Self And Identity Flashcards
Self Evaluation maintenance model.
Tesser - people who are constrained to make esteem damaging comparisons can underplay or deny similarity to target, or they can withdraw from their relationship with the target.
Social comparison Theory
Festinger - comparing our behaviours and opinions with those of others in order to establish the correct or socially approved way of thinking and behaving.
Self Perception Theory
Bem - we gain knowledge of ourselves by making self attributions e.g. Infer our own attitudes from our own behaviour
Over justifications effect
In the absence of obvious external determinants of our behaviour, we assume that we freely choose the behaviour because we enjoy it.
Regulatory focus theory
A promotion focus causes people to be approach oriented in constructing a sense of self, a prevention focus causes people to be more cautious and avoidant in constructing a sense of self.
Self - Discrepancy theory
Higgins suggests that we have 3 types of schemas
- The actual self - how we currently are
- Ideal self - how we would like to be
- Ought self - how we think we should be
Floyd Allport argued that social psychology would only flourish if what?
The discipline became an experimental science
When we underestimate the role of context in explaining someone’s else’s behaviour what error do we make?
The fundamental attribution error.
Rhodes and her colleagues reported that attractive faces were characterised by what ?
What is self assessment?
Motivation to seek out new information about ourselves in order to find out what sort of a person we really are.
Self verification
Seeking out new information that verifies and confirms what we already know about ourselves.
Self enhancement
Motivation to develop and promote a favourable self image
Self affirmation theory
Theory that people reduce the impact of threat to the self-concept by focussing on and affirming their competence in some other area.
Self-categorisation theory.
Theory of how the process of categorisation of oneself as a group member produces social identity and group and inter group behaviour.
Meta contrast Principle
Prototype of a group is that position within the group that has the largest ratio of difference to in-group positions to difference to out-group position.