Seizure/EEG Flashcards
16y/o pt after having 1 grand mal seizure.
Parents noted on multiple occasions pt has sudden jerks of entire body, causing him to drop objects.
EEG - rare, 4-6Hz irregular, polyspike/wave bursts.
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Fever, HA, seizures, confusion, stupor, and coma evolving over several days.
EEG - lateralized, high voltage sharp waves arising in L temporal region w/ slow wave repeating at 2-3 sec intervals.
CT - low density lesion in L temporal lobe
Herpes simplex encephalitis
8 y/o has episodes of staring into space and then blinking for few seconds. EEG shows?
3 cycles per sec spike and wave activity
40 y/o has episodes of flailing arms and tonic postures described as “fencing.”
EEG confirms seizure classified as which type?
Frontal lobe
10 y/o child w/ frequent episodes of brief lapses of consciousness w/o premonitory sxs.
Lasts 2-10 secs, followed by immediate and full resumption of consciousness w/o awareness of what happened.
These ictal episodes most likely caused by what kind of seizures?
Absence seizures
EEG showing posterior alpha and anterior beta activity in?
Relaxed adult w/ eyes closed
Diagnostic value of transient paresis or aphasia after seizure?
Localizes focus of seizure
28 y/o F. Recent onset episodes of altered behavior lasting 1-2 mins.
Husband notes if occurs when cooking pt will place clean silverware back in dishwasher. Also notes she does complex drawing mvmts he is unable to interrupt. Pt has no recollection of events.
MRI - normal.
Complex, partial seizures
1st seizure w/ focal onset and secondary generalization in 58 y/o pt is likely consequence of?
Glioblastoma multiforme
EEG finding of 4-6 Hz irregular, polyspike activity in pt with generalized seizures is characteristic of?
Juvenile myoclonic
Which surgical procedure can be used in the tx of epilepsy refractory to meds?
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve
EEG findings expected in comatose pt w/ hepatic encephalopathy?
Triphasic waves
3 days s/p cardiac arrest and CPR, 73 y/o M is comatose.
Eyes are open, but does not fix and follow.
Doll’s eyes elicit full horizontal eye mvmts.
Spontaneous limb mvmts are symmetrical.
Reflexes - mildly hyperactive.
EEG shows?
Burst suppression pattern
Pt has seizures which get controlled. Then pt starts to have paranoid delusions.
What type of seizures?
Complex partial
New onset seizures.
Multiple subcutaneous nodules, axilla freckling.
NF type 1
40 y/o pt.
New onset seizures w/ BL thrashing mvmts. What suggest non-epileptic cause?
Following commands
Characteristics of normal adult alpha rhythm on EEG?
Intermittent and posterior dominant
EEG biofeedback training is efficacious for what d/o?
49 y/o pt develops seizure d/o difficult to control.
CSF - lymphocytic pleocytosis w/ many RBCs.
MRI - T2 hyperintensity in L temporal lobe, w/ gadolinium enhancement in this area in T1 weighted image.
EEG - periodic discharges.
Herpes simplex encephalitis