Self-harm and suicide-ILA Flashcards
What investigations do you do for a paracetamol OD?
Paracetamol levels- over 1000mg/kg shows hepatotoxicity- if staggered OD then can’t properly interpret
ALT >1000 be concerned and all LFTs
U+Es for kidney function
Salicylate levels
Clotting- prothrombin and INR
ABG for acidosis
Urinary drugs
Alcohol levels
What are risk factors for suicide?
Male, aged 19-34, divorce/widow/single, unemployed/retired, low socioeconomic background, live alone, psychiatric illness, alcohol use, previous attempts, family history, bereavement
What is the pathophysiology of paracetamol OD?
Peak plasma concentration occurs after one hour
Toxic metabolite is formed in liver and kidney causing necrosis
Increased induction when used with alcohol, rifampicin or carbamazepine
What physical symptoms would you ask about with a paracteamol OD?
N+V, encephalopathy, oliguria, renal failure and lactic acidosis
What is the management for a paracetamol OD?
N- acetylcysteine
Crisis team if think could manage partly at home eg don’t live alone
What do you ask about after a suicide attempt?
Did she plan this? Triggers? Did she take any precautions not to be found? Did she seek help? Number of tablets? Time taken? Note left? Affairs in order? Alcohol involved? How does she feel now and does she regret it? Done this before? Guilt? Hopelessness? Protective factors?