ch 10 vision and ch 11 cognition Flashcards
How can you help a client compensate?
What can you adapt?
Visual fields
What are signs of a visual field deficit?
What compensatory strategies can you teach? How
can you incorporate scanning the visual fields into
ADLs? IADLs? Leisure? Work?
Perceptual completion
Sometimes the brain cannot process that there is
a partial vision loss and it will “fill in” the blind spots with what it thinks should be there.
Oculomotor control
How does an impairment
affect ADLs? IADLs? Leisure? Work?
Treatment involves occlusion of one eye. Partial occlusion (must have glasses)
Visual attention
How can you modify a treatment session for a client with impaired visual attention?
Visual scanning
How can you facilitate an efficient scanning pattern? How does an inefficient pattern
affect ADLs? IADLs? Work/education? Leisure
Pattern recognition—
Think about pattern
recognition and why it is easier to read something
printed than something written in cursive.
Visual memory
What are age appropriate (for
adults) activities you could use to help a client practice visual memory?
Spatial relations
What are functional tasks you can utilize in treatment of spatial relations deficits?
Form discrimination
Think about everyday items
that could be confusing for clients with deficits in
form discrimination. How can you address this?
Figure-ground discrimination
how can a deficit
affect ADLs? IADLs? Work? Leisure? What strategies
and adaptation can you teach a client?
Visual closure
Compare a paper-pencil activity
with a functional activity to address visual closure
Impaired depth perception
An impairment can
affect mobility and ADLs. What compensatory strategies can you teach a client?
Agnosia is the inability to recognize or perceive
sensory information which came into the brain