Self-Feeding, Swallowing, and Communication Ch 12 Flashcards
Self Feeding
Three parts
(1) Scooping the food
(2) Managing the food on the utensil
(3) Bringing the food to the mouth
Physical Impairments
weakness, decreased ROM,
and incoordination to more severe deficits, including
contractures, tremors, spasticity, hemiplegia, and
▪ Posture and Positioning
- Vision
- Cognitive
- Social
- 4 phases
- Oral Preparatory Phase
- Oral Transit Phase
- Pharyngeal Phase
- Esophageal Phase
Oral Preparatory Phase
▪Prepares food to be swallowed
▪Sensory recognition for taste, touch, and temperature
- As food (Bolus) enters the mouth several processes begin to prepare its breakdown
Oral Transit Phase
▪ Bolus is passed from the back of the mouth into the throat
- the soft palate closes to form a
barrier between the mouth and the nasal cavity
Pharyngeal Phase
-Epiglottic inversion forms a barrier, acting as the primary defense against penetration into the airway
Esophageal Phase
-Bolus travels down the esophagus and into the stomach
impairments in feeding and swallowing functions
Materials that bypass the airway protection during swallowing into the laryngeal region but do not make it past the vocal folds into the trachea
Thin liquids → Nectar Thick Liquids → Honey Thick Liquids → Pudding Thick Liquids.
- Regular solids-All foods without texture restriction
-Mechanical soft solids-Ground, moist, semi-soft texture
-Puree solids-Altered to be pudding-like consistency
General Precautions
- stay hydrated, so any saliva left
does not turn into thick mucus
-If the tube does become dislodged, it must quickly be
replaced, as the hole can close within 30 minutes
-If actively receiving TPN nutrition, the head of the bed must not be lowered past 30 degrees due to risk of aspiration. - oral hygiene
- positioning at 90 degrees
- sit up 30-60 min after
What are the components of these types of
▪ Verbal
▪ Written
▪ Nonverbal/paralinguistic
▪ Receptive
▪ Expressive
▪ Pragmatic
- Communication