Sector Officers COPY Flashcards
responsibilities of sector
Base Sector Officer Responsibilites
TN 104.1.5
- Moving Base from its assigned location, if necessary, in order to better facilitate the movement of personnel, apa
- paratus and equipment
- Ensuring that the location/relocation of Base is transmitted to Tornot fire and indicating access and routing information as needed
- Activatin the rotating emergency lights on their apparatus to denote the Base Officer location
- Conducting a PAR as requested by Command
- Maintaing a current log of availble personnel, equipment and apparatus (on Base Sector Worksheet)
- Updating Command of Base status
- Ensuring that all communiations within Base is done face to face whtou the us of a radio
- Notifying personnel within Base of assignment and to which Sector Officer/radio channel they ar to report
- Liasing with othe Sector Officers
Upon arrival at Base, Officers shall:
- Contact Toronto Fire Announcing arrival
- Report face to face to the Base Officer\ensure that routine comminication within Base are done face to face
- Ensure that emergency light are turned off if safe to do so
- Ensure that they and their personnel remain at their respective vehicle until assigned or cleared from the incident
- Bring Passports forward to the Base Sector Officer\
- When moving forward from Base Sector to the incident, take the Passport to the Command Post/Accountability Officer