Sepsis Flashcards
What is the definition of sepsis, and differentiate between early and late sepsis
EOS - Onset less than 48 hours
LOS - Onset more than 48 hours
Identify predisposing risk factors that may lead to early and late onset neonatal sepsis
- immature immune system, thinner skin, multiple procedures
- At 30 weeks infants have half the immunoglobulins a term infant does
- IGM and IGA antibodies transferred in 3rd trimester and nd 4 weeks postpartum respectfully
- often prem babies also lack the passive immunity from mum through breastmilk
- maternal pyrexia >38 in labour
- maternal UTI or GI infection
- multiple obstetric procedures
- Invasive procedures eg. IV insertion
Cross infection
- prolonged hospitalisation
- from visitors or staff
Babies with urinary tract anomalies
- ureter reflex
Describe the S+S of a septic neonate using a systems approach
CNS - rule out hypoglycaemia or cold stress
- irritability
- lethargy
- high pitched cry
- hypotonia
- hypertonia
- fever
- hypothermia
- seizures
- tremors
RESP - rule out resp distress conditions
- rib retraction
- nassal flaring
- cyanosis
- tachypnoea
- grunting
- apnoea
- tachycardia
- bradycardia
- arrythmia
- hypertension
- hypotension
- ABG derangement - acidosis, alkalosis
GIT - rule out NEC
- poor feeding
- abdo distension
- loose stools
- hypoglycaemia
- hyperglycaemia
- vomiting - bile stained
- pale
- mottled
- jaundice
- peticheal rash - could be DIC
What midwifery interventions can minimise the risk of an infant becoming septic (with rationale)
Hand hygeine - 5 moments, bare below elbows etc.
Prophylactic IVABs
Early screening
- blood cultures
Maintaining sterile or individual equiptment
Resiting NGT as per policy
Resiting IV or inserting art line
Assessing skin integrity and VIP regularly
Reducing overcrowding
Introducing breastmilk as early as possible
Educating parents and visitors
Baseline obs
What midwifery goals of care and interventions can be implemented to care for the septic newborn
- ## IVABS 7-10 days
Explain sources of infection in a newborn
- mother
- envorment
- equipment
Identify common pathofens to which neonates are most succeptible
Early Sepsis:
- TORCH - Toxoplasmosis, other agents, rubella, CMV, Herpes symplex virus
- Listeria
- Group A strep
Late Sepsis:
- coag neg staph
- E. Coli
- Candidia
What is used to diagnose sepsis
Golden standard - positive blood culture
CRP - elevatedindicates infection
lumbar punctures
Urine collection if UTI is suspected
CXR to distinguish from pneumonia