Ch 1 Flashcards
With the archaeological finds at Clovis, New Mexico scientists have evidence if human habitation as far back as _____ years ago
In the 1900s, a Vikings colonial expedition to North America was led by
Leif Erikson
The highly prized luxury goods of the medieval Europeans can from the distant country they called
Hernando de soto
Ravaged the northern gulf coast and the southeastern woodlands in a quest for treasure
At the arrival if Columbus, North America was inhabited by about ____ people
7 million
Chaco Canyon flourished as the center of Anasazi culture until
Prolonged drought forced them to move
The only domesticated animal possessed by Archaic Indians in North America was the
Christopher Columbus was a native of
The Treaty of Tordesillas
Divided the world between Spain and Portugal
Antagonism between France and Spain in Europe spilled over into the Americas in a struggle to control
The human population fanned out across the Americas because
They followed herds of bison and other mammals that were their principal sources of food
The Portuguese were motivated to undertake oceanic exploration for all the following reasons EXCEPT
Spain was conquering their lands and they needed new areas to settle
Another Italian, John Cabot,
Established England’s claim to North America
Which if the following was NOT a feature of Mayan culture?
They’re revered the jaguar
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Crossed the Great Plains in search of Cibola, the city of gold
The St. Lawrence River region was explored by
Jacques Cartier
The great metropolis and capital of the Aztec empire was
The best evidence of cultural diversity among Archaic Indians is
An impressive feature of the Hopewell culture was its
Vast trading network
The largest ancient earthwork in North America is found at
Which if the following was NOT a motivation for England’s entry into America in the late 1500s
Spain recruited England as an ally in their conflicts with France
Vasco da Gama
Voyages all the way to India and brought back a cargo of spices
A significant technological contribution of the Mississippians was the use of
The bow and arrow
Which if the following was NOT an exploit if Sir Francis Drake?
He established England’s first colony in North America
Columbus’ crew feared they would
Not have enough supplies for the voyage home
Spain’s first claims to mainland North America were made by
Ponce de Leon
One if Columbus’ major miscalculations was his
Underestimation of the size of the earth
The Viking settlement in ______ survived until 1450
Which of the following is NOT a good crop domesticated and cultivated by Archaic Indians?
The architect and sponsor of Portugal’s overseas expansion was
Prince Henry
England’s first American colony at Roanoke was established by
Walter Raleigh
Folsom, New Mexico is important because
Evidence of human activity dating from The Ice Age was found there
Ferdinand Magellan
Led an expedition which circumnavigated the globe
Perhaps the most decisive factor in the Spanish conquest of Mexico was
European diseases such as smallpox which devastated the population and society
The great urban centers of Peru and Mesoamerica
Had no counterparts farther north
Cortes’ conquest and plundering of the Aztec empire was paralleled by
Pizarros conquest of the Inca in Peru
The first powerful Mesoamerican culture was the
The kiva was an important element of ____ religion
All of the following archeological sites predate the Clovis site EXCEPT
Head-Smashes-In, Alberta
In all, Columbus made ______ voyages in search of China
Most scholars believe the earliest inhabitants of North America
Crossed the Bering land bridge into America from Asia
While the date of the “Lost Colony” on Roanoke remains a mystery, evidence suggests the
Survivors had joined the nearby Croatan Indians
The “devastation of the Indies” had all of the following EXCEPT
The region was opened to exploitation by Spain’s European rivals
The first master if ocean sailing was
Which of the following was NOT an established culture of the North American Southwest by 500 AD?
Which was NOT an item brought to Europe from the Americas?
The dominate feature of the city of Teotihuacan was the
Temple of the sun
An unforeseen consequence early in Portugal’s exploration was the
Development if the African slave trade with Europe
One of the most promising new fields for understanding ancient humans is
DNA research
Through the Mississippians, ______ became the basis of the agricultural revolution in the Eastern woodlands.