Old Deck Flashcards
Elevator Yellow
TN 101.1.1
- Not required to return to Lobby -Not Fire rated
- Not required to fit stretcher
- No minimum speed
Red Hat Elevator
TN 101.1.1
- Service all Floors -full emergency phase control
- accommodates stretcher 22 m2 min
- 900 k load
- 1 min ground to top
- 2 hour emergency backup power
- fire rated 1 hour
Fire Resistant construction
TYPE I TN 101.2.1
- Constructed structural members are of non
- combustible material or limited combustible material
- permitted to have more undivided floor area
- Smoke can travel through quickly -
Non-Combustible TYPE II
TN 101.2.1
- structure made of non-combustible elements but does not qualify as fire-resistant
- Main danger to firefighters is danger of collapse due to wide use of unprotected steel beam, girders, trusses
Heavy Timber Construction TYPE IV
TN 101.2.1
- construction involving heavy timbers for structure floors and roof construction
- no concealed spaces.
- Hazard - massive fuel load - High radiant heat - exposure problems
Ordinary Construction TYPE III
TN 101.2.1
- exterior walls are of non-combustible material, the rest mostly wood
- Usually burn fiercely, offer little resistance to fire
Wood Frame TYPE V
TN 101.2.1
- Built out of wood or other combustible material and do not qualify as timber or ordinary construction
- Guage
- Radio
- Active Pass alarm
- Breathing control
- Stay Low
- Illuminate - turn on light
- Volume - make noise
- Exit - identify nearest exit
- Shield Airway
Incident Commanders rules of engagement
TN 104.1.11
- Rapidly conduct, or obtain, a 360 degree Size-Up of incident
- Determine the Occupant Survival Profile
- Conduct an Initial Risk assessment and Implement a SAFE ACTION PLAN
- If you do not have the resources to safely support and protect firefighters > seriously consider a defensive strategy
- DO NOT risk firefighter lives fro lives or property that can not be saved > seriously consider a defensive strategy
- Extend limited risk to protect and rescue SAVABLE property - Extend measured risk to protect and rescue SAVABLE lives
- Act upon reported unsafe practices and conditions that can harm firefighters > Stop, Evaluate and Decide
- Maintain Frequent two-way communications and keep interior crews informed of changing conditions
- Obtain frequent progress reports and revise the action plan - Ensure accurate accountability of all firefighters location and status
- If, after completing the primary search, little or no progress towards fire control has been achieved > Seriously consider a defensive strategy
- Always have a RIT team in place at all working fires
- Always gave firefighter rehab services in place at all working fires
Rule of Eight
TN 104.1.12
- Size-up
- Rescue
- Exposures
- Confinement
- Extinguishment
- Overhaul
V and S shall be inserted into the list of priorities anywhere appropriate
Fire Knocked Down
The main body of the fire has been extinguished
Fire Under Control
The fire can be controlled with the equipment and resources that are on the scene.
Loss Stopped
When any further damage to the building or its contents has ended
Running PAR Announced end of communication
- Initially arriving on scene
- A change in location
- A change or completion of task
- Entering or exiting a controlled area
- a change in the number of peronnel operating within a team
Rehab Sector Responsibilities
TN 104.1.8
- Selecting a site for the rehabilitation of firefighting personnel
- Obtaining the personnel and resources necessary to establish and manage a rehabilitation area
- ensuring firefighters have performed sufficient decontamination procedures before entry into Rehab sector
- informing command and Toronto fire of rehab location
- Coordinating operations with Toronto paramedics services and canteen vehicle
- Maintaining a Rehab Status Sheet
- Maintaining communications and update the IC regarding the availability of personnel who have completed rehabilitation.
- Informing personnel who have been reassigned where and whom to report to
- Providing PAR information
- Referring to Toronto paramedic services any personnel who are symptomatic of any illness or injury
- Establishing time the fire fighters must remain in Rehab, according to the circular slide rule
Command Post Officer
responsible for implementing the incident action plan as determined by the IC
Branch Officer
tactical level - manage and direct the activities of Sector officers or administrative functions and report to the IC
Blue Hydrant
FCC 18-049

More than 5700 L/min
Green Hydrant
FCC 18-049
3800 L/min to 5700 L/min
Orange Hydrant
FCC 18-049
1900 L/min to 3800 L/min
Red Hydrant
FCC 18-049
Less than 1900 L/min
Elevator Phase 1 - Recall
TN 101.1.1
Returns elevators to a safe floor away from fire.
- Doors open
- normal operations shut down
Elevator Phase 2
TN 101.1.1
Firefighter Emergency Operation Turn key to on or Fire Service
Critical injury
TN 801.5
>place life in jeopardy
>produce unconsciousness
>result in substantial loss of blood
>involve the fracture of a leg or arm but not finger or toe
>involve the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe
>consist of burns to a major portion of the body
>cause the loss of sight in an eye
Class 1 Standpipe System
>Required by NFPA 14 to deliver a minimum rated flow of 1892 lpm at the two upper most or hydraulically most remote outlets at 450 kPa residual pressure pre-1993 and 700kPa residual post-1993
>Buildings in Ontario do not have to adhere to NFPA and may only supply the minimum pressure requirement of 450 kPa and 30liters per second (1800 lpm) as per the Ontario building Code.
>65mm hose connection at standpipe
>Primarily located in stairwells. May also be found in hallways, lobbies, etc.
>Cabinets are not equipped with hose
>Structure is equipped with an FDC and fire pump
Class 2 Standpipe System
>Required by NFPA to deliver a minimum rated flow of 380 lpm and is for occupant use only
>38mm hose connection at standpipe equipped with hose
>Building may not have a fire pump. Typically fed by domestic city water pressure.
>May not have an FDC
Class 3 Standpipe System
>Required by NFPA 14 to deliver a minimum rated flow of 1892 lpm at the two upper most, or hydraulically most remote outlets at 450 kPa residual pressure pre-1993 and 700 kPa post 1993
>Buildings in Ontario do not have to adhere to NFPA and may only supply the minimum requirement of 450 kPa and 30 litres per second (1800 lpm) as per Ontario Building Code
>Both 38mm and 65mm hose connections at standpipe. 38mm outlet equipped with hose.
>Structure is equipped with an FDC and fire pump
Purpose of Ventilation
TN 105.3 Vertical Ventilation
>Aid Rescue Operations
>Ease the task of firefighting
>Reduce possibility of back draft
>Reduce the amount of damage
>Provide better visibility
When to ventilate
TN 105.3 Vertical Ventilation
>The base of the fire cannot be located
>Smoke, heat, and gases are creating a life hazard
>Heat present prohibits entry
>Smoke is causing damage
>Toxic gasses may cause injury to personnel
Responsibilities of First Arriving pump class apparatus
TN 106.25
a. Ensure command is established - communicate by radio your Incident Action Plan
b. Position apparatus just slightly past the address of the call
c. Guarantee you won water supply –This can be accomplished by taking a hydrant or mutually pre arranged (if running from the same station) with 2nd responding pump class apparatus. The 2nd in arriving pump class must communicate by radio if it is delayed for any reason
d. Lay lines for fire control and/or rescue
e. If another aerial class vehicle is not responding on the first alarm assignment request one be dispatched
Responsibilities of the 2nd arriving pump class apparatus
TN 106.25
a. Ensure command is established
b. Park apparatus leaving room for an aerial device in front should it be required for rescue, master stream operations, etc.
c. May be required to take hydrant for 1st in apparatus
d. Lay a back up line to 1st pumper crew to:
ii. protect 2nd means of egress if necessary
iii. back up or protect 1st fire attack crew iv. assist with rescue as necessary
e. 2nd arriving driver assists 1st driver
Responsibilities of the first arriving aerial/platform/quint
(if first 2 apparatus are operating as pump class apparatus)
TN 106.25
a) Placement of apparatus to access building for:
i. Rescue
ii. Master Stream
b) Provide 2nd means of firefighter egress by aerial device or laddering building
c) Perform primary search
d) Ventilation