Service and Support Applications Flashcards
10 Case Automation Features
1.) Case Assignment Rules
2.) Case Auto-Response Rules
3.) Case Escalation Rules
4.) Web-to-Case
5.) E-mail-to-Case
6.) Case Teams
7.) Case Queues
8.) Macros
9.) Ownership Transfer
10.) Support Channels & Features
Case Auto-Response Rules
- Can be used to send an automated e-mail response to a customer when a Case is created (informs the customer that their Case has been received)
- E-mail is ONLY sent to the Contact on the Case
- ONLY 1 of these rules can be active at a time
- Each rule can have multiple rule entries
- A survey can be sent automatically via e-mail when rules are met
- ONLY triggered and sent to the Contact when a Case is created
E-mail Alert
- Can be sent to anyone in SF
- Up to 10 e-mails cna be added on each criteria
Escalation Rules
- Can be used to perform up to 5 actions such as rerouting a Case and/or sending e-mail notifications to a User when it meets a certain criteria
- These types of rules make sure the Case is resolved in a timely manner, directing it to the right Users at the right time
- Only one of these can be Active at a time
- Each of these rules has rule entries where a criteria is set
- These actions are triggered if the Case is NOT closed after a selected number of hours
4 Examples of Escalation Actions
1.) Reassign a Case to a User or Queue
2.) Notify a User through e-mail
3.) Notify the Case owner through e-mail
4.) Notify up to 5 selected e-mail addresses
Case Teams
- These teams can be set up by an Admin in order for Support users to collaborate on closing Cases
- Needs to be added to the Case Page Layout under related lists
- Roles need to be created first in __________ Roles Setup and the level of access for each role can be determined
- Admins can use predefined ____ teams so Users can quickly add people they frequently work with on Cases
- When adding people to this type of team, Predefined Roles should be used
- Case owners have Read/Write access by default regardless of their Role in this type of team
- Admins can set up assignment rules to automatically add a ____ team to Cases that match certain criteria
- E-mail alerts can be set up to alert team members of any changes in a Case
Case Views
- Can be defined to List Cases based on certain criteria
- Queues can be used to hold cases not owned by any User
- A List View is automatically created to display Cases owned by a Queue
- Can be used as a holding place to hold Cases that haven’t been assigned ownership yet
- A List View is automatically created to display Cases owned by this
- An e-mail notification can be sent when Cases are assigned here
- Users, Roles, or Public Groups can be assigned as members of this
List View
Only Admins or Users with “Manage Cases” permission can change ownership in multiple Cases from this
Case Assignment Rules
- Used to automatically assign Cases to Queues or Users when they are created
- These can be triggered when manually adding a Case and when a Case is submitted via e-mail, website, or community
- Only one of these type of rules can be active, but each rule can have multiple rule entries
- Each of these types of rules has rule entries that are evaluated until a match is found, and then the Case is assigned
- Can be configured to allow Cases to be captured through an HTML web form embedded on a org’s website
- Fields can be selected to be included in the form
- Can capture up to 5,000 cases a day
- reCAPTCHA verification can be made required for customers’ requests
- Requests without verification do NOT generate cases
- Once this has been enabled, the System Admin can select fields to be included in the form, include a reCaptcha verification, and generate the HTML code
- The HTML code can then be used by the webmaster to embed it into the company’s website
- Cases can be generated from the customer emails sent to the org’s support email address
- Multiple email ‘Routing Addresses’ can be configured
- The default owner, priority, and origin for each Routing Address can be set
- Can be used to automate common repetitive tasks, such as inserting field values and searching for an article
- Can enhance agent productivity by increasing consistency with regard to agent workflows and communication with customers
- Prebuilt ______ are included in Lightning Experience
- 2 steps to making these:
1.) Define the basic information
2.) Create a set of instructions - ______ actions include:
1.) Insert field values
2.) Replace field values
3.) Post to social networks
4.) Search ‘Knowledge’ articles
Regular Macros
- Can be used as shortcuts to complete tasks that would otherwise take a lot of mouse clicks to do in the console
- For example, inserting an email template into an email in the case feed
Irreversible Macros
Performs actions that can’t be undone, such as sending outbound emails to customers or updating a case status
Bulk Macro
- Macro where agents can run on multiple cases at the same time
- Agents typically use this type of macro to respond to cases about the same issue
- Can be used to perform actions on multiple records at the same time and are available in List Views
- This type of macro is distinguished by a ‘lightning’ icon
Ownership Transfer
A Case record can be transferred from one User to another User or Queue using the ‘Change’ link next to the Case owner
Support Channels & Features
Support channels, such as Call Center and Live Agent, and Features, like Omni-Channel, can be used in Case management
- Can be used to route work requests to the most available and qualified support agents
- A Supervisor can be used to monitor agent workloads and the work itemsthat are routed by this type of channel. This Supervisor will show both queue-based routing and skills-based routing in separate tabs
- It allows agents to view the agent name, status, skills, work items, workload, and capacity
‘Omni Supervisor Agents’ Tab
- Tab which can be used to see agents online and offline status durations and their assigned work capacity, plus manage their queues and skills
- Agents can be filtered using column filter(s) (for example, to show only online agents, the ‘Status’ column filter can be used)
Omni-Channel Flow
- Consists of all the channel functionality brought within a Salesforce flow
- It supports routing setup for voice calls (beta), chats, messaging (beta), Cases, Leads, and custom objects
- Can be used to define dynamic and flexible routing rules
- A flow can be assigned to an interaction channel (ex: voice)
- Can be set to launch when a customer submits a chat, voice, or message
- The Flow executes a Route Work action to assign the work to a Queue, Skills, or Agent
- Can be created from scratch or from a Flow template
E-mail to Case
- Requires an agent to be installed behind the firewall
- Attachments can be greater than 25MB
- There’s a daily limit on how many e-mails can be processed
- Cases can be automatically created from e-mails sent by customers
On-Demand E-mail-To-Case
- Forwards e-mails from support e-mail addresses to the e-mail service address provided by Salesforce
- Attachments can be smaller than 25MB
- Number of user licenses determines max number of e-mails processed
- No installation required
Task Settings
Settings which will define if a task will be created from the email
Case Settings
- Found under ‘Support Settings’, and contains customizable defaults, notification options, and email templates used by all support automation features
- Setting where default priority and case origin field values are defined
- Support settings cover notification preferences to both users (Case Owners) and customers (Case Contacts)
- Can enable default case owner or queue
- Default case owner, notifications and when they are sent, and templates used for notifications can be set with these settings
Feedback Survey
Can be automatically sent to the Case contact when a Case is closed, or when Case Auto-Response rules are met
- Customizable records that track and manage customer support interactions, such as questions, complaints, or requests
- Can be created manually or be set up to be created automatically
- Further automation can be done by using assignment rules to automatically route newly-created _____
- A new ____ can be created manually entering the record details in the CRM or by cloning an existing ____
- These can be created from e-mail, web, chat, phone, or text message
- Assignment rules can automate ____ routing to designated Users or Queues
8 Case Management Capabilities
1.) Support Process
2.) Case Milestones
3.) Private & Public Comments
4.) Knowledge
5.) Case Information
6.) Collaboration
7.) Case E-mails
8.) Service Console
Support Process
- A process that defines the Stages different cases may go through in their life cycle
- Can be created using the ‘Status’ field to define a lifecycle for Case records and related to a record type
- Case Status is one of key fields on the Case record detail page
- These with different sets of case status values can be defined and related to a case record type
Case Milestones
- Represents time-dependent steps in a support process
- This helps agents give a consistent support service to customers
- The required support steps related to a Case can be tracked or access on a Case record using this related list
- These can be tracked by adding the component to the record page or by adding the related list to the page layout
- Can be added to Cases and Work Orders
- Workflow Actions can be added to these
Private & Public Comments
- This list can be used to add notes to a Case
- Comments can be made Private or Public
- Support agents can browse for and create these types of articles
- Can be referenced to assist in resolving a case
- These can be associated with Cases
- Example article types include FAQ’s, product manuals, processes, guidelines, and tutorials
Suggested Articles
Can be enabled to allow support agents to resolve cases more efficiently using Knowledge articles containing answers to common questions asked by customers
Case Information
The Case record page contains several important fields, such as Case Number, Case Type, Case Reason, and Case Priority
- Feature which include tools that allow support agents to efficiently communicate internally and externally with customers for faster resolution
- Case updates can be tracked and displayed from the case feed
- Case comments is a communication tool that can be used to post updates on the case internally or publicly
- Emails can be sent from and received into the Case record
- The Case Feed can be accessed on a Case record to comment and ___________ with other Users to resolve the Case
Case E-mails
- Features such as E-mail-to-Case and Auto-Response Rules can be utilized
- E-mails can be sent to customers from Salesforce
- Can be sent and received directly on the Case record page
Service Console App
- App which can be set up to allow support agents to manage multiple records on a single screen in Salesforce
- Uses a tab-based workspace app to allow managing multiple records on a single screen
- Can be set up in both SF Classic and in Lightning Experience
- Reduces the time spentclicking and scrolling to quickly find, update, and create records
- The Utility bar (or Footer in Salesforce Classic) can be used to access various productivity tools such as Macros, History, and Softphone
- Supports features such as:
1.) Case Feed
2.) Knowledge
3.) Highlights Panel
4.) Interaction Log
5.) Macros
6.) Quick Text
7.) Softphone
8.) Chat
Case Management
- Supports the Case lifecycle
5 Features of Case Creation
1.) Manual Creation
2.) E-mail-to-Case
3.) Web-to-Case
4.) Auto-Response Rules
5.) Case Assignment Rules
4 Features of Case Management
1.) Support Processes
2.) Service Console
3.) Case Milestones
4.) Knowledge
3 Features of Case Collaboration
1.) Case Feed
2.) Case Comments
3.) Case E-mail
3 Ways to Manage Cases in Salesforce
1.) Support Processes
2.) Service Console
3.) Knowledge
Support Process
- A process that defines the stages different Cases may go through in their lifecycle
- ‘Case Status’ is one of the key fields on the ‘Case Record Detail’ page
- Can be related to a Case Record Type
- Stages are determined through Picklist values in the ‘Status’ field of a Case’s record page
- An Approval Process can be set up for certain support Cases to require approval between Stages
Service Console
- Shows a bird’s eye view of the Cases in the List View, as well as the Case that I select
- This tool has a Utility bar at the bottom where I can easily access different applications and integrations
- Article-based function in Salesforce that give me answers to very FAQ’s
3 Ways to Close a Case
1.) Feed Action - The System Admin can create a custom action that will update the status of the Case from the Feed
2.) A Path - Displays the progress of the Case based on the ‘Status’ field. It can be used to update the Case status
3.) Status Field - If proper permission is enabled, this field can be used to close the Case
Case Number
Auto-number, read-only, and automatically assigned when a case is created
Case Type
- Picklist values that can be customized by the administrator and define the nature of case
- Ex: Question or Problem
Case Reason
Picklist values that can be defined to record the reason the case was opened
Case Priority
Picklist values that determine the level of urgency in solving a particular issue; useful in Case Escalation and Assignment rules
Case Origin
- Picklist values used to record where the case originated from
- Ex: Phone, E-mail, Web
Case Status
- Picklist values that determine the current stage in a Case’s life cycle
- The Case can be closed by selecting a ‘Closed’ status
Internal Comments
Found under ‘Related Items’, these comments are not displayed to the customer/contact
Case Record Types
Can be created to display different picklist values
5 Buttons that can be made available on the Case Record Page
1.) Accept Case
2.) Merge Cases
3.) Clone
4.) Change Owner
5.) New Child Case
Accept Case
- A button that can be clicked to change the Case owner to the logged in user
- This is also available in Case List Views to change one or more Cases at one time
Merge Cases
A button can be clicked to merge up to 3 duplicate cases to create one master record
- A button that can be clicked to create a copy of a Case record
- This is typically used when reopening an old Case
Change Owner
A button that can be clicked to quickly change the record owner to available Users or Queue
New Child Case
- A Feed Action that allows creating a new case from an existing Case record
- A parent-child relationship is established between these records
Case Merge
- Merging duplicate case records
- Up to 3 duplicate cases can be merged to create a Master case
- Salesforce recommends keeping the duplicate cases after merging, but it is also an option to soft-delete them
Support Settings
Can help Users automate case management
Case Feed
- Can be used for users to collaborate to resolve a case
- A Chatter feed on the case record
- Users can comment and follow the case
- Comments will appear in chronological order
- This type of item can be marked as ‘Public’ or ‘Private’
- Items marked ‘Private’ are visible only to Internal Users
- Items marked ‘Public’ are visible to BOTH Internal and External Users
- Can be configured to show quick actions and all the case interactions, including Chatter posts, case emails, questions related to the case, and attachments
Case Comments
- A related list item that stores external conversation between the agent and customer or just internal notes by the agent
- Comments may be private:
1.) Comments created and tracked for internal use only
2.) Comments are not displayed to the customer
Comments can be made public and visible to a case’s Contact on a:
1.) CustomerPortal
2.) Self-ServicePortal
3.) ChatterAnswers
Case Process
A support process that defines the stages different cases may go through in their life cycle
5 Case Key Fields
1.) Status to define where in the life cycle the case is
2.) Case Type
3.) Case Reason
4.) Case Priority
5.) Case Origin
5 Case Automation Tools Available
1.) Case Queues
2.) Auto-Response Rules
3.) Escalation Rules
4.) Assignment Rules
5.) Macros