Self Report Techniques (Interviews) - 04/12/23 Flashcards
What does Standardised mean?
Uses same procedures and functions for all participants
What does Interview mean?
A live encounter where a set of questions is asked by an interviewer to an interviewee to assess their thoughts and experiences
What happens in a Structured Interview?
- Where pre-determined questions are asked in a fixed order during an interview
- Basically a questionnaire delivered by a person
What happens in a Unstructured Interview?
- An interview where there’s no pre-determined questions, but it starts out general questions
- The interaction is free-flowing and tailored to individuals
What happens in a Semi-Structured Interview?
- An interview that combines some pre-determined questions (structured interview) and some questions in response to answers (unstructured interview)
- Allows interviewer to ask follow up questions.
What are properties of Semi-Structured Interviewers?
- Mixed Bias
- Mixed reliability
- Mixed comparing data
What is an Interview Schedule?
A list of pre-set questions for an interviewer to use
What is Interviewer Bias and how can you reduce it?
- Bias that happens due to interviewer
- May be the way they respond to participants and affects the results of interview
- standardisation
What happens in a Group Interview?
- More than one participant is interviewed at one time
- happens in clinical setting
Why are interview schedules standardised?
To reduce the effect of interviewer bias
How should one-to-one interviews be conducted and why?
- In quiet rooms away from other people
- Increases likelihood that interviewee will be open
- start with neutral questions - makes them feel relaxed
What type of questions do interviewers usually start with?
They start with neutral questions to make participants feel relaxed (builds up rapport)
What should the interviewers remind the interviewees that the answers are?
They are confidential (in case if topic is sensitive)
C____ key when designing interviews.
What can a lack of Clarity cause?
It can cause respondents to be confused by particular questions, and will have a negative impact on quality of info recieved
What are the Strengths of Structured Interviews?
- Easy to replicate since it can be standardised
- No interviewer bias - can’t deviate from topic
- Easier to analyse data
What are Limitations of Structured Interviews?
- Social desirability bias is higher
- Not being to elaborate can be frustrating for participants - less rich and less in depth
What are Strengths of Unstructured Interviews?
- Lots of data is collected with more depth and detail
- More flexibility - interviewer can follow up points and can gain more insight into interviewee (getting unexpected info)
What are Limitations of Unstructured Interviews?
- social desirability bias may be present
- Harder to replicate
- Data Aanalysis isn’t straightforward so researcher may have to sift through irrelevant info
- Interviewer bias