panel management, representativeness
Concerns: multiple completes (one person takes the survey multiple times to make money, can use qualtrics to help with this), lying for compensation and worse
You can address all negative points
Errors that can take place while you run a survey
Systematic error aka bias
Difference due to intentional or unintentional bias
Reduce with careful design and implemntatom
measurement errors
non respinse bias, interviewer bias, respinse bias, processing error
Non response bias:
due to difference between respondents and non respondents
Ex: how would you recruit? For example you recruit Only mcgill students that live on campus, or maybe you only ask grad students→ this shows bias because if you only have one group you are looking at you cant generalize your findings, need to ask diverse and large groups to combat this→ ask all mcgill students
You might make a mistake but only requiring mcgill on campus students (non response biases, you exclude a certain group )
Interviewer bias:
due to unintentional influence of the interviewer → interviewer starts by saying “since current campus options are good/bad…”
response bias
due to intentional or unintentional misrepresentation of into → participants are embarrassed to admit how much they love subway or misestimate how long they wait in line
processing error
due to errors in data recording, transcription→ participation circled option a but you enter it into excel as option d
avdnaatges of surveys
Cost effective
Wide reach
Easy to conduct
Uncover peoples motivation
Easy to analyze
Reveal subgroup differences, segmentation analysis → important tonsgement to create value for different segments to create multiple value streams
disadvantages of surveys
Limited info you can get because you dont examine implicit attitudes
Can still get non represenatuve samples
A controlled environment under artifial conditions
Instrument error
Not guaranteed to be representative of population
Mapping technqiyes
perceptual mapping
hierarchal mapping
perceptual mapping
Based on survey and close-ended questions
Compare competing brands on selected attributes
Important concept
Asking consumers to score them→ data is based on survey data
Can determine where our company is deficient compared to competitors, may want to reposition brand using this tool
hierarchal mapping
Trying to target peoples needs by looking at why they value a certain attribute
Ex: you have a high need for status so then can promote your product in a way that emphasizes status
Can reposition your brand or product through laddering
steps for perceptual mapping
Step 1: set your determinant attributes (focus on the most important attributes that you would like to look at )
Step 2: build and distribute a survey
Step 3: score and position brands on the market based on your survey results
Step 4: create your perceptual map
Step 5: interpret the map and come up with a differentiation strategy (have to be different with value, Companies often make mistake swerve companies reposition but people dont care about how they differentiated→ people need to care
segmentation/cluser analysis
Compare your brand image with competitors and come up witha differentiation strategy
laddering analysis
Identify different segments in the market, and understand their behavioural, psychographic and demographic characteristics
perceptual maps
Gather insights on psychological needs of highly involved customers