Ingredients: Aggravated injuring (a)
s.191 (2) (a) 7 years with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of an imprisonable offense, Injures Any person
Ingredients; Aggravated wounding (c)
s.191(1)(c) 14 years w. intent to avoid arrest of facilitate the flight of himself or any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of an imprisonable offense. Wounds or Maims or Disfigues or Causes GBH or Stupefies or Renders unconscious or By any violent means renders any person incapable of resistance To any person
Ingredients: Wounds w. intent to injure
s.188(2) 7 yrs w. intent to injure OR w. reckless disregard for the safety or others Wounds, Maims, disfigures or causes GBH to any person.
Ingredients; Aggravated Injuring (c)
s.191(2)(c) 7 years W intent to avoid arrest or facilitate flight of himself or another upon the commission of an imprisonable offense Injures Any person.
Ingredients; Injures w. intent to injure
s.189(2) 5 years With intent to injure OR with reckless disregard for the safety of others Injures Any person.
Ingredients: Wounds w. Intent to cause GBH
s.188(1) 14 yrs w. intent to cause GBH to anyone Wounds, Maims, Disfigures, Causes GBH To any person
Ingredients; Aggravated injuring (b)
s.191(2) (b) 7 years W intent to avoid detection of himself or another person in the commission of an imprisonable offense Injures Any person
Ingredients; Aggravated wounding (b)
s.191(1)(b) 14 years With intent to avoid detection of himself or any other person in the commission of an imprisonable offense. Wounds, or maims, or disfigures, or causes GBH, or stupefies, or renders unconscious, or by any violent means renders any person incapable of resistance. To any person
ingredients: Injures w intent to cause GBH
s189(1) 10 yrs w. intent to cause GBH to anyone Injures Any person
Ingredients; Aggravated wounding (a)
s.191(1)(a) 14 years w. intent to commit or facilitate the commission of an imprisonable offense. Wounds, or maims, or disfigures, or causes GBH, or stupefies, or renders unconscious, or by any violent means renders any person incapable of resistance To any person
definition: with intent to cause GBH
INTENTION A person does something intentionally if they mean to do it, they desire a specific result and they act with the purpose and aim of achieving it. R v MOHAN A decision in so far as it lies within the accuseds power to effect an act. R v WAAKA A fleeting or passing though is insufficient their must be a firm act and a firm purpose to effect an act. R v TAISALIKA The nature of the blow and gash which it produced on the complainants head would point strongly to the necessary intent. GBH The term GBH simply means harm that is really serious. DPP v SMITH Bodily harm needs no explanation and grievous means no more and no less than really serious.
definition: Wounds
R v WATERS A breaking of the skin would commonly be regarded as characteristic of a wound. The breaking of the skin would normally be evidenced by the flow of blood and in its occurrence at the site of a blow or impact. The wound will more often than not be external but their are cases where the bleeding which evidences the separation of the tissues may be internal.
definition: Maims
Maiming will involve mutilating, crippling or disabling part of the body so the victim is deprived of a use of the limb or one of the senses, there needs to be some degree of permanence.
definition of ingredient: disfigures
To disfigure means to deform or deface: to mar or alter the figure or appearance of a person.
To deform covers not only permanent damage but temporary damage also.
Definition: with intent to injure any person
Intent R v mohan R v Waaka Rv TAISALIKA The nature of the blow and the gash on the complainants head would point strongly to the presence of the necessary intent. INJURE s.2 CA61 means to cause actual bodily harm. R v DONOVAN Bodily harm includes any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health and comfort of the victim and it need not be permanent, but must no doubt be more than merely transitory or trifling .