Septic Arthritis and Rheumatic Fever Flashcards
Differnetial diagnosis for hot swollen knee joint/ joints
Septic arthritis, rheumatic fever, other reactive arthritis, trauma
Gram stain revision
Gram +: Streptococci: alpha haemolytic: pneumoniae, Beta: pyogenes; staphyococci
Gram -: Nesseria meninigitidis
Gram + bacillus: Clostridium, listeria
Gram - bacillus: Haemophillus influenzae, enteric pathogens e.coli, salmonella
GAS disease burden
Acute pyogenic/suppurative: tonsilitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, septic arthritis
Non suppurative/inflammatory sequelae: Acute rheumatic fever/RHD, post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
Septic arthritis
note most common cause staph then strep
- Occurs often in childhood
- occurs with fever and malaise
- swelling, erythema
- Joint held in position that maximise joint capsule volume: Flexed knee, flexed abducted ext rotated hip
- Joint aspirate
- Must be diagnosed quick to prevent any growth plate disruption
Septic arthritis management
Joint washouts
IV antibiotics
Then oral course, total a few weeks
Following throat infection GAS. Occurs several weeks before
Generalised inflammation: heart, joints, skin
Can lead to RHD (damage to valves)
Jones criteria
Used to diagnose rheumatic heart disease. 2 Major or 1 major and 2 minor criteria
Major: Carditis, polyarthritis (asymmetircal and migratory), sydenhams chorea, erythema marginatum
Minor: fever, polyarthrlagia, raised CRP or ESR, prolonged PR on ECG
Arthritis vs arthralgia
Arthritis: Limitation of movement, hot joint and pain or tender to palpate
Arthralgia: pain only
How does RF occur
Autoimmune mechanism where antibodies created against strep interact with similar host proteins. e.g M protein and cardiac myosin
Importance of strep antibody titres
Neede to confirm strep and ARF. Use ASO (antistreptolysin) and anti-DNAse B titres.
Preventing RF and managing
managing: best rest, monitor systemic inflammation (CRP)IM penicillin every 4 weeks for next ten years
Preventing: Penicillin
Septic arthritis vs RF
Septic arthritis: Any age group, acute active infection, arthritis due to bacteria in joint, staph or strep, treat with cleaning and antibiotic (aqueous penicillin G, then IM benzathine penicillin G)
RF: school age 5-15, AI, multisystem, penicillin used long term