self Reading Flashcards
self in historical context
Baumeister > medieval soc social ships fixed + stable
-16th century brought about change
-secularisation , industrialisation , enlightenment, psychoanalysis
Psychodynamic self
- unsocialised + selfish impulses repressed + kept in check by internalised SOc norms
Indiv VS collective self
-freud views self as personal + private
- self can be shared or collective (I am from Leeds but so are lots of others)
symbolic Interctionist self
- James -> self as a stream of consciousness
- Greenwald - > self-knowledge isnt always accurate we reconstruct who we are
- Mead + Blumer- self arises from human interaction which is largely symbolic
- the looking glass self - self-concept derives from seeing ourselves as others do
- construct a self-concept reflecting SoC
Tice + symbolic interactionism looking glass self
-UG asked to ppt in clinical psychology trainees experiment
-2 conditions:
1) Private believe no one is watching
2) Public believed trainee was closely watching them
- Asked to rate self on responsiveness
-public condition more likely to engage in looking glass self
self awareness
-Duval + Wicklund -> self-awareness is a state of which you are aware yourself as an object
- make comparisons between how you are how you’d like to be outcome = neg emotion
-carver + scheier -> 2 types of self to be aware of
1) private = try match ben to internalised standards
2) Public = presenting self to others in pos light
- can lead to us being self-conscious
-elevated awareness = stressful + avoid s through substance abuse
- Reduce = deindividuation
-info about self stored as seperate context-specifie nodes to activate different aspects of seif depending on context (Breekler, Higgins)
-Linville variety in self-schemas helps buffer people from neg life events as there’s always a schema they can derive satistaction from
Rigid compartmentalised self -schemas
-If some are very neg + others very POs it causes extreme mood swings according to primed schema
self-discrepency theory -3 types of self-schema
- Higgins
- Actual self (current)
- Ideal (want to be)
- ought (think should be)
- discrepancies between actual ideal ought = change through self- reg
- discrepancies make US feel vulnerable when fail to resolve it feel sad
Regulatory focus theory
-Higgins believes 2 separate self -reg systems
1) Promotion -> attainment of aspirations (ideas) - sensitive to pOS events - strategic approach to goals
2) Prevention -> fulfilment of duties (oughts) - sensitive to neg events - avoidance approach to attain goals
- dev during childhood
- promotion arises if receive lots of affection
- prevention inspired by neg role models highlighting aVoiding triune