Intro to the self Flashcards
self definition
peoples views of themselves what psychologists think of the idea of the self
Historical view of self- secularisation- Baumeister
- self less tied to religion
- protestant reformation
- Fulfilment of life on earth not afterlife
Historical view of self- Enlightenment - Baumeister
- scientific + accurate understanding of world + self
- Questioned religion, politics + civil rights
Historical view of self- industrial Revolution- Baumeister
-success through hard work
- increase of technology
- opportunities for work in the city
- self-reliance + individualistic concept
Historical view of the self- unconscious mind + psychoanalysis
- intro unconscious drives
- dev talking therapies
- considered childhood trauma
people who changed idea of self- Mary Wollstonecraft
-pioneer of human rights
- Advocated proper ed for women
- encouraged women to think for themselves as intelligent
- challenged gender roles
people who changed the idea of self-Charles Darwin
- origin of species
-proposed that humans are animals
-natural + sexual selection - challenged humanity. our origin, human-animal drive
People who changed the idea of self- Freud
- influenced by evolution
- psychodynamic perspective
- ID, Ego + superego
- ID = unconscious, animal part
- Ego-centre of narrative thought (planning future)
- superego = conscious
- superego tries to balance ego with society
people who changed the idea of self- Carl Jung
-persona is a mask to give a certain impression of self to others whilst concealing true self
-shadow self = parts of personality we don’t like to admit we have
- Act different around different people
- Try integrate shadow self + persona to become cohesive
Carl Jung + Introverts
-interested in internal world
- in continual retreat
-sceptical of wisdom
- prefer to be alone or in small groups
carl Jung + Extraverts
- interested in external happenings
- go along with crowd
- acceptance of social norms
- Need to join in
-like lots of friends
phylogenetic definition
evolutionary changes of self
ontogenetic definition
- individual charges of self
Phylogenetic dev of self- measuring self-awareness
- Mirror Dot TeSt
- put sticker on baby + place them Infront of a mirror
-Look in mirror, see the dot. start touching face as they recognise the mirror is them
- chimpanzees are self-aware
ontogenetic dev of self- dev stages of self awareness in children
-Rochat 2003
0- > confusion
1-> differentiation (24 hours)
2 -> situation (reach for objects) 2 months
3-> Identification (DOt study -2 years)
4-> Permanence ( watching vid of self- 3 years)
5-> self -consciousness (4-5 years)
Ontogenetic dev of self - Adult self-awareness dev
- Carl Jung
- teenagers try figure out who you are + how you fit into soc
-understand persona + ego are not all you are - spend time looking into shadow self + dev cohesive sense of self
-learn who we think we are may not be completely true
Ontogenetic dev of self - Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- From bottom to top
-physiological needs -> food, shelter, SIeep
-safety + security -> health, employmet, family
-Love + belonging -> friends, family. intimacy - self-esteem-> confidence, respect
- self-actualisation -> Morality, creativity, acceptance
Ontogenetic dev of self -Ikigai
- Hasegawa, Fujiwara, Hoshi + Shinkai
- passion + Mission = what you love - delight + fulness but no wealth
- mission + vocation = what world needs - complacency but uncertinty
-vocation + profession = what your paid for - comfortable but emptiness
-passion + profession = What your good at- satisfaction but feel useless
-need a balance
culture + the self
-Markus + kitayama
- There’s lots that impact the self
- societal factors
- institutions + products
-daily situations + practices
independent cultures
- Independent = seperate from social context
- stable structure
- internal, private
- unique, express self, promote own goals
interdependent cultures
= connected with context
- flexible structure
- External + public
-belong, engage in appropriate action, promote others goals
Independent VS interdependent + The self
- Independent: self is separate + self-schema constructed by seIf
- Interdependent: self-schemas constructed by in-group members(family, friends) + self
cultural differences in Media language
- Markus et al
- Japanese didn’t refer to self as often + when they did it was in the context of others
-Americans more likely to talk about personal characteristics. competition
-Japanese more likely to talk about background + others
fMRI + finding the self
-Kelley et al
-3 conditions: self, other, control
.-shown a card + see if brain is activated
-large activation in PFC
Facebook use + life satisfaction
- kross et al
-give ppts 5 notifications everyday for 2 weeks - more people used FB the worse they felt next time texted
- more they use FB, life satisfaction levels decline over time
Drugs + The self
- psychedelics produce feelings of connectedness + feeling ones ego has dissolved