Malignant blood disorders Flashcards
Polycythaemia presentation
note is a myeloproliferative neoplasm
Huge spleen, elevated haemoglobin, elevated haematocrit
associated elevated platelets?
differential with compromised respiratory failure and increased epo, renal carcinoma?
Hodgkins, younger adults
Non-Hodgkins all ages
Myelomas/Multiple myeloma
Cancers of plasma cells
Replace bone marrow and release cytokines that increase bone lysis (lesions in bone on radiography?)
Leukaemias are?
Proliferation of HSC’s/ immature bone marrow cells. Failure of differentiation, proliferate and replace regular marrow, spills into peripheral blood.
Myeloid or lymphoid stem cells usually
Acute leukaemia subtypes
AML-acute myeloid (predominantly adults 85%)
ALL- acute lymphoblastic (predominantly children 85%)
Causes/ pathogenesis of leukaemia
Congenital risk factor
Viral infections (HTLV1)
Chemical/Damaging drugs
Most cases can not identify why
Reminder of CML and drug to treat
t(9;22) some ALL too but in all CML
Signs and symptoms of acute leukaemia. Cause of these?
Cause: bone marrow failure
Anaemia: Dyspnoea, fatigue, chest pain (low Hb)
Neutropenia: infection, wounds slow to heal
Thrombocytopenia: easy bruising and bleeding (wet petechiae?)
Other: Bone marrow-bone pain, enlarged liver, spleen, nodes,
Leukaemia diagnosis
blood count: low Hb, increased white cells (blasts), low neutrophils and platelets.
Bone marrow biopsy, >20% blasts
Specialised testing: immunophentoyping, chromosome, molecular studies
Acute leukamia therapy
Induction therapy, consoidation and maintenance
Bone marrow transplants (autologous (own) allogeneic)