Domain 4 Flashcards
Professional development activity
Methods by which a certificant can accrue PDU to meet NBCOT certification renewal requirements, examples include:
professional service
professional workshops/courses/independent learning
professional presentations
fieldwork supervision
Professional development unit (PDU)
Value assigned to the completion of a specific professional development activity accepted for NBCOT certification renewal, examples include:
providing level I fieldwork direct supervision 1 PDU per student
authoring a practice-area article in a peer-reviewed professional journal 10 PDU per article
Continuing education unit (CEU)
Credit assigned by the International Association of Continuing Education (IACET) to the completion of 10 contact hours of an organized continuing education/training experience, typically administered by a qualified instructor
Meta analysis
Method for combining and contrasting quantitative results from various studies without statistical synthesis of the results, used to find patterns and relationships
Systematic review
Method for analyzing research studies in the literature with a focus on:
a specific topic or question
collecting data based on specific search criteria
coding and evaluation of data
interpretation of results
summarizing findings
Quasi-experimental research design
Non-randomized research study design used to determine whether an intervention or program has a causal impact on participants
Case study research design
Research study design that includes a qualitative analysis of group or individual by collecting data without manipulation of an independent variable, commonly used to analyze the effects of new interventions, may include:
Literature review
Research study design that includes a qualitative analysis of group or individual by collecting data without manipulation of an independent variable, commonly used to analyze the effects of new interventions, may include:
Directional hypothesis
Research question in which the researcher is able to predict if outcomes related to variable manipulation will be positive or negative (i.e., single-tailed)
Null hypothesis
Research statement in which the researcher predicts outcomes related to manipulation of variables
Nondirectional hypothesis
Research question in which the researcher cannot predict if outcomes related to variable manipulation will be positive or negative (i.e., two-tailed)
Research procedure of assigning subjects to groups, by chance, without influence Provides best statistical confidence in research studies
Control group
Participants used in research that closely match the experimental group but do not receive the study protocol, used for comparison to help isolate the independent variable
Survey research design
Method of inquiry in which a pre-determined set of questions is used to collect information about participants’ demographics, opinions, level of satisfaction (e.g., customer satisfaction survey)
Qualitative research
Formalized method of inquiry for gaining an in-depth understanding of attitudes, concerns, and behaviors, may include:
focus groups
Quantitative research
Systematic method of inquiry that attempts to answer a hypothesis using statistical analyses, may include:
experimental studies
customer surveys
goal audits
Search term
Keyword(s) used during an electronic literature inquiry to seek and find specific evidence in a database
PICO method
Acronym that describes the method used to formulate a clinical or research question P - patient/population I - intervention/indicator C - comparison/control O - outcome
Process by which an individual evaluates their own perceived knowledge and skills related to a specific professional area of practice Results used to identify current strengths and future professional development needs
Continuing competence
Obligation to enhance professional knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis to deliver best practice services and protect stakeholders, may include:
engaging in professional development
assimilating evidenced based information
acquiring a new practice-related skill
Peer review
Process of receiving verbal or written feedback from colleagues regarding job performance, may be used to:
enhance self-assessment process
integrate in a continuing competency plan
Professional development portfolio
Process of receiving verbal or written feedback from colleagues regarding job performance, may be used to:
enhance self-assessment process
integrate in a continuing competency plan
Performance appraisal
Process of receiving formal feedback on job performance from a supervisor, may include:
establishing expectations and career goals
accomplishment review
Organizational policy
Process of receiving formal feedback on job performance from a supervisor, may include:
establishing expectations and career goals
accomplishment review
Organizational procedure
Step-by-step performance, expectations, and actions that need to occur in order to abide by polices outlined for a workplace
Infection control
Policies and procedures used in healthcare intended to minimize or prevent nosocomial infections and the spread of health-related diseases, methods include:
hand hygiene
isolation systems
The Joint Commision
Accrediting and certification organization for healthcare organizations with focus on performance-based standards related to:
Professional licensure
Process by which a profession is regulated by a government agency at the state level in order to protect the public from unqualified practitioners Sets forth a high standard of professional conduct to which licensed personnel are held accountable
Professional certification
Process where the individual demonstrates the knowledge required to perform specific job-related tasks identified as delineated through the outcomes of a practice analysis study
Practice act
Describes the legal parameters of service delivery the professional is permitted to undertake within the terms of their state/jurisdiction, typically grounded by the professional scope of practice and includes requirements for: scope of practice (legal definition) referral licensure continuing competence supervision
Process of restricting communication of protected health information to within proper limits In health care provision it is a legal and ethical expectation
Continuous quality improvement
Structured managerial method used to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness of processes and procedures to foster an ongoing commitment to:
problem resolution
customer satisfaction
organizational learning
data driven decisions
training for all levels of the organization
data driven decisions and measurable outcomes
OT program evaluation
Process of assessing the quality of professional service and specific programs in relation to:
Stage of team development: Forming
Stage of team development characterized by:
introductions to team members
generally positive and polite interactions
unclear team member role delineations
leader-dominated role
Stage of team development: Storming
Stage of team development characterized by:
conflict and lack of cohesion within the team
frustration among team participants
low levels of trust within the team
resistance of team members to take on tasks
Stage of team development: Norming
Stage of team development characterized by: respect for leader authority initiation of synergistic team work Initial development of some trust stronger commitment to team goals
Stage of interprofessional team development: Performing
Stage of team development characterized by: effective team capacity reciprocity of respect for roles high trust level optimal levels of productivity
Scope of Practice
Standards published by AOTA describing the domains of practice, evaluation and intervention processes, and educational requirements for the OT and OTA. Helps support state laws and regulations governing the practice of occupational therapy
OT aide
Staff member with no formalized OT education who may provide non-skilled support to the occupational therapy process under direction and close supervision of the OT and OTA practitioner
OT-OTA relationship
Collaboration between an occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant to deliver client-centered services in accordance with a specific practice act and relative to:
practice setting
level of service competence
supervisory plan
Electronic medical record
Compilation of medical and treatment history using protected digital means, enables access to health information for tracking interventions, progress and outcomes, quality of care, and client visits
Utilization review
Process of auditing health records to assess: necessity of services cost-effectiveness of services efficiency of services compliance with policies and procedures
Billing codes
Process of annotating a service by attaching an alpha-numeric descriptor to medical services or durable medical equipment, primarily used for reimbursement and service accountability
Approved abbreviations
List of permissible shorthand or symbols used during clinical documentation Awareness and compliance with site specific standard is necessary
NBCOT Practice Analysis Study
A large-scale survey design used to gather practice data from thousands of entry-level OTR® and COTA® certificants Survey respondents are asked to rate the criticality and frequency of the major domains, tasks, and knowledge for occupational therapy Results of the study lead to the formation of the NBCOT examination blueprints
Scaled Score
Test scoring procedure involving a mathematical conversion of the number of items that a test-taker correctly answers on a test transformed so that there is a consistent scale used across all forms of a test Similar to converting from pounds to kilograms or centigrade to Fahrenheit (e.g., the weight or temperature has not changed, only the format used to report the units)
Registered trade mark of the national certification body for occupational therapy professionals in the United States The mission is to serve the public interest by advancing client care and professional practice through:
evidenced-based certification standards
validation of knowledge essential for effective practice in occupational therapy
Validated domain, task, knowledge statements
Statements based on the outcomes of a practice analysis study that outline job requirements of the profession and span the certification exam blueprint:
domains: broadly define major performance components
tasks: describe activities performed by practitioners within each domain
knowledge: describe information required to perform each task competently
NBCOT Practice Standards
Guidelines of the OT national credentialing body outlining expectations for quality occupational therapy care, holding OTR® and COTA® certificants accountable for delivering consistent, high quality services Consist of four sections: practice domains code of professional conduct supervision documentation
NBCOT Code of Conduct
Guidelines of the OT national credentialing body outlining expectations of professional responsibilities for present and future occupational therapy certificants Violation of any of the eight principles will initially result in investigation and action by the national credentialing body
NBCOT Disciplinary actions
Following an investigative process, actions taken as a consequence for violation of the Code of Conduct, as outlined by the national OT credentialing body, may include one or more of the following sanctions: ineligibility for certification reprimand censure probation suspension of certification revocation of certification
NBCOT Early Determination
Process whereby, current and prospective OT/OTA students, may request completion of a background review prior to actually applying for the NBCOT certification exam Used to determine if issues in their relevant past may negatively influence certification examination eligibility
NBCOT Character Review Program
A process that enables the national OT certification organization to protect the public from certificants whose behaviors fall short of standards for personal and professional conduct as outlined in the NBCOT® Practice Standards and Code of Conduct
Acronym associated with the legislative act that prohibits discrimination in employment, public buildings, housing, and transportation based solely on a disability
Acronym associated with the legislative act that protects client health care information
Acronym associated with the accrediting organization that recognizes rehabilitation facilities for their commitment to outcomes and continuous improvement of their programs and services
Acronym associated with the legislative act regulating state and public agencies related to the educational needs for children with disabilities including:
early intervention
special education
transitional services
Electronic medical record
Compilation of medical and treatment history using protected digital means, enables access to health information for tracking interventions, progress and outcomes, quality of care, and client visits
Observational research study design
Research study design used to analyze behaviors or outcomes of subjects, conducted:
without influence from the researcher
in natural or controlled environment