5 - Consumer Behaviour Flashcards
what are the key questions when looking at consumer behaviour?
- how do they buy
- what are their choice criteria
- when do they buy
- where do they buy
- who is important
how many roles can their be in the decision making process?
Miniard and Engal (2005)
what are the five roles in the decision making process?
- initiator: person who begins the process of conserving the purchase, info may be gathered by this person
- influencer: attempts to persuade others in the group concerning outcome of decision
- decider: the power or financial authroyt to make ultimate choice
- buyer: conducts transaction
user: actual consumer of product
(one person may assume multiple roles in process but they can also be different people, event decider and buyer)
what factors affect the decision making process?
- individual influences
- group influences
- situational influences
- marketing mix
how many stages ae there in the consumer decision making process?
describes how a consumer buys a product
what are the steps in the consumer decision making process?
- need recognition / problem awareness
- information search
- evaluation of alternatives
- purchase
- post-purchase evaluation of decision
what is involved in the need recognition stage?
an be split into functional and emotional need recognition
functional = e.g. like buying a fridge emotional = wants, not needs in particular, perfume more about status
degree to which consumer intends to preserve problem depends on desired and present situation but also the importance of the problem (if car breaks)
how can need recognition be triggered by external and internal stimuli?
internal: feeling, being bored or hungry
external: influenced by the product itself, how it looks
what do marketers need to be aware of in the need recognition stage?
(market implications)
- needs: being more attuned to customer needs creates competitive advantage, intuition, such as a silent washing machine surveys etc should be used to fin out the needs of consumers in order to redisedn
- need inhibitors: potentially stop a purchase, e.g. lack of trust from customers, eBay problem was that people didn’t trust they would get product so set up PayPal system as insurance
- need stimulation: encourage a purchase, developing advertising campaigns,
what is involved in the information search stage (2)?
- involves identification of alternative ways of problem solution
- interval search sources = what you already know, past experience, knwodeg
- external = friends family, internet, commercial sources (starts if satisfactory solution not found from internal)
- objective is build an awareness set
what is an awareness set/choice set ?
array of brands that may solve the problem in question
internet has allowed people awarness sets to increase
what isinvld in the evaluation of alternatives stage?
- narrows down choice and awareness set
- comped decision would be evaluated
- produce an evoked set = brand that consumer seriously considers before making decisions
- choice criteria: technical, economic, social and personal
- rule of thumb: what do you normally do? cheapest, deals etc
- purchase involvement: high r low? affects how much evaluation they do
what is post purchase valuation of the decision?
cognitive dissonance
uncertainty about making the right decision
likler to increase with price, difficulty, irrocovabilty and experience anxiety
can be influenced by many factors such as sales person and after sales service
advertisements can act as positive reinformcnet
- effects liklihood of repeat purchase
what is an example of the decisions making process?
1) need a new phone
2) what’s available
3) smartphone, apple, samsung
4) samsung
5) shouldve bought an apple
what are the choice criteria?
various attributes and benefits a consumer uses when evaluating products and services
e.g. technical, economic and personal
what are the types of buying behaviour?
- complex buying behaviour = high involvement and signifiant differences between brands
- variety seeking buying behaviour = low in and sig diff
- dissonance reducing buying behaviour = few diff and hg in
- habitual buying behaviour = low in and few diff
what are the factors affects consumer behaviour?
what is involved in the culture factor?
- learned values, perceptions, wants and behaviours from family and other institutions
- basic values and beliefs, customs
- shared meanings and ritual
- sub cultures: groups of people within a culture with shared value systems
- social classes: income, education etc
what is involved with social factors?
- groups and social networks
= membership groups
= reference groups
= aspirational groups, they influence your decision - family
= composition, roles, spending power - role and status
what is a reference group?
set of people a consumer wants to please or imitate and that this has an effect on an infidicual evaluations, aspirations or behvaoious
opinion leaders, social networks
conformity means people change behaviour due to group pressure
membership vs aspirant
what are personal factors?
- age and lifecycle stage (holidays, cars, demand for products differs)
- lifestyle - psychographics
- occupation and economic situation
- personality and self concept
what is meant by psychographics?
things such as lifecycle, social class, opinions ad values
what are examples of psychological factors?
perception = process by which we select, organise and interpret info from outside world
- selective attention
- selective sitorion
- selective retentio
- learning, classical conditioning etc
what is selective attention?
we screw out stimuli that are neither meaningful nor consistent with our experiences and beliefs
what is selective distortion?
distory info they receive according to their existing beliefs and attitudes, misheard messages, distortion can occur aspople interpret same info differently
what is selective retention
only select messages may be retained in memory
ted to remember messages in line with beliefs and attitudes
what is a belief?
a descriptive through a person holds
what is an attitude?
lasting evaluation of a person, object or issue
what are the attitude components?
affective (feeling)
cognitive (knowing)
conotive (doing