Ch 2 Flashcards
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the English Civil War?
The king was captured and beheaded by puritans
In Florida, the principal method of converting the native population was
Establishing schools and teaching Indians to read as well as learning Catholic doctrine
Maryland was the first English colony to
Grant freedom of worship to all Christians
French overseas expansion had been delayed some years because of
Civil war and religious upheaval at home
The Dutch East India Company hired ______ to find a northern passage to China
Henry Hudson
After years of marginal survival, Jamestown prospered with
The introduction of the profitable crop, tobacco
Peter Minuit
Purchased Manhattan Island and established New Amsterdam
Sebastian Vizcaino
Attempted to establish connection and trade between Japan and Spain
The text argues that the Pequot War was launched
To clear the land of Indians and open it to white settlers
Squanto was instrumental in securing the help from the village controlled by
Which of the following non-Dutch groups was NOT represented in the cosmopolitan culture of New Netherland?
The English established Jamestown on land controlled by the Indian chief
Which of the following was NOT true of Peter Stuyvesant?
He expelled Quakers and other radical Protestants from New Netherland
The most active religious order in New France was the
Kiliaen van Rensselaer, an Amsterdam merchant,
Was the first and most successful patroon in the New Netherlands
Samuel de Champlain
Devoted his life to developing New France
The “headright” system included all of the following except
Enough seed to plant a first crop of tobacco
Samuel de Champlain secured an alliance and the friendship of the
Algonquin and Huron
During the reigns of James I and Charles I
Religious and economic forces prompted many English to migrate overseas
English Separatists
All of the above
The House of Bugesses
Was the earliest legislature in North America
The first French to exploit the resources of North America were
Which of the following statements is true regarding Anne Hutchinson
All of the above
By the time of Queen Elizabeth’s death in 1603, England possessed all of the following elements to compete for colonial outposts EXCEPT
Peace with Spain and other potential rivals in the Americas
Of all the items brought to New Mexico by the Spanish, _______ had the most revolutionary impact on the society and economy
In the 1640s, immigration to New England slowed because
Of political upheaval brought on by the English Civil War
Instrumental to the survival of New Mexico in the 1600s was the
Persistence if Franciscan missionaries who pressured the government not to abandon the territory
Spain added the overseas empire of Portugal to its own during the reign of
Phillip II
In 1624, the king made Virginia a royal colony controlled by the crown because
Disgruntled investors complained if company mismanagement
All of the following foods or items were brought to New Mexico by the Spanish EXCEPT
The London Company’s first attempted to establish a settlement in
Richard Hakluyt is best known
As a promoter and publicist for English overseas expansion
After the arrival of the Spanish in Florida and the southeast, the native population was
Cut in half by the spread of European diseases
Jain de Onate was instrumental in developing the Spanish province of
New Mexico
Spanish colonization efforts in the Philippines were challenged by the
The nemesis of Puritans in England was
William Laud, Bishop of London
In contrast to Plymouth and Jamestown, at Boston
There was no “starving” time
English Puritans followed the teachings and doctrines of
John Calvin
In the 1660s New Netherland was captured by the
Which of the following is NOT true on Roger Williams
He was an advocate if the separation of church and state
The first permanent English settlement in North America was
_______, the governor, gave Jamestown organization and stability
John Smith
George Calvart established Maryland as a
Refuge for English Catholics
Which of the following nations was NOT an emerging rival to Spain’s power
John Eliot
Created an Indian bible
Cardinal Richelieu’s power in France epitomized the
Rising Counter-Reformation
The first Puritan settlement was
Coronado’s expedition was followed up on by the expedition of
Juan de Onate
The long-time governor of the Plymouth colony was
William Bradford
The Massachusetts Bay Colony was led by
John Winthrop