Memory/Amnesia 1 Flashcards
Role of hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus?
Declarative memory facts
On way to airport, 58 y/o F behaves in strange way. Husband notices when he talks to her she answers appropriately w/ fluent speech, but seems to have no ability to retain any new info. Repeatedly asks where they are going, even after he has told her many times. Episode lasts for about 6 hrs. Following day she is back to normal, but has no recollection of prior day events.
Transient global amnesia
Characteristics of alcohol - induced blackouts
Anterograde amnesia for a time while heavily intoxicated but awake
Characterizes memory loss w/ dissociative amnesia?
Example of declarative memory
Retention and recall of facts
Pt w/ hx of herpes simplex and seizure d/o undergoing EEG monitoring that recorded no epileptic activity during, after, or before a confused state wherein pt suddenly awoke frightened.
Next day, pt had baseline demeanor and no memory of episode.
Amnestic DO
61 y/o pt presents to ED w/ family who report that pt is unable to remember recent events.
Memory probs started 2 hours prior. Cognitively intact before episode. Pt alert, anxious, and frustrated. “Why am I in the hospital?”
Transient global amnesia
Surgeon unable to describe anatomical parts involved in one of his common surgeries is experiencing what type of memory impairment?
Injury to BL hippocampal formation and parahippocampal cortex results in?
55 y/o brought to ED disheveled and behaving strangely. Stares blankly and mute. Doesn’t know who they are.
All studies negative.
Vague memory of “walking away from something horrible”
Dissociative amnesia
What psychoactive drug produces amnesia
Memory loss pattern in dissociative amnesia
Discrete period of time only
Amnesia characterized by memory loss of events, occurs after onset of etiologic agent or condition
55 y/o after episode of amnesia/bewilderment lasting several hrs.
CVA ruled out. Pt keeps asking what is happening.
Med to administer?
None. Observation only
Involves a sense of loss of identity. Often following a traumatic experience and associated with inability to recall one’s past
Dissociative fugue
65 y/o pt lives alone. Increasingly forgetful over past yr.
Lifelong difficulty recalling names of acquitances.
Now difficulty w/ phone calls and remembering apps. Lives independently, drives, and prepares meals.
MSE w/ delayed recall of 4 words, otherwise normal.
Amnestic w/ mild cognitive impairment
45 y/o w/ nystagmus, ataxia, and short term memory loss.
Believes wife is possessed by demons.
Most appropriate tx?
Conscious memory that covers for another memory too painful to hold in the consciousness
Screen memory
In pts with pronounced deficits in recent memory, remote memory is
Often deficient on close exam even when it seems well preserved
“My father was very involved in my life. I remember going to football games in the snow with him.” Is an example of memory associated w/ what part of brain?
Medial temporal lobe
Working memory requires PFC, dorsal thalamus, and what other area of brain to function?
Asking a pt what they ate for breakfast yday tests
Recent memory
Question to evaluate immediate recall?
Can you repeat these 6 numbers
Asking pt to remember 3 things and repeat them in a few minutes tests?
Short term memory
34 y/o pt w/ hx of memory impairment dies of unknown cause.
Path exam: Diffuse & multifocal rarefaction of cerebral white matter accompanied by scanty perivascular infiltrates of lymphocytes and clusters of few foamy macrophages, microglial nodules, and multinucleated giant cells. Dx?
HIV associated dementia
Pt brought to ED by family b/c concern of pts ability to recognize them since TBI 1 month ago. +LOC after trauma. Tenderness and swelling over L temporal area. Neuro exam normal. Pt knows their name, but unable to identify family members or events related to family.
Dissociative amnesia
Which test correlates most strongly w/ pre-morbid functioning in pt w/ early dementia
Wechsler adult intelligence scale IV vocab test (WAIS-IV)
Neuropsych test most useful in early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
10 item word list learning task