Security Architecture: Testing Flashcards
What are some technique used for testing?
Parallel processing
What are some Table top excercises?
Scenario development
Role Playing
Problem Solving
Improvements - metric progress
What are some of the considerations of Fail over testing?
Failover testing: Assesses how well a system maintains its security posture and safeguards data and resources during and after a failover event. This is crucial because during a failover, the system might become more vulnerable to security breaches due to the rapid transition, change in network paths, or other factors that could disrupt security controls.
Security controls working still? Measures should show this.
Data Integrity of Data?
Data Privacy – Security protection is not there.
Test the recovery time
What are Simulations considerations?
Simulation: Involves creating controlled, realistic scenarios to mimic various cyber threats, attacks, or incidents. These simulations provide organizations with the opportunity to assess and improve their security measures, incident response plans, and overall preparedness in a safe and controlled environment.
Pen testing – a sophistaced form of simulation
Red vs Blue team
Purple team both roles
Table Top excercises
War games
Social Engineering sims – spear phishing etc looking at vulnerabilities in staff and add additional training
Disaster Recovery Sims
The goal of security simulations is to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and gaps in security defenses, as well as to train security teams and employees in responding effectively to different security-related situations.
What are benefits of Parallel processing?
Parallel processing: Refers to the simultaneous execution of multiple security tasks, assessments, or tests to improve efficiency, reduce testing time, and gain a more comprehensive understanding of an organization’s security posture. This approach involves dividing the testing workload into smaller tasks that can be executed concurrently, leveraging the power of modern computing systems to complete assessments more quickly.
Having multiple CPU’s to test the network
Accelerate testing
Increase Coverage
Improve reporting
Assess scale
Hybrid Cloud model – Ease of testing and process