Fetal Sensorimotor Development Flashcards
gestational age
age of fetus/newborn in weeks from first day of mother’s last normal menstrual cycle
normal gestational period
38-42 weeks
conceptual age
age of fetus/newborn in weeks since conception
First Trimester: muscle spindle development
muscle starts to differentiate; tissue becomes specialized
First Trimester: touch/tactile system
first sensory system to develop; response to tactile stimulus
First Trimester: vestibular system
functioning at end of first trimester (not fully developed)
First Trimester: vision
eyelids fused; optic nerve and cup being formed
First Trimester: auditory
First Trimester: olfactory
First Trimester: taste
taste buds develop
First Trimester: movements
sucking; hiccuping; fetal breathing; quick generalized limb movement; positional changes; 7.5 wks: bend neck/truck away from perioral stroke
Second Trimester: muscle spindle
motor end plate forms; clonus response to stretch
Second Trimester: touch/tactile system
receptors differentiate
Second Trimester: vestibular system
no change
Second Trimester: vision
startle to light; visual processing occurs
Second Trimester: auditory
will turn to auditory sounds
Second Trimester: olfactory
Second Trimester: taste
no change
Second Trimester: movement
quickening; sleep states; grasp reflex; reciprocal and symmetrical limb movements
Third Trimester: muscle spindle
some muscles mature and functional, others still maturing
Third Trimester: touch/tactile system
touch functional; actual temperature discrimination at end of third trimester
Third Trimester: vestibular system
no change
Third Trimester: vision
fixation occurs; able to focus at fixed focal length (10 in)
Third Trimester: auditory
debris in middle ear, loss of hearing
Third Trimester: olfactory
nasal plugs disappear, some olfactory perception
Third Trimester: taste
can respond to different tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, salt)
Third Trimester: movement
28 weeks: primative motor reflexes; rooting, suck, swallow; palmar grasp; plantar grasp; MORO; crossed extension