self-objectification + self-sexualised beh within consumer culture Flashcards
Iranian married women + internet use
- self-report online questionnaires
-structural equation modeling gathered responses from daily internet users
-results snow body surveillance is sig in process of loosing self-esteem - Attempts to alleviate it se alleviate it through self-sexualisation ben tendency to compulsive buying
objectification according to APA Task force
-persons value comes from his or her sexual appeal
- person is held to a standard equating to physical attractiveness with being sexy
-person is sexually objectified
-sexuality inappropriately imposed
objectification Theory
- Fredrickson + Roberts
- psychological process where indivs are regarded as Sex objects + valuated in terms of sexual-physical characteristics
self-objectification definition
- one sees ones body through others eyes + value stems from body attributes
sexually objectifying media
- Has neg effect on cog functioning, physical + mental health
- Baudrillar -> modern satisfaction -oriented consumption is based on pleasure, sexual need + exhibition
- self-sexualisation will be a direct consequence of adverts showing women + sexual features
sexually-Objectifying media + self-esteem
- women exposed to thin female body depicted as appealing = higher levels of self- objectification + body-related anxiety
- sexually objectifying media, internalisation of beaty ideals + valuing appearance results in self- objectification + body surveillance = decreased self-esteem
-Habitual evaluation of appearance is Major cause of decreased self-esteem + eating disorders
Hypothesises -media + body surveillance
1 = media consumption is pos related to body surveillance + shame
2: media consumption is POs predicted self- sexualisation beh
3 = Body surveillance + body shame are neg related to self-esteem
compulsive buying, low self- esteem + self-objectification
-low self-esteem increasingly correlated with compulsive buying
-shop to maintain better self through symbolic meaning related to physical goods
-motive for compulsive buying is gap between real + ideal selves
-gap intensified when women engage in self-objectification
Hypothesis- compulsive buying
- 4 = body surveillance, body shame + self -sexualising beh are pas predicted compulsive buying
5 = self-esteem is neg predicted compulsive buying
Iranian women study results
- Body shame + surveillance are strongly correlated
- found body surveillance + shame are neg correlated with self-esteem
- However, paths between media consumption + body shame + self-esteem + compulsive buying weren’t sig
- Body surveillance + self-sexualisation beh POs predicts compulsive buying
-Body surveillance, self esteem + media predispose women to self-sexualise - Adverts objectify women to sell products = engage in self-objectification