Consumer behaviour - 5 Flashcards
what is the chapter about?
- understanding who buys an how a product is consumed
- stages of consumer decision making process
- explore types of buying decision making process
what is the first rule of brines?
find out what the man you are dealing with wants and give it to him
what is the stimulus response model of buyer behaviour?
shows the way in which consumers reposed to marketing stimuli
marketing and stimuli = marketing mix, macro env, influencing factors
buyers black box = buyers characteristics, decision process, buyers go through number of stages (consumer bhavouour focuses on this)
- buyer responses = purchase behaviour
what did phillip kotler say about consumer behaviour?
‘answers are often locked within the consumers head’
what has research shown about consumer behaviour?
95% of thoughts and feelings occur in unconscious mind, not always aware why we make decision
what are the different roles in the buying process?
- initiator (begins process)
- influencer (persuades other)
- decider ( makes ultimate decision - holds buying power)
- buyer (conducts transaction - can be different from the decider and could end up getting whole different product)
- user (consumes the product)
what do you need to know in regards to consumption of a particular product?
- when is the product consumed? - is there a specific season
- where is the product consumed? private vs public (very important, as if you do in public this may affect which brand you buy)
- how is the product consumed
- how much is needed? can affect production and how it is marketed
what is the decision making process affected by?
- individual preferences
- group preferences
- situational preferneces
- marketing mix
how many stages are involved in the decision making process?
what are the five stages involved with the decision making process?
1) need recognition / problem awareness
2) information search
3) evaluation of alternatives
4) purchase
5) post purchase evaluation of decision
what is involved with need recognition / problem awareness?
- functional need recognition (can arise from unpredicted event or if a product breaks e.g. need an outfit to a party) - difficult as problems occur spontansaly
- emotional recognition (might want to buy a certain product for status reasons
- triggered by internal and external stimuli (internal = bored/hungry) (external = influenced by marketing, advertismsnets stimulate consumers on current state and could do better)
- not every ned might trigger a purchase due to need inhibitor
what is a need inhibitor?
aspects like money or time
prevent you from satisfying a need
what is involved with information search?
- high involvement purchases / ones with a lot of commitment, have a lot to lose
- identification of alternative ways of problem solution
- internal search sources (what do you already know, memory, own experience)
- external search sources
- objectives to build up awareness / choice set (consideration set - what is available in the market, what do i need to look out for when buying omething such as a car) awareness set: all the different brands which are available and which could solde a consumers problem
- marketer needs to make sure that the info is easily available for the consumers, identify where consumers each and how make it more easily available
- take into account satisfied consumers ,most influential in marketing campaign
what is involved in evaluation of alternatives?
- uses info to evaluate alternative brands in choice set
- narrow down choice set into two or three brands
- evaluation / look at pros and cons for high involvement risky purchases (technical, economic, social , personal)
- rule of thumb: things you always do, such as choose cheapest, things on offer, if you know the influences people then advertise it this way
- purchase involvement (high vs low)
what is involved with purchase?
- consumer actually buys the product
- preference and purchase intention do not always result in actual purchase choice
- influenced by attitude of others and unexpected situational factors
- may go into a shop and go back to consideration set if assistant influences you
what is involved in post purchase evaluation of the decision?
- after purchase, may have doubts, especially high risk products
- evaluate how good choice was, does not fulfil expectations, others peoples opinions…
+ affects likelihood of repeat purchase
+ cognitive dissonance = buyers discomfort (higher if price is higher) - ads can act as a positive reinforcement
- after sales service (influence post evaluation John Lewis if laptop breaks you can borrow one)
what is the adoption process?
mental process an individual goes through from first learning about innovation to final regular use
what are stages in adoption process?
awareness - interest - evaluation - trial - adoption
what are the four types of buying behaviour?
- complex buying behaviour
- dissonance reducing buying behaviour
- variety seeking behaviour
- habitual buying behaviour
what is complex buying behaviour?
when there is high involvement products and significant difference between brands
what is dissonance reducing behaviour?
when there is high involvement but little difference between brands - such as comparing iPhones and samsung
what is variety seeking behaviour?
low involvement and sig differences between products
can be influenced still at point of purchase, unlikely buyers are going through all stages of decision making process so can eb influenced by twigs such as packaging
what is habitual buying behaviour?
low involvement few differences
do it constantly as a habit
behaviour driven as bahibts
influence at point of purchase buy promotion but not as easy as variety seeking bahvour
what are the factors Kotler said affected consumer behaviour?
- culture
- social
- personal
- psychological
what is included in culture factors>
- subcultures
group of people within a culture with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations, includes nationalities rleginals etc - social classes
what is social factors?
groups and social networks (membership status)
family (spending power, roles, composition)
roles and stats
what is reference group in a social factors?
set of people a consumer wants to please or intimate, aspirations,
what are personal factors?
age and life cycle stage
lifestyle (activities, interest and opinions)
occupation and economic status (consumption patterns)
personality and self concept
what are psychological factrs>
Maslows hierarchy of needs and related products
- high level needs
+ self actualisation, enriching experiences (holidays)
+ego needs, prestige, status (car, clubs)
+belonginess, loves, acceptance (clothing, drinks)
+safety, security (insurance, alarm)
+physiological, water, sleep (medicines, generics)
perception, how we select and interpret info