Sensorimotor Skill Development Flashcards
GM prone 0-2 mo (8)
turns head side to side; lifts head momentarily; bends hips with bottom in air; lifts head and sustains midline; rotates head freely when up; able to bear weight on forearms; able to tuck chin and gaze at hands in forearm prop; attempts to shift weight on forearms, resulting in shoulder collapse
GM prone 5-6 mo (5)
shifts weight on forearms and reaches forward; bears weight and shifts weight on extended arms; legs are closer together and thighs rolls inward toward natural alignment; hips are flat on surface; equilibrium reactions are present
GM prone 5-8 mo (1)
airplane posturing in prone position (chest/thighs lift off surface)
GM prone 7-8 mo (2)
pivots in prone position; moves to prone position to sit
GM prone 9 mo (1)
begins to dislike prone position
GM supine 0-3 mo (2)
head held to one side; able to turn head side to side
GM supine 3-4 mo (4)
holds head in midline; chin is tucked and neck lengthens in back; legs come together; lower back flattens against the floor
GM supine 4-5 mo (2)
head lag is gone when pulled to a sitting position; hands are together in space
GM supine 5-6 mo (5)
lifts head independently; brings feet to mouth; brings hand to feet; able to reach for toy with one or both hands; hands are predominantly open
GM supine 7-8 mo (1)
equilibrium reactions are present
GM rolling 3-4 mo (2)
rolls from prone position to side accidentally because of poor control of weight shift; rolls from supine to side
GM rolling 5-6 mo (3)
rolls from prone to supine; rolls from supine to side with R and L leg performing independent movements; rolls from supine to prone with R and L leg performing independent movements
GM rolling 6-14 mo (1)
rolls segmentally with roll initiated by the head, shoulder, or hips
GM creeping 7 mo
crawls forward on belly
GM creeping 7-10 mo
reciprocal creep
GM creeping 10-11 mo
creeps on hands and feet
GM creeping 11-12 mo
creeps well
GM sitting 0-3 mo (7)
*held in sitting
head bobs; back is rounded; hips apart/turned out/bent; head steady; chin tucks (able to gaze at floor); sits w/ less support; hips bent and shoulders in front of hips
GM sitting 5-6 mo (7)
supports self in sitting; sits alone momentarily; increased extension in back; sits by propping forward on arms; wide base/legs bent; periodic use of “high guard” position; protective responses present when falling to the front
GM sitting 5-10 mo (2)
sits alone steadily (initially w/ wide BOS); able to play with toys in sitting position
GM sitting 6-11 mo (1)
gets to sitting position from prone
GM sitting 7-8 mo (3)
equilibrium reactions present; able to rotate UB while LB remains stationary; protective responses are present when falling to the side
GM sitting 8-10 mo (4)
sits well w/o support; legs closer/full upright w/ knees straight; increased variety of sitting positions (w-sit and legs to side); difficult FM task = return to wide BOS
GM sitting 9-18 mo (1)
rises from supine by first rolling to prone then pushing up to 4-point position
GM siting 10-12 mo (2)
protective extension back (first straight then bent elbows); able to move in and out of sitting to other positions
GM sitting 11-12 mo (2)
trunk control and equilibrium responses are fully developed in sitting; further increase in variety of positions possible
GM sitting 11-24+ mo (1)
rises from supine by first rolling to side then pushing up to sit
GM standing 0-3 mo (1)
when held in standing position, takes some weight on legs
GM standing 2-3 mo (1)
when held in standing, legs may give way
GM standing 3-4 mo (4)
bears some weight on legs but must be held proximally; head is up in midline/no chin tuck; pelvis and hips are behind shoulders; legs are apart and turned outward
GM standing 5-10 mo (1)
stands while holding onto furniture
GM standing 5-6 mo (4)
increased capability to bear weight; decreased support needed (may be held by arms or hands); legs still spread apart/turned out; bounces in standing position
GM standing 6-12 mo (1)
pulls to standing at furniture
GM standing 8-9 mo (3)
rotates trunk over LE; LE more active in pulling to stand; pulls to stand by kneeling, then half kneeling
GM standing 9-13 mo (2)
pulls to standing with legs only (no longer needs arms); stands alone momentarily
GM standing 12 mo (1)
equilibrium reactions present in standing
GM walking 8 mo (1)
cruises sideways
GM walking 8-18 mo (1)
walks w/ two hands held
GM walking 9-10 mo (1)
cruises around furniture, turning slightly in intended direction
GM walking 9-17 mo (1)
takes independent steps, falls easily
GM walking 10-14 mo (1)
walking: stoops and recovers in play
GM walking 11 mo (3)
walks with one hand held; reaches for furniture out of reach when cruising; cruises in either direction w/ no hesitation
GM walking 15 mo (1)
able to start and stop in walking
GM walking 18 mo (2)
seldom falls; runs stiffly with eyes on ground
GM release 0-1 mo
no release; strong grasp reflex
GM release 1-4 mo
involuntary release
GM release 4 mo
mutual fingering in midline
GM release 4-8 mo
transfers object from hand to hand
GM release 5-6 mo
two-stage transfer; taking hand grasps before releasing hand legs go
GM release 6-7 mo
one-stage transfer; taking hand and releasing hand perform actions simultaneously
GM release 7-9 mo
volitional release
GM release 7-10 mo
presses down on surface to release
GM release 8 mo
releases above a surface w/ wrist flexion
GM release 9-10 mo
releases into container with wrist straight
GM release 10-14 mo
clumsy release into small container; hand rests on edge of container
GM release 12-15 mo
precise, controlled release into small container with wrist extended
GM stair climbing 15 mo
creeps up stairs
GM stair climbing 18-24 mo
walks up and down stairs while holding on
GM stair climbing 18-23 mo
creeps backwards down stairs
GM stair climbing 2-2 1/2+ yr
walks up and down stairs w/o support, marking time
GM stair climbing 2-3 yr
walks up stairs alternating feet
GM stair climbing 3-3 1/2 yr
walks down stairs alternating feet
GM jumping/hopping 2 yr
jumps down from step
GM jumping/hopping 2 1/2+ yr
hops on one foot, few steps
GM jumping/hopping 3 yr
jumps off floor w/ both feet
GM jumping/hopping 3-5 yr
jumps over objects
GM jumping/hopping 3 1/2- 5 yr
hops on one foot
GM jumping/hopping 3-4 yr
gallops, leading with one foot and transferring weight smoothly and evenly
GM jumping/hopping 5 yr
hops in straight line
GM jumping/hopping 5-6 yr
skips on alternating feet, maintaining balance
Feeding 5-7 mo
takes cereal or poured baby food from a spoon
Feeding 6-8 mo
attempts to hold bottle but may not retrieve it if it falls; needs to monitored for safety reasons
Feeding 6-9 mo
holds and tries to eat cracker but sucks more than bites; consumes soft foods that dissolve in mouth; grabs at spoon but bangs it or sucks on either end
Feeding 9-13 mo
finger feeds self a potion of meals consisting of soft table foods (eg. macaroni, peas, dry cereal) and objects if fed by an adult
Feeding 12-14 mo
dips spoon in food, brings spoonful of food to mouth, but spills food by inverting spoon before it goes into mouth
Feeding 15-18 mo
scoops food with spoon and brings it to mouth
Feeding 24-30 mo
demonstrates interest in using fork; may stab at food such as pieces of canned fruit; proficient at spoon use and eats cereal with milk or rice with gravy with utensil
Self Dressing 1 yr
cooperates with dressing (holds out arms); pulls off shoes, removes socks; pushes arms through sleeves and legs through pants
Self Dressing 2 yr
removes unfastened coat; removes shoes if laces untied; helps pull down pants; finds armholes in pullover shirt
Self Dressing 2 1/2 yr
removes pull-down pants w/ elastic waist; assists in pulling on socks; puts on front-button coat or shirt; unbuttons large buttons
Self Dressing 3 yr
puts on pullover shirt w/ min A; puts on shoes w/o fasteners (may be wrong foot); puts on socks (may be heel on top); Ind pulls down pants; zips/unzips jacket once on track; needs A w/ removing pullover shirt; buttons large front buttons
Self Dressing 3 1/2 yr
finds front of clothing; snaps or hooks front fastener; unzips front zipper on jacket, separating zipper; puts on mittens; buttons series of 3-4 buttons; unbuckles shoes or belt; dresses w/ SUP (needs help w/ orientation)
Self Dressing 4 yr
removes pullover Ind; buckles shoes or belt; zips jacket zipper; puts on socks correctly; puts on shoes w/ A for tying; laces shoes; consistently identifies front/back of garment
Self Dressing 4 1/2 yr
puts belt in loops
Self Dressing 5 yr
ties and unties knots; dresses unsupervised
Self Dressing 6 yr
closes back zipper; ties bows; buttons back buttons; snaps back snaps
Toileting 1 yr
indicates discomfort when wet or soiled; has regular BM
Toileting 1 1/2 yr
sits on toilet when placed there and supervised (short time)
Toileting 2 yr
urinates regularly
Toileting 2 1/2 yr
achieves regulated toileting w/ occasional daytime accidents; rarely BM accidents; tells someone that he/she needs to go; may need reminders to go; may need help getting on/off toilet
Toileting 3 yr
goes Ind; seats himself/herself on toilet; may need help wiping; may need help w/ fasteners or difficult clothing
Toileting 4-5 yr
Ind w/ toileting (managing toilet paper, wiping, flushing, washing hands, managing clothing)
Home Management 13 mo
initiates housework
Home Management 2 yr
picks up and puts toys away w/ reminders; copies parent’s domestic activities
Home Management 3 yr
carries things w/o dropping; dusts w/ A; dries dishes w/ A; gardens w/ A; puts toys away w/ reminders; wipes up spills
Home Management 4 yr
fixes dry cereal and snacks; helps w/ sorting laundry
Home Management 5 yr
puts toys away neatly; makes sandwich; takes out trash; makes bed; puts dirty clothes in hamper; answers phone correctly
Home Management 6 yr
does simple errands; does household chores w/o redoing; cleans sink; washes dishes w/ A; crosses street safely
Home Management 7-9 yr
begins to cook simple meals; puts clean clothes away; hangs up clothes; manages small amounts of money; uses telephone correctly
Home Management 10-12 yr
cooks simple meals w/ SUP; does simple repairs w/ appropriate tools; begins to do laundry; sets table; washes dishes; cares for pets w/ reminders
Home Management 13-14 yr
does laundry; cooks meals