SEPT. 26 & OCT. 3 Flashcards
What is the “self”?
The sum total of who a person is.
what is self-concept?
A person’s subjective description of who they think they are
What is an attitude?
A learned predisposition to respond to a person, object, or idea in a good or bad way
What are beliefs?
The ways in which we structure our understanding of reality (what is true and false)
What are values?
Enduring concepts of good and bad/ right and wrong
what does mindfulness mean?
The ability to consciously think about what you are doing and experiencing rather than responding out of habit or intuition
What are roles defined as?
Behaviours we exhibit that vary with others and contexts
In what order are attitudes, values, roles, and beliefs, the easiest to change down to the hardest to change?
Roles (easiest)
Values (Hardest)
What are 5 ways our self-concept (roles, attitudes, values, beliefs) change?
- Interactions /w others
- Associations /w groups
- Roles we assume
- Owen labels
- Own personality traits
What is a self-label?
- Labels we use to describe our own attitudes, beliefs, values, roles
- Actions also play a role in shaping self-concept
What are the 5 major personality traits?
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Neuroticism
- Openness
What is self-worth?
Your evaluation of your own worth/value based on your perceptions of your skills, abilities, talents, appearance, etc., and how/if they are valued by society.
What is social identity?
Qualities and behaviours that come from perceived group membership or identification
What is the symbolic interaction theory?
Theory that people make sense of the world based on their interpretation of words or symbols used by others
What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
The idea that when people expect their beliefs about themselves to come true, they often do
What is the Johari Window and what are the 4 components?
-Model used to think about how your level of disclosure /w others varies across contexts.
-Set to look like panes in a window, /w the window representing yourself.
4 parts:
Open: known to self and known to others
Blind: Not known to self but known to others
Hidden: Known to self but not known to others
Unknown: Not known to self or others
What % of emotional meaning is verbal?
What is verbal communication?
That which occurs through spoken or written language
What is nonverbal communication?
Communication that occurs through behaviour besides written and spoken language
What are denotative and connotative words?
Denotative: Literal meaning or content, descriptive
Connotative: Associated feeling or attitudes, interpretive
What is polarization speech?
Describing and evaluating what we observe in extremes, such as good or bad, old or new, beautiful or ugly ( “Either/or” speech, “all or nothing”)
What is the basic goal of conversation?
To establish genuine dialogue
What is the difference between aggressive and assertive communication?
Aggressive: Pursue your interests by denying right of others (more self-oriented)
Assertive: Pursue your interests without denying others of their rights (more other-oriented)
What type of communication is the PRIMARY way we express feelings and attitudes?
Nonverbal communication
Define the purpose of these 5 movements/gestures:
- Emblems
- Illustrators
- Affect displays
- Regulators
- Adaptors
- Emblems: Gestures /w cultural meaning
- Illustrators: Gestures that emphasize/enhance speech
- Affect displays: Movement that signals emotion
- Regulators: Cues to manage communication flow
- Adaptors: Behaviour that adapts/responds to personal need
What are the 4 main functions of eye contact?
- Cognition: info abt person & messaging
- Monitoring behaviour: Nonverbal & msg congruency
- Regulation: Signaling to others, communication flow
- Expression: Communicates emotions
What % of emotional meaning is communicated by the face?
What are micro expressions?
Quick expressions you make in response to emotions, can’t always control or realize them
What % of emotional content is through the voice?
What are the Four Zones of Space?
Public space= 3.5+m
Social Space=1.5-3.5m
Personal Space=0.5-1.5m
Intimate Space=0-0.5m
What is the first thing we tend to notice about a person?
Their appearance