chapter 2 Flashcards
The critical importance of correctly defining the problem
Need to define the problem (first step)
If defined incorrectly, the research objectives will be wrong and the research will be a waste
The ultimate goal is to develop clear, concise and meaningful marketing research objectives → yields precise decision making info for managers
Recognize the problem or opportunity
In addition, it may be used to find and evaluate new opportunities, in a process called opportunity identification
Ex: consumers want more social and ethical responsibility so companies will take avdnatage of this
Find out why the information is being sought out (problem definition process)
Large amounts of money, effort, and time are wasted because requests for marketing information are poorly formulated or misunderstood.
Discuss what the information will be used for and what decisions might be made as a result of the research. Work through detailed examples to help clarify the issue
Try to get the client or manager to prioritize their questions. This helps sort out cen- tral questions from those of incidental interest
Rephrase the questions in several slightly different forms and discuss the differences
Create sample data and ask if such data would help answer the questions. Simulate
the decision-making process.
Remember that the more clear-cut you think the questions are and the more quickly you come to feel that the questions are straightforward, the more you should doubt that you have understood the real need.
Understand the decision making environment with exploratory research
Once researchers understand the motivation for conducting the research, often they need additional background information to fully comprehend the problem. This may mean simply talking to brand managers or new product managers, reading company reports, visiting production facilities and retail stores, and perhaps talking with suppli- ers
The better the marketing researcher understands the decision-making environment, including the industry, the firm, its products or services, and the target market, the more likely it is that the problem will be defined correctly→ situation analysis
Sometimes informed discussions with managers and suppliers and on-site visits aren’t enough. Exploratory research may be conducted to obtain greater understand- ing of a concept or to help crystallize the definition of a problem. It is also used to identify important variables to be studied. Exploratory research is preliminary research, not the definitive research used to determine a course of action. Exploratory research can take several forms: pilot studies, experience surveys, secondary data analysis, case analysis, and focus groups
Experience surveys analysis
Second form of exploratory research
Experience surveys involve talking with knowledgeable individuals, both inside and outside the organization, who may provide insights into the problem
Rarely do experi- ence surveys include a formal questionnaire. Instead, the researcher may simply
have a list of topics to be discussed
The survey, then, is much like an informal dis- cussion.
Secondary data analysis
Secondary data analysis is another form of exploratory research.
Secondary data are data that have been gathered for some purpose other than the one at hand.
Can use the internet
case analysis
Exploratory research
The purpose of case analysis is to review information from a few other situations that are similar to the current research problem
Focus groups
Focus groups are in-depth discussions, usually consisting of 8 to 12 participants, which are led by a moderator and are generally limited to one particular concept, idea, or theme. The general idea is to have what one person says generate thoughts and com- ments by others, therefore creating group dynamics.
The interplay of responses yields more information than if the same number of people had contributed in individual interviews
When used in exploratory research, focus groups help clarify and understand the problem and issues involved. They can, and do, cover just about any topic imaginable
Using intranets for exploratory research
The computer can be a very powerful tool for doing exploratory research.
While intranets provide easy access to internal data, the Internet is an invaluable resource for searching tens of millions of external sources for the information needed. At the exploratory stage, a researcher might use any one or several of the online search engines to find information
Completing exploratory research
The end of exploratory study comes when the marketing researchers are convinced that they have found the major dimensions of the problem. They may have defined a set of questions that can be used as specific guides to a detailed research design.
They may also have determined that cer- tain other factors are such remote possibilities that they can be safely ignored in any further study.
Finally, the researchers may end exploration because they feel that further research is not needed or is not presently possible due to time, money, or other constraints
Use the Symptoms to clarify the problem
A symptom is a phenomenon that occurs because of the existence of something else
Ex: symptoms could include: poor sales, delcining profits, increased customer complaints, defecting customers
But there is a deeper problem causing these symptoms→ could be lower prices offered by comp
Iceberg principle: focusing on the symptoms and not the true , deeper problem
Translate the management decision problem into a marketing research problem
The true problem must be converted into a marketing research problem
Marketing research problem: specifies what info is needed to solve the management problem and how that info can be obtained efficiently and effectively
The marketing research objective: the goal statement, defining the specific info ended to solve the marketing research problem
The management decision problem is action oriented, and are broader → ex: “should we change the layout of the stores?” the marketing research problem would be to examine whether the current layout needs improvement or not \
Determine whether this info already exists
There is an aversion to using past data and old reports but using existing data cans ave managers time and money
Avoiding the nice-to-know syndrome
The findings must be actionable→ the findings must provide decision making info
Ex: cant just determine if frozen tim hortons bagels at the grocery store would be a success but also need to know what type of goods, price points, packaging design, etc and taste tests
In most cases research marketers can discern in advance the likelihood of success by identifying the following:
Instances in which you know for certain that info of the type required exists or can be readily obtained
Situations in which you are fairly certain, based on similar prior experiences, that the info can be gathered
Cases in which you know that you are trying something quite new and there is a real risk of drawing a complete blank
State the research objectives
The culmination of the problem definition is a statement of objectives
The objectives are stated in terms of precise info necessary to addressing the marketing research porblem/opportunity
Can evaluate quality and value of the work by asking questions: “were the objectives met?” and “do the recs flow logically from the objectives and the research finding?”
Research objectives as hypotheses
A hypothesis is a conjecture statement about a relationship between 2 or more variables that can be tested with empirical data: considered plausible given the available info.
Ex: spending $30,000 for vehicle wraps in cities of 300,000 or more or advertising near ski slopes will have no significant impact on the sales of cigarettes
Research objectives are end results
The Research objective is what the study aims to achieve
The objective should describe what the intended end of the study is. Not the means to that end ex; “to develop a profile of consumers smartphone usage behavior”
Creating the research design
The research design is a plan for addressing the research objectives or hypotheses
Researcher will develop a structure or framework to address the specific problem or opp
There are tradeoffs between various design structures → a common tradeoff is between research costs and the quality of the decision making info provided
Another common tradeoff is between time constraints and the type of research design
the first task of the researcher is to decide whether the research will be descriptive or causal
Descriptive studies
Descriptive studies are conducted to answer who, what, when where adn how questions
A variable is simply a symbol or concept that can assume any one of a set of values
A descriptive study may include demographics and lifestyle characteristics of typical, light, average and heavy patronizers who purchase tim hortons baked goods, other questions might include the drive time between home and tim hortons aadn what payment method they use
Descriptive research can tell us that 2 variables such as advertising and sales seem to be associated, but it cannot provide convincing evidence that high levels of advertising cause high sales
It helps the researcher select variables for a causal study
Causal Studies
Causal studies: researcher investigates whether teh value of one variable causes or determines the value of another variable
A dependent variable is a symbol or concept expected to be explained or affected by the independent variable
An independent variable is a variable that the market researcher can, to some extent, manipulate change or alter
For example, Boston Pizza may like to know whether offering the new chicken wings (independent variable) determines the level of sales (dependent variable).
A causal study for Boston Pizza might involve changing one independent variable (for example, the number of sauces introduced with the wings) and then observing the effect on sales
what must be met to have causality
Temporal sequenceL appropriate causal order of events , temporal sequence is one criterion that must be met for causality
2nd criterion: concomitant variation→ the degree to which a presumed cause (offfering 3 sauces) and presumed effect (sales) occur together or vary together
Choosing a basic method of research
The research design is chosen based on a project’s objectives
3 basic methods of gathering data: 1) survey, 2) observation, 3) experiment
Survey research is often descriptive but can be causal, observation research is usually descriptive and experiment research is often causal
Survey research involves an interviewer who interact switch rtespondents to obtain facts, opinions and attitudes
A questionnaire is used
Face-to-face interviews may take place
Observation research monitors respondents’ actions without direct interaction
The fastest growing obs research involves the use of tech advanced scanners to help make the shopping experience easier for customers and track behavior for marketers
Experiments are the 3rd method researchers use to collect data
This type of research is distinguished by the researcher changing one or more independent variables ( price, package, design, shelf space, advertising theme, etc) and observing the effects of those on the dependent variable (usually sales)
Objective is to measure causality
All other factors should be held constant → very difficult and costly
Researchers try to control other factors by ise a laboratory experiment→ conducting the experiment in a test facility rather than in the natural environment
Researchers may create simulated environments and ask consumers to act as they normally would in that environment
However its important to remember the consumer is not in a natural environment so how people act in a test facility may differ from how they would act in the actual situation
Selecting the sampling procedure , questions to ask before the sampling procedure is selected
1) population/universe of interest must be defined
Gro from which sample will be drawn
Include all who’s opinions, behaviours, preferences, attitudes will yield info
2) should i use a probability sample or a non-probability sample
non probability vs probability sample
probability sample: every element in the population has a known non-zero prob of being selected
Non-probability sample: chances of selection for various elements in population are unknown
Collecting the data
survey based data – collected on internet
Interviewer based data collection – done by marketing research field service firms
Collecting data in several cities, working with number of field service firms
Field service firms: provide group research facilities, mall intercept locations, test product storage, and kitchen facilities for prepar- ing test food products
Analyzing the data
Next step is data analysis
Interpret and draw conclusions from mass of collected data
Many techniques – strat with simple frequency analysis and culminating in complex multivariate techniques
Writing and presenting the report
After data analysis – prepare report and communicate conclusions and recommendations
Written and oral reports – with nature of audience kep tin mind
Clear statement of research objectives, outline of methodology, summary of major findings, presentation of conclusions and recommendations
Judging quality of report
Important to know what to look for in a research rapport
Crucial to evaluate research report
Basis for measuring a reports quality lies in the research proposal
Using internet to disseminate reports
Reports published directly to Web by suppliers and clients
Companies access material in corporate intranets or in password-protected locations on websites
reports immediately accessible to managers and interested parties worldwide
Reports incorporate full multimedia presentations, including text, graphics
Reports are fully searchable - can use search function instead of manually scrolling
following up
Important that findings are used
Management must decide if recommendations were followed