Semester Test 1 Flashcards
The term Homo sapiens means
“Wise human”
What is a method used to determine the age of artifacts?
Radiocarbon dating
In this passage, Richard Leaky was describing an early human like creature that walked upright called a(n)
The Paleolithic Age is
The period in which humans used simple stone tools
The real change in the Neolithic Revolution was the
Shift from hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture
The ability to acquire food in a regular basis meant that humans
Could give up their nomadic ways of life and begin to live in settled communities
Anthropology is the study of
Human life and culture
The term “Homo erectus” means
“Upright human”
The use of fire by early humans reminds us that
Sometimes they adapted by changing the environment, not themselves
The six characteristics of civilizations are cities, government, _____, social structure, writing, and art
A government by divine authority is called
A theocracy
The process of slowly drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting is called
Farming in ancient Mesopotamia resulted in an abundance of food, which
Enabled civilization to emerge
Hammurabi is remembered for
His law code, a collection of laws for Mesopotamia society
Hieratic script, a simplified version of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, was used
For business transactions, record keeping, and the general needs of daily life
Cyrus the Great showed such wisdom and compassion when he conquered Babylon that
Everyone accepted him as ruler
Which leader of the Persian Empire extended it to become the largest empire the world has yet seen?
Which of the following elements contributed to the efficient system of communication that was crucial to sustaining the Persian Empire?
Well-maintained roads and way stations that provided food, shelter, and fresh horses for the officials
Modern historians have divided Egyptian history into three major periods know as
The Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom
What is the importance of the Phoenician alphabet?
Basis for English alphabet
The Aryans lived in tribal groups and had strong tradition of
Being warriors
This Indo-European written language was started by the early Aryans around 1000 B.C.
In the Chinese culture, priests made these to communicate with the gods
Oracle bones
These are characters that combine two or more pictographs to represent an idea
This ruler was said to have “the chest of a bird of prey, the voice of a jackal, and the heart of a tiger”
Qin Shihuangdi
Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
Founder of Buddhism
The Silk Roda was a
Trade route between the Roman Empire and China that ran through India’s Kushan Kingdom
The Qin dynasty created the censorate, a part of the central bureaucracy that
Had inspectors who checked on government officials to make sure they were doing their jobs
One of the technological advances of the Han dynasty was
The invention of water mills for grinding grain
The first Han emperor discarded
Legalism and adopted Confucianism
The Mycenaeans were a group of people who prided themselves on their
Heroic deeds in battle
The period after the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization is called the
Dark Age
The main gathering place in the Greek city-state at the top of a hill on a fortified area was called an
An Athenian family’s primary function was to
Have children
He was the chief go and after of the gods according to Greek religion
After spending many years traveling and writing, the man pictured above founded an academy where he taught using the Socratic method
By 750 B.C., the _____, or city-state, became the central focus of Greek life
The government of Sparta was an oligarchy, which means that it was
Ruled by the few
Which of the following happened at Thermopylae?
A Greek force of 7,000 held off the Persian army of 180,000 for 2 days
Which Greek playwright wrote Oedipus Rex?
By the end of the second century B.C., this group had become the governing body of the Roman state
During the third and second centuries B.C., Romans adopted features of this style of art
This Jewish prophet traveled and preached in Judaea and Galilee
Diocletian and Constantine’s policies were based on
Control and coercion
In early Rome, praetors were in charge of these laws
Which of the following is a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote?
Which of the following was a period of peace and prosperity that lasted almost 200 years?
Pax Romana
______ became the first Christian emperor
The body of laws known as the _____ was one of Rome’s chief gifts to later generations
Law of Nations
The First Triumvirate was made up of the Roman Republic
Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar
Which of the following rulers created a dramatic growth in arts and sciences?
The Abbasids
What was Muhammad’s profession when he received his revelations?
Caravan manager
Which of the Five Pillars of Islam must be done five times each day?
The Rubaiyat is a Muslim….
Work of Literature
Muhammad began to meditate in the hills because
He became troubled by the gap between the honesty of most Makkans and the greediness of trading elites in the city
After Muhammad’s death, Muslim scholars drew up the shari’ah, which is
A law code that provides believers with a set of practical laws to regulate their daily lives
It was through the Muslim world that Europeans
Recovered the works of Aristotle Bx other Greek philosophers
Omar Khayyan is most famous for
His literary works, especially the Rubaiyat
A crucial part of every Muslim city or town was the _____, which was a covered market
One of the Five Pillars of Islam, the hajj is
A pilgrimage to Makkah
King Ezana converted to
The area of Africa that just into the Atlantic Ocean is the
Hump of Africa
Sleeping sickness is caused by
The tsetse fly
Islamic culture was spread in Mali by
Mansa Musa
Farming people’s who spoke dialects of the _____ family of languages moved into East Africa
All members of a lineage group claimed descent from
A common ancestor
Most African women did all of the following except one. Which one?
Tended cattle
Slaves included all of the following EXCEPT
Some criminals
Most African societies believed in which of the following?
A single creator god
Which Chinese religion taught that the world was divided into a material world and a spiritual world, and that the goal of humans was to move from the material world into a union with Supreme Ultimate?
The Japanese word kamikaze means
“Divine wind”
Technological developments during the Tang Dynasty included
As a result of trade, the city of Changan became
The wealthiest city in the world
The Mongols, led by Genghis Khan,
Brought much of the Eurasian landmass under a single rule, creating the largest land empire in history
The samurai of Japan were a new class of military servants whose purpose was to
Protect the security and property of their employers
Which two factors contributed to the failure of Kublai Khan’s invasion of Japan in 1281?
The Kamakura shogunate and a massive typhoon that destroyed most of the invading fleet
Followers of Theravada see Buddhism as
A way of life
In the Tang and Song Eras, the old landed aristocracy was replaced by the ____ as the political and economic elite of Chinese society
Emperor Tang Xuanzang is remember for
His devotion to a commoner’s daughter
Which of the following is NOT a vow made by a monk who joins a monastery?
Why was it necessary for a knight to have a very large horse? The horse needed to be able to
Carry heavy armor
Under Germanic law, if an accused person was unharmed after a physical trial, or _____, he or she was presumed innocent
Saint Benedict founded a community of monks that
Established the basic form of monasticism in the Catholic Church
The Carolingian Renaissance was
A revival of learning and culture
The Vikings were made part of European civilization by
The Frankish policy of settling them and converting them to Christianity
Which of the following was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold?
The Magna Carta was a document that
Eventually was used to strengthen the idea that a monarch’s power was limited, not absolute
Which if the following led the Muslim forces to retake Jerusalem from the crusaders?
Under early Germanic law, a wrongdoer had to pay ____, or “money for a man,” to the family of the person he or she had injured or killed
At which point in the guild system did a person work for no wages?
Which of the following languages would NOT be used in vernacular literature?
Which conflict resulted in the loss of political power by the Catholic Church?
The Great Schism
Which of the following was a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare?
Dominic de Guzman believed the best way to attack heresy was
The formation of a new religious order of men who lived lives of poverty and preached effectively
The chief task of ____ was to harmonize Christian teachings with the worlds of the Greek philosophers
Which of the following was written in the language of everyday speech in a particular region?
Vernacular literature
Joan of Arc brought the Hundred Years’ War to a decisive turning point by
Inspiring the French with her faith
Spain’s two strongest kingdoms—-Castile and Aragon—-were united when
Isabella married Ferdinand
Peasants were required to pay their local village church a tithe, which was
10 percent of their produce
Which on of the following Mesoamerican civilizations created a sophisticated writing system using hieroglyphics?
The Grand Council, an experiment in democracy, was
A new way that the Iroquois could deal with their problems
Which of the following lives in the Southwest, in present-day New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado?
The Anasazi
The Maya civilization was
Composed of city-states, each governed by a hereditary ruling class
The Aztec practiced human sacrifices in order to
Delay the final destruction of the world
Since the Inca lacked a writing system, they
Kept records by using a system of knotted strings called the quipu
The Aztec initially accepted the Spanish because
They believed that the representatives of Quetzalcoatl had returned
Which of the following was the supreme god of the Maya?
The Hopewell people’s are especially known for
The earth mounds they built
The Plains Indians used the buffalo for
Food, clothing, tools, and shelter
The Renaissance was all of the following EXCEPT
The end of poverty
The city-state that was led by a group of wealthy merchant-aristocrats was
Machiavelli encourages rulers and would-be rulers to believe that
Human nature was self-centered
The Renaissance artists of Northern Europe painted which of the following?
Detailed books of illustrations
All of the following are associated with painting during the High Renaissance EXCEPT
Paintings and sculptors of the Renaissance were more
Charles V ruled all of the following lands EXCEPT
The division of Christianity in Germany into Catholic and Lutheran states was recognized by which of the following?
The Peace of Augsburg
King Henry VIII did all of the following EXCEPT
Conquer the lands in France
The Anabaptists believed that
Church and state should be separate
The “fleets of the desert” were
Camel caravans