SEO Digital Advertising Acronyms Flashcards
AOV (Average Order Value)
What is the average of the orders received?
AR (Augmented Reality)
It is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on the user’s view of the real world.
đAS (Article Submission)
It is a process of submitting an article related to your website.
BH (Black Hat)
The people who increase their page’s rank in SEO through illegal means.
BL (Backlink)
When a web page links to another page, it is called a backlink.
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart)
It is a method to check whether the user is a person or robot.
CF (Citation Flow)
It is a number of predicting how influential a URL might be based on how sites link to it.
DFO (Data Feed Optimization)
It is the foundation of any google shopping feed optimization strategy.
DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion)
It is a feature provided by Google Ads, Microsoft AdCenter, and Yahoo. It is a process of dynamically inserting a keyword.
DLR (Deep Link Ratio)
It is the comparison of the number of backlinks that go to pages under the top-level of the website to the total number of backlinks of the entire website.
DMoz (Directory Mozilla)
It is a multilingual open-content directory of World Wide Web links.
DMP (Data Management Platform)
It is a platform used for collecting and managing data, mainly for digital marketing purposes.
DNS (Domain Name System)
It is the system of naming the domains.
DR (Domain Ranking)
The system of ranking the domains in the search engines.
DR (Direct Response)
The response of the customers to the business that is only shown to the organization.
DS (Directory Submission)
It is the process of submitting the directory to the search engine.
EPM (Earning per Month)
It is to know what are the earnings of your business per month.
ESP (Email Service Provider)
The providers which are enabling you to send and receive emails like Google, Yahoo, etc.
FBML (Facebook Markup Language)
The coding language of Facebook is called FBML.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
It is a standard network protocol that is used for the transfer of computers between a client and a server on a computer network.