Session 6: Spiritual Health Flashcards
Awareness of one’s inner self and a sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or some purpose greater than oneself.
▪ A relationship exists between spirituality and healing.
▪ Healing often takes place because of believing.
▪ A link exists between mind, body, and spirit.
▪ A person’s inner beliefs and convictions are powerful resources for healing.
Scientific Knowledge Base
▪ Faith
▪ Hope
▪ Religion
▪ Inner Peace and Strength
▪ Meaning and Purpose in Life
▪ Connectedness with Oneself
Spiritual Well-Being
▪ Take a thorough faith history
▪ Experience in caring for clients in spiritual distress is
▪ Understand that each personality has a unique spirituality.
▪ Ask the patient how you can best support their spirituality and spiritual practices.
Critical Thinking for Best Spiritual Care
The _______ requires health organizations to
provide pastoral care
Joint Commission
▪ Acute/Chronic illness
▪ Terminal illness
▪ Near death experience
Factors Affecting Spirituality