session 6 Flashcards
Less structured
Longer, more flexible interaction with fewer respondents
Good for problem exploration
in words
More structured
Shorter, more similar interaction with more respondents
Good for problem description and solving
Projective tests
Ambiguous, loosely structured activities to get respondents’ interpretations, attitudes, feelings, etc
Can reveal unknown attitudes and feelings, but can be biased and hard to quantify
Examples: word association, personification, sentence competition, story completion
What comes to mind when we see tim hortons logo? → coffee, canada, warm, fast food, etc, this is a good job of implanting itself in consumers mind and brand associations
Systematic process of recording patterns without directly communicating with the people involved
Information must be observable or inferable
Exception: mystery shoppers
Behavior should be: repetitive, frequent or predictable, relatively short
direct vs indirect observation
Direct vs indirect observation → current behaviour vs past behaviour
Ex: what percentage of customers ask for assistance to carry their shopping bags to their cars (observing the target behaviour as it is happening )
Ex: do consumers in certain neighborhoods recycle less than others (observing remnants of the target behaviour)
human vs machine
Mystery shoppers: pose as customers and slope in store to collect data as mich as customer staff interactions, product selection and prices, displays etc
Ex of mystery shopper:
Machine observation- ex:
Physiological measurement: eye-tracking, fmri, eeg, galvanic skin response, wearable technologies
Advantages of observation methods
Physiological measures and make interpretations
Not self reported, actual behavior
Does Not depend on willingness of respondent (make sure to be ethical)
Information can be gathered more quickly vs survey
No chance for recall error (a bias which exists in survey research)
Disadvantages of observation
Small number of subjects
Subjective interpretations
Inability to pry beneath behavior observed
Motivations, attitudes and other internal conditions are unobserved
Findings are not projectable into the future
Focus groups
Moderator leads in depth discussion
About a particular concept/ topic
With 9-12 participants
The moderators need to engage with subjects in ethical and they are well trained
Emphasis on group dynamics, interaction and open discussion
Can probe deeply and see group dynamics but can be non representative or swayed by group dynamics
moderator (focus group metahdlogy )
leads focus group
excellent communication and organizational skills
enoucrage feedback
manage dominant group members
discussion guide (focus group methodology )
outline of topics and questions
balance number of questions vs discussion of each question
dos of focus groups
make eye contact
acknowledge all answers
listen (wait for all answers )
use peoples names
ask people to share expeieeneces or stories
ask questions like how did that Make you feel, what do you mean by, your shaking your head what are you thikksig, anyone have a different epeirnece
donts of focus groups
lead respondents
ask why to everythijng
settle for the first answer
stick only to the guide’
ask yes or no questions
use industry jargon
In dept interview
Very loosely structured , 1 on 1 conversation
Small sample sizes, cannot generalize to population
Lots of detail and no group pressure
May be hard to reocgnize patterns between interviews
Why IDI vs focus group:
: sensitive topic discussion, subject to group biases, complex
interview technique (qualitative research) that can be used to generate insights on
presents customer knowledge in a hierarchal way
presents customer knowledge in a hierarchal way
- important product attributes
- why product attributes are important (=conseuqneces)
- why these consequences are important (= values and needs)
When is this method particulatry effective? Why would you use this method
position/ re position a product if misalignment of values associated with a produyct category and brand positioning
Crafting self relevant messages
Adaptive sales technqiye
Wont give you much info about different segments of consumers (you need more quantitative methods)
This form of technique can be tiring or broinh for the inTerviewee as the same questions are asked over and over again
Participants need to be highly involved and to like the brand to bein with