Self report design Flashcards
What are the different types of closed question?
- likert scale
- rating scale
- fixed choice option
What is a likert scale?
A scale that indicates a respondents agreement with a statement .
The scale ranges from strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree
What is a rating scale?
Participants have to identify a value that represents the strength of their feeling to a particular topic
for example,
very entertaining 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all entertaining
What is a fixed choice option?
Includes a list of options and respondents click those which apply to them
How do you design interviews?
- includes an interviewer schedule which is a list of topics an interviewer intends to cover
- The interview schedule should be standardised to reduce interviewer bias
- note taking or recordings of the interview
- in a quiet room, ensuring the interviewee is comfortable and relaxed
- answers should be kept in confidence
What are the four common errors in question design that should be avoided?
- overuse of jargon
- emotive language and leading questions
- double barrelled questions and double negatives
What is overuse of jargon?
Use of jargon which is specialised terminology that only someone specialised in a field would know
This may be confusing and not understood by participants
What is emotive language and leading questions?
A researchers attidtude to a topic may be clear by the way a question is phrased.
Also leading questions may guide a respondent towards a particular answer
What are double barrelled questions and double negatives?
- a double - barelled question contains two questions in one, a participant may agree with one half but not the pther
- double negatives such as ‘ I am not unhappy with my job’, also may be confusing and can be difficult to decipher.