Sem 2 - Mass Marketing Communications Flashcards
what is Shchramms model of communication?
- information is of no use unless and units it is carefully put into words and conveyed to others
- encoding ery important as it intimates the process od communication by converting the thought into content
- when info reaches recipient prime responsibility is to understand the intent
- message of no use until second party decode info
- encoding and decoding two out important factors in communication
- communication is not complete unless the sender receives feedback from recipient
what is encoding?
the way we process and interpret information
what is meant by noise in schramms model?
how do you cut through everyone else and make it impactful and make it something your going to remember
who is the target audience in which companies are communicating customer value to?
- customers
(business to business: suppliers customers is manufacturer - how do they promote themselves) - channel members
- general stakeholders
what are the two ways in which you can put forward products to the target audience?
push or pull strategies
what is a push strategy?
promotional strategy where business attempt to take their products to the customers
attempting to push products not customers
usually producers go to retailers and wholesalers who then go to consumers
what is the pull stragey?
get customers to come to you
attempts to create brand loyalty and keep customers coming back, whereas push marketing is more concerned with short term sales
use it when they know what a customer is looking for
usually customers go to retailers who go to producers
what are promotional objectives?
what are the aims of out communication?
what are the buyer readiness stages?
stages in which a customer passes on way to adopting a good service
- awareness
- knowledge
- liking, initial interest
- preference over competing
- conviction of its suitablilty
- purchase
what is the AIDA model?
stands for attention(cognitive), interest, desire (affective) and action (hevaioural)
steps customers goes through when purchasing a product
often said that if you’re advertising is missing just one it will fail
usually for special goods or shopping goods
how much should you decide to spend on the promotional budget?
- based on affordable budget
- percentage of sales method
(how much can i sell to get it back) - competitive parity method
(look at what competitors are doing - how much they are spending) - objective and task method (what are you aiming to achieve, why are you doing it? reputation? launch? )
what is the promotion mix?
a blend of promotional tools used by marketers to help a firm reach its goals
using the right blend of pm ensures that a business will continue gaining customers and achieving success in both the short and long run
what are the tools used in the promotional mix?
1) personal selling
2) direct marketing
3) public relations
4) sales promotion
5) advertising
what is involved in personal selling? pm
most costly tool but most effective
builds long term relationship between client and employee
useful when dealing with customers with larger amounts of money
what is direct marketing ? pm
uses technology to target clients individually
telephone calls, apps, emails and catalogs
useful since ut targets individuals
mailing lists - marketing to masses by personalising receipts
what is involved with public relations? pm
such as social media public relations campaign as the masses use it
what is involved with sales promotion?
provide a great way to get customers to buy a particular service or product
attraction factor - sales promo useful in service industry, once their is a promotion such as 20% off people are attracted
bundling - bundling offers, two meals for a set price
what is involved in advertising?
key role in promoting business
social media marketing currently taking over from traditional forms f advertising, have to be careful as once you [ost something it can be seen and it is out there
what is advertising
any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor
why might a product use advertising?
both product and brand/company use advertising
- pioneering (Dyson)
- competitive
- reminder and reinforce
why might a brand use advertising?
- pioneering
- image building
- advocacy
what is the purpose of advertising campaigns?
usually a mix
what do we need to communicate to the target audience in order to achieve this objective? what kind of message?
- meaningful (does the consumer care?
- believable (what evidence do you have?)
- distinctive (could another brand say it?)
these message not normally stated in the ad but given to the creative team who then use it as a base for the ad
how do companies usually develop
- to encode the advertising message many companies outsource to creative agencies, bring in marketing people, even then if your talking about a huge ad campaign you may go to outsource, social media allows it to be done in house
- choosing advertising media: outsource to media agency, such as attracting press, hire press agencies
what the best way to communicate our message? what message should be used?
think about different ways in which represent the brand
- slice of life
- lifestyle
- fantasy
- mood/image
- musical
- personality / symbol
- technical expertise
- scientific evidence
- testimonial endorsement
how can advertisiments be crowdsourced??
leverage (use to maximum potential) of social media via crowdsourcing
how do we select advertising media?
look at who we want to reach (% of target audience exposed to ad) and frequency (how regular you want the message to come across)
what are the advantages of using tv as advertising media?
- high reach
- low cost per exposure (can cost between $200 - 130,000 for 30 seconds)
- multi sensory
what are the limitations of tv as an advertising media?
- expensive
- high clutter (very annoying, a lot of adverts)
- fleeting exposure (expected to remember what you saw)
- limited audience selectivity (is some e.g. time of day)
what are the advantages of radio as advertising media?
- high geographic and demographic selectivity
- low cost
what are th disadgantves of radio?
- audio only, limits creative execution (not nultisensory)
- fleeting exposure (no choice to rewind)
- low attention
- modernisation of cars, bluetooth
- clutter, switch stations when adverts come on
advantages of newspapers?
- timelessness (even though they are not needed anymore people still continue to buy them, touring)
- good local market coverage
what are the disavnatges of newspapers?
- short life
- poor production quality, may miss important parts of messages
- mostly for news, may not pay attention to adverts
what are the advantages for magazines?
- high demographic selectivity
- credibility and prestige (ELLE/VOGUE)
- high quality production, colours
- long life, Voge monthly
what are the advantages of outdoor media?
- high repeat exposure
- low cost per exposure
- selective position
what are the diasdanatges of outdoor?
- little audience selectivity - wastage, no one may look or the wrong people may look
- creative lmitations, the space to do stuff
what are the advantages of online media?
- high audience selectivity
- low cost
- immediacy
- interactivity
- pay for action
what are the disadbatges of online media?
- clutter
- ad avoidance
- once its out its out
how do we select specific media types?
- targeting and wastage
- reach, frequency
- CPT = cost per thuosance
- contextual fit, does it fit in with your brand and image, mobility scooters, may not do it on twitter
who are ASA?
regulate advertising in the UK, taking action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements
1 complaint = ASA investigation = potential ban
what are examples of things that can’t be advertised?
- cigarettes
- drink
- gambling
have to be careful whether they are included in your advertisement
what are the advantages of advertising as a promotional tool?
- broad reach
- control
- garuenteed audience
what are the disadvantages of advertising as a promotional tool?
- perceived bias
- mass approach
- clutter and advertising blindness
- expense
- wastage
what is public relations?
- building good relations with the ompanys various public by obtaining favourable publicity
public relations is about reputation, the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you
what are publics?
any group with some common characteristic, with which an organisation needs to communicate
- commercial (customers, suppliers, competitors)
- general (public, community, pressure groups)
- financial (shareholders, investors, bankers)
- media
- internal (employees)
- authority (gove)
what are media relations?
relationship that a company develops with someone in the media
has now spread into social media
what are the advantages of media relations?
- press releases and press kits (pre packaged set of promotional materials that provide info about a company)
- press conferences
- ‘press’ section of website
what are disadgatges of media relations?
- attention grabbing
- useful and thorough (big videos)
what is a PR stunt?
planned event designed to attract publics attention to company and media
e. g. 2018
- NowTV giant statue of Jeff Goldblum in front of tower bring
what are other PR tools and functions?
- internal communications
= in house newsletter and bulletin
= briefings - lobbying
- sponsorship (Robsinons 80 years at Wimbledon)
advantages of PR?
- credibility
- wide reach
- cost effective
- relations
diasdavatges of PR?
- limited control
- unpredictable
why do you need advertising and PR?
need to be able to compare and contrast them as advertising tools