Captians Oral Training notes Flashcards
The Incident Management System is a logical method of:
TN 104.1.1
- Identifying the Incedent commander by fixing the responsibility for command upon a specific indivdual through a standardized system, based on the arrival sequence of companies and Chief Officers.
- Ensuring that a strong, direct and visible command will be established from the onset of the incident.
- Providing a system to process information to support the Incident Commander’s Incident Action Plan
- Developing, coordinating, implementing and maintaining a strategic plan, by defining activities and responsibilities assigned to the Incident Commander and to all other personnel operating within the Incident Management System (IMS)
- Managing resources and personnel at the emergency scene
- Providing a system for the orderly transfer of command.
Officer of Note
TN 104.1.1
Officer assigned by the IC to collect and ensure the accuracy and completion of all documentation and reports. The first in Captain is the Officer of Note for standard incidents unless otherwise designated by the IC. As well the first in DC may be the Officer of Note for Second Alarms, fatalities or unusual incidents unless otherwise designated by the IC
Tactical Level
TN 104.1.2
The tactical level involves the deployment of sufficient resources and personnel to meet the objectives identified in the in the IAP. Officers at the tactical level may include Sector Officers and Branch Officers
Main Tactical objectives in order:
- Rescue and Life Safety
- Stabalization of the Incident
- Conservation of the Environment and Property
Defensive Strategy
TN 104.1.2
- > Life Safety
- > Exposure Protection
- > Conservation of the Environment and Property
Stabilization of the Incident
TN 104.1.2
- > Controlling/confining the fire
- > Hazmat: identifying, isolating, controlling and neutralizing foreign substances until cleanup crews arrive
- > Shoring or tunneling etc. during a structural collapse rescue
- > First Aitd, Defibrillation or oxygen therapy for patients until Toronto Paramedic Services assumes responsibility for the patient
Offensive Strategy
TN 104.1.2
- > Rescue and Life Safety
- > Stabilization of the Incident
What is task level?
TN 104.2.1
The task level refers to activites normally acomplished by firefighting personnel and the resources they utillize to complete those tasks.
- May include:
- Search and rescue
- Fire attack
- Ventilation
- Setting up hose streams (fire attack and backup lines)
- Ldedering - stablish egress
- Property Conservation
- Overhaul
- First Aid
What is and where is staging?
TN 104.1.4
Staging refers to the geoographical location at an incedent where personnel and wquipment can be assembled on an immediately availabgle basis
Staging occurs ina assigned location ouside the controoled area where personnel are safe and away from suppression activites.
The establishment of Staging is a the discretion of the IC.
Responsibilities of the Staging Officer
TN 104.1.4
- Locating a suitable area in a safe environment for staging
- Notifying Command of the location of staging
- Should the staging location become unsafe, the Staging Officer will immediately notify Command by radio and relocate as soon as possible
- Ensuring that all personnell PIT in when entering Staging
- Ensuring that all personnell PIT out when leaving Staging
- Maintaining a current log of all resources (personnel and equipment)
- Ensuring that personnel within staging remain equipped and ready for immediate assignment
- Accounting for all personnel when a PAR is conducted
- Contacting Command for new resources as they become depleted
- Notifying personnel of re-assignment, to whom they should report and on what channel
- Ensuring that all routine communiations within staging are done face to face
- Command must request personnel and equipment from Staging
- The Staging Officer will reconfirm with Command that personnel, identified by their Crew ID, have been deployed from Staging to the new Sector
What is Base Sector? TN 104.1.5
Base is a sector that refers to the geographical location way from the incident where personnel, apparatus and equipment can be assigned on a standby basis.
Base Sector Officer Responsibilites
TN 104.1.5
- Moving Base from its assigned location, if necessary, in order to better facilitate the movement of personnel, apaparatus and equipment
- Ensuring that the location/relocation of Base is transmitted to Tornot fire and indicating access and routing information as needed
- Activatin the rotating emergency lights on their apparatus to denote the Base Officer location
- Conducting a PAR as requested by Command
- Maintaing a current log of availble personnel, equipment and apparatus (on Base Sector Worksheet)
- Updating Command of Base status
- Ensuring that all communiations within Base is done face to face whtou the us of a radio
- Notifying personnel within Base of assignment and to which Sector Officer/radio channel they ar to report
- Liasing with othe Sector Officers
Upon arrival at Base, Officers shall:
- Contact Toronto Fire Announcing arrival
- Report face to face to the Base Officer\ensure that routine comminication within Base are done face to face
- Ensure that emergency light are turned off if safe to do so
- Ensure that they and their personnel remain at their respective vehicle until assigned or cleared from the incident
- Bring Passports forward to the Base Sector Officer
- When moving forward from Base Sector to the incident, take the Passport to the Command Post/Accountability Officer
- The request for equipment, personnel or apparatus from Base Sector, ant an emergency incident, must come from Command
- Base Sector Officer will confirm with Command tha personnel, identified by thier Crew ID, have been depoyed from Base.
- Whenever personnel or apparatus are assigned from Base to the incident, all personnel from that apparatus should go forward.
When is Base established?
TN 104.1.5
A Base sector shall be implemented at all multiple alarm incidents.
- >Designating a location for the Base Sector that does not interfere with the Command Post, incident scene or movement of apparatus or other emergency traffic.
- >Base should be a t a location, close enough to move crews and equipment forward quickly and efficiently when needed
- >Ifnform Toronto fire of Base Sector location
Who requests equipment and personnel from base?
TN 104.1.5
the request for equipment, personnel or apparatus from Base Sector, at an emergency incident, must come from Command
Transfer of Command shall only take place after what information has been communicated to the new IC:
TN 104.1.6
- > general situation status
- > incident conditions
- > operational strategy
- > update on tactical objectives
- > safety considerations
- > Deployment status (assignment of personnel already on scene and additional resource requirements)
What is Sectoring?
TN 104.1.7
`Sectoring is a tool within the Incident Management System (IMS) that allows the \incident Commander to group personnel and other resources int manageable units at an emergency incident. Sectors are based on either a geographical or functional basis to achieve tactical level tasks
Sector Officer Responsibilities
TN 104.1.7
Sector Officer
- If avialable have vest and be in conspicous location
- Advise Command of thier location, when they are in place and ready to perform their assigned duties
- Ensure accountability
- Designate a staging area in their Sector
- Designate a controlled area and assign an Entry Control person
- Notify Command when they require additional resources or personnel
- Set up air supply for their sector
- Ensure adequate resources are maintained in the Sector
- Coordinate personnel re-assignment through Command
- Ensure that personnel are operating in a safe and effective manner
- Control when personnel are assigned to Rehab Sector
- Conduct ad report PAR status of their Sector
Work Cycle Rotation Challenges
TN 104.1.7
- >Getting adequate personnel in place to support the work cycle
- > Setting up Air Supply
- >Accountability
Work Cycle Rotation advantages
TN 104.1.7
- >Having personnel ready for immediate deployment to replace crews
- > Having personnel provide immediate resources for a MAYDAY or RIT
- > Reduces time traveling fro Sector to sector (air/light, rehab)
What are some of the factors to consider when managing the rotaion of personnel in the sector?
TN 104.1.7
- Functiuon being performed
- Controlled area entry and exit time consideration
- Activity level (light, moderate, heavy)
- On-air and air use timelines (airmangaement)
- Equipment being operated/utilized
What are the logistics of a work cycle rotation in a sector?
TN 104.1.7
- Three crews should be assigned per taks:
- First Crew deployed
- Second crew “On Deck”
- Third crew is avaliable at Sector Rehab
- Teams will rotate through these three psotions within their sector, until two cylinders are depleted. Teams will then be assigned to the Incident Rehab Sector.
When is a Incident Rehabilitation Sector Established?
TN 104.1.8
- Second alarms that are expected to last 2 hours or more
- Third Alarm or greater respnse
- Incidents that continue longer than 30 minutes and the ambient temperature exceeds 26 dgrees Celsius or is below -5 degrees Celsius
- The IC determines that a Rehabilitation Sector must be established because of environmental or physical conditions.
What considerations must be given to where Rehab will be set up?
TN 104.1.8
- size of incedent
- Incident duration
- Time of year
- Time of day
- Uphill, upwind and outside of the controlled area
- Large enough for the number of personnel expected
- Away from vehicle exhausts and noise
- Protection from invironmental extremes
- Ground conditions
- Access to and from the Staging area
- Access for Box 12 and Support 7
- Access fro Toronto Paramedics Services
- Restroom facilities (TFS rehab unit)
- For Hazardous Material Incidents requiring Decontamination before Rehab
- Rehab location in a high-rise fire shall be the floor below staging
Rehab Secor Officer Responsiblilities and Duties
TN 101.1.8
Rehab Sector Officer:
- Selecting a site for the rehabilitation of fireghighting personnel
- Obtaining the personnel and resources necessary to establish and manage a rehabilitation area (make sure you are wearing vest and have the worksheets and circular slide rule)
- Ensure firefighters PIT in and PIT out
- Ensuring firefighters have performed sufficient Decontamination procedures before entry in Rehab Sector
- Informing Command and Toronto Fire of Rehab Sector location
- Coordinating operations with Toronto Paramedic Sevices and canteen vehicle(s)
- Maintaining a Rehab Status Sheet
- Maintainging communications and update the IC regarding the availablility of personnel who have completed rehabilitation
- Infroming personnel who have been reassigned where and whom to report to
- Providing PAR information
- Referring to Toronto Paramedic Services any personnell who are symptomatic of any illness or injury
- Establishing time the fire fighters must remain in Rehab, according to the Circular Slide Rule
Equipment that can be utilized in Rehab.
TN 104.1.8
- Cooling chairs
- Misting equipment
- Scene marking tape and Pylon cones
- Water jugs and drinking cups
- Anit-Bacterial, waterless hand wash
- Rehab Kit from Command vehicle that includes:
- Vest
- Rehab Status Sheets
- Pens and Pencils
- Log Sheet with instruction on Rehabilitation
- Circular slide rule
Section Officer
TN 104.1.10
A strategic level position assigned at very large or complex emergency incident. The four main setions or functions that hae to be considered at very large/complex incident are: Operations Planning Logistics Administration
What is Command Post Officer (CPO)?
TN 104.1.10
The Command Post Officer is respnsigble for implementing the Incident Action Plan as determined by the IC. They will be located at the Command Post, and may use the radio identifier”Command Post Officer” or as the IC deems prudent, they mnay also utilize the radio identifier “Command”
Branch Officer
TN 104.1.10
tactical level - manage and direct the activities of Sector officers or administrative functions and report to the IC.
When Command implements Branch Officers, the relevant Sector Officers should immediately be notified by Command oif their new supervisor. This information should include:
- To what Granch the Sector is now assignedk
- The radio chynnel both Branch and Sector Officers are now operating on.
Radio Comminications should be directed from the Sector Officer to the Branch Officer
Incident Commanders rules of engagement
TN 104.1.11
- Rapidly conduct, or obtain, a 360 degree Size-Up of incident
- determine the Occupant Survival Profile
- Conduct an Initial Risk assessment and Implement a SAFE ACTION PLAN - If you do not have the resources to safely support and protect firefighters > seriously consider a defensive strategy
- DO NOT risk firefighter lives fro lives or property that can not be saved > seriously consider a defensive strategy
- Extend limited risk to protect and rescue SAVABLE property
- Extend measured risk to protect and rescue SAVABLE lives
- Act upon reported unsafe practices and conditions that can harm firefighters > Stop, Evaluate and Decide
- Maintain Frequent two-way communications and keep interior crews informed of changing conditions
- Obtain frequent progress reports and revise the action plan
- Ensure accurate accountability of all firefighters location and status
- If, after completing the primary search, little or no progress towards fire control has been achieved > Seriously consider a defensive strategy
- Always have a RIT team in place at all working fires
- Always have firefighter rehab services in place at all working fires
Rule of Eight
TN 104.1.12
- Size-up
- 2.Rescue
- Exposures
- Confinement
- Extinguishment
- Overhaul
——————————- Ventilation Salvage V & S shall be inserted into the list of priorities anywhere appropriate
Incident Commanders Responsibilites
TN 104.2.1
Incident Commanders Responsibilities
The Incident Commander will:
- Upon arrial announce via radio, the estalishment of Command as per TN 104.3.7
- Operate at the strategic level to ensure overall command of the incident (except fast attack mode)
- Develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) that anticipates needs and forecasts outcome based on scene condition evaluations
- Determine the strategy to be employed at the incident (Offensive, Defensive) Identify and depoloy personnel to meet the three primary tactical objectives in order of priority:
- Rescue and life safety
- Stabilization of the emergency incident
- Conservation of property and the environment
- Transfer command or expand the IMS when necessary to improve the quality of Command
- be aware of RIT, Mayday and emergency evacuation prodedures
IC Strategic Functions:
- Ensure that a rapid size-up of the incident is conducted
- Idenify the overall strategy, develop and implement an IAP and assign personnel as needed to meet the tactical objectives
- Establish an effective command structure
- Initiae, maintain and control the communications process, relative to the complexity of th incident
Further IC responsibilities
- Ensure that measures for firefighter safety are implemented (Enty Control, RIT, Relief and Rhab, Accountability, Safety Officer, etc)
- Implement strategies that are designed to meet the tactical objectives
- Review, re-evaluaate and modify strategy or tactical objectives as the incident dictates
- Request and maintain adequate resources for incident needs
- Assign Officers to the role of Sector, Branch, Section, etc.
- Provide direction, guidance and resources to Secto Officers, Command P|ost Staff and outside agencies
- Review, re-evaluate and revise the IAP as the incident dictates
- Ensure implementation of radio procedures as per TN 104.3.1
- When Branch Officers are assigned, ensure that Sector Officers are notified of their new wupervisor and which radio channel to use for communications
- Assign personnel to monitor Branch Officer radio channels if the Branch Officers are operating outside of the Command Post
- Ensure that a running log of all Coimmand decisions is maintained
- Clear unrequired apparatus
- Ensure that all written records and documentation are collected
What are the ICs primary tactical objective in order of priority?
TN 104.2.1
- >Rescue and life safety
- > Stabilization of the emergency incident
- > Conservation of property and the environment
Fit Duties and Responsibilities
TN 104.2.2
Factors to consider when locating the vehicle:
- Ability to direct operations
- Sight line to at least two sides of a structure
- Not blocking the access/egress of emergency vehicles
When to DC has assumed Command of the incident it is the responsibility of the FIT to:
- Tuirn off the flashing/revolving red lights on the DC’s vehicle
- Announce via radio the location of the Command Post
- Activate the flashing/revolving green light on the Command Post
During the initial stages of and incident, the FIT will be responsible for setting up the Command Post. This may include:
- Activating the DVRS
- Setting up the tactical desk
- Accessing operational sheets
- Maintaining the running log
- Beginning a schematic of the incident
- Reference are maps to determine the best access for incoming apparatus and possible Base location
- S\Assist Initial Accountability Officer
- Sector Officer’s Aide
- Scribe (worksheets/tactical board)
- Radio Monitoring
- Communication (radio/telephone/fax)
- Other duties as assigned by the IC or designate
Roles and Responsiblities of the Command Post Officer:
TN 104.2.4
The functio of the Command Post Officer (CPO) is to ensure that the Command Post is set up properly and adequately staffed to operate.
Command Post Officer
- Requet FITs attend the Command Post for assignment
- Request a second Command Post
- Ensure only essential personnel are present in the Command Post to ensure it functions efficiently
- CPO will announce when and where Command is located an who the IC is if a change occurs
- CPO will announce when the Command Post is no longer in operation
- Appoint A FIT as a Scribe to the IC
- At the end of the incident, collect paperwork in the Command Vehicle, ioncluding scribe notes, business cards and site drawing. Forward to appropriate Commander’s Office
- Assist the IC with administrative functions
What is the relationship between the ISO and IC?
TN 104.2.5
The IC is the person in charge of the strategic decision making at an emergency incident. The ISO provides advice to the IC regarding safety related issues involved in the IC’s Incident Action Plan and other activities that occur at the incident.
What authority does the Incident Safety Officer have?
TN 104.2.5
- >Alter, suspend, or terminate unsafe activities involving an imminent hazard at an emergency scene
- > Eliminate or control hazards through the IC at an emergency scene
What authority does the Incident Safety Officer have and who are thier goals?
TN 104.2.5
ISO has authority to:
- Alter, suspend or terminate unsafe activities involving an immenent hazard at an emergency scene
- Eliminate or control hazards through the IC at an emergency scene
Goals of the ISO:
- Minimze injuries to fire fighters by making and emerfency scene safer
- Recongnize and understand the types of hazards present on the emergency scene
- Recommend proactive and corrective measures to minimize the liekelihood of accidents occurring.
To accomplish these goals the ISO should have specific knowledge of:
- managing incident scene safety
- building construction
- reading smoke conditions
- the Toronto Fire Services Incident Management and Accountability Systems
- the Incident Commander’s Rules of Engagement
Resposiblilites of the ISO
TN 104.2.5
Incident Safety Officer
- Adhere to the principles and pratices of the TFS IMS and Accountablility system
- Report to the IC
- Maintain communications wht the IC
- Be readily identifiable - safety officer vest
- Utilize correct levels of person protective equipment
- Operate in teams within the controlled area
- Conduct a 360 size-up of the incident where possible
- RIT is in place an utilized
- Determine whether adequate resources (time/personnel/equipment) are available
- Determine types of construction and how fire/damage may affect the structural integrity of the building
- Analyze fire and smoke conditions to predict the possibility of a hostile fire event (flashover, backdraft)
- Continually conduct a risk assessment
- Report conditions and concerns to the IC on an ongoing basis
- Ensure personnnel are performing safely
- Ensure Rehab sector is establishe
- Ensure Accountability is established
- Ensure Post Incident Decontamination
Air Supply Sector
TN 104.2.6
Air Supply Sector
- Organizing the rotation of both empty and full air cylinders
- Ensuring full air cyliders are transproted from the Air/Light vehicle to sectors
- Monitoring the number of cylinders available for use and requesting that other Air/Light vehicles respond to the incident, if needed.
An Air Supply Staging Area shall be considered if crews are travelling an extended distance in a IDLH atmoshere. This will allow firefighting crews to exchange their SCBA cylider without exiting the sturcture.
Water Supply Sector Responsibilities
TN 104.2.7
Water Supply
- A scene survey to ensure that all water supply needs are being met
- Arranging a relay pumping operration if distance beween apparatus is too great
- Requesting additional supplies, apparatus or personnel
- Overseeing all pump operations
- Ensuring proper operating pressures and flow rates are being achieved
- Utilizing resources to bring more water to the scene (catchng hydrants on different water mains or pressure districts)
- Communicating with the Liason Officer or directly with th Works Department to direct water main flows and pressures
- Update the IC on pertinent information
When will a RIT apparatus be added and designated to a dispatch?
TN 104.2.8
- > A reported working fire
- > Requested by an IC
- > A structural collapse
- > Deemed necessary by Toronto Fire Communications
When shall RIT be deployed?
TN 104.2.8
- >When contacted by Toronto Fire upon activation of an emergency button and Toronto Fire are unable to establish radio contact with the crew(s)
- > Upon receiving a MAYDAY
- > As the result of a PAR identifying that a fire fighter or crew is trapped, missing or has sustained a life threatening injury.
- > At any time there is doubt as to the safety of personnel in the controlled area
When is RIT deployed?
TN 104.2.8
- When contacted by Toronto Fire upon activation of an emergency button and Toronto Fire are unable to establish radio contact with the crew(s)
- Upon receiving a “MAYDAY”
- As the result of a PAR identifying that a fire fighter or crew is trapped, missing or has sustained a life threatening injury
- At any time there is doubt as to the safety of personnel in the controlled area
RIT Responsibilities
TN 104.2.8
A RIT when deployed shall:
- Utilize an entry control board (including search line tag)
- Develop and Comminicate a Search/Rescue Plan considering:
- The point of entry for the fire fighter(s) in trouble
- The last known location of fire fighter(s) in trouble
- assignment of tasks to RIT entry team (RIT KIT,searchers 1 and 2)
- Provide timely reports to Command or TITSO
- Locate, Identify and Assess the firefighter involved with the MAYDAY
- Provide rscue air or any other medical aidskl, if needed and incedent conditions allows
- Utilizxe a search line and attach to the exterior of the IDLH in an obvious location.
- Attach the search lin in close vicinity to the downed firfighter or last location reached, so other crews may locate the firefighter.
- Remove the firefighter invoved with the MAYDAY
- Announce benchmarks as they are achieved
- Call for assistence if needed
Prior to deployment RIT shall:
- Bring forward and set up all necessary equipment in the assigned area on the RIT tarp
- Be briefed by IRIT and the ISO
- Monitor all incident communications and changing incident conditions
- Familiarize themselfves with the structure/incident and conduct a 360, if possigle
- Ensure a hose line is charged and ready to deploy from a separate water source
- Ensure access and egress to the structure/incident is available (eg. Ladder upper floors, remove bars and locks)
- Ensure one crew member stays in assigned RIT staging area at all times.
RIT may be assigned alternate tasks by the IC if they have been set up for less than oine hour or environmental stress is not a factor
Where should RIT be located at a high-rise incident?
TN 104.2.8
At a high-rise incident the RIT should be located one floor below the fire floor or just outside the controlled area with easy access to a stairwell for rapid deployment
RIT Sector Officer Responsibilities
TN 104.2.8
- Ensure the RIT is fully equipped
- Thoroughly brief the team prior to entry
- Be the primary radio contact for the RIT
- Request additional personnel and or resources as required
- Prvoide updates to the IC, RIT and Toronto Fire Communications
- Ensure RIT carries out their responsibilities prior to and during deployment
Upon deployment of the RIT, the RITSO’s rsponsibilities will expand:
- Announcing all RIT bechmarks ass they are achieved
- (Deployed, Fire Fighter Located, Fire Fighter Outside)
- Providing updates to the RIT Officer/personnel
- Ensuring that a new RIT is established
- Ensuring additional RIT search lines are used (one RIT search line per downed firefighter)
- Ensure all RITs properly PIT onto the correct search line
- Monitoring the Rehab needs of RIT personnel
- Ensuring TEMS have medical personnel available at he appropriate exit point
Post Inident Decon Officer
TN 104.2.9
Decon Officer
- Ensure before eah apparatus clear the incident, they confer with the Company Officer on the proper post incident decontamination necessary
- To reques a Decontamination Apparatus if one is not available on scen already
- Ensure proper post fire decontamination procedure is performed
- To Record the level of decontamination performed on each apparatus
- Ensure a Decontamination crew is assigned the responsibilities for gross decontamination (if required, and resources are available)
- Decontamination records are forwarded to the \incident Commander upon completion of the incident
- Ensure decontamination crews have sufficient supplies to complete their assigned tasks
- To determine the decontamination area (within the close vicinity of the Decontamination Apparatus)
- Ensure that all equipment is bagged and stored securely for transport
- To give final approval for clearing of an apparatus to return to station to ensure that they have performed the required post incident decontamination
The main reasons for utilizing the protable radio identifiers.
TN 104.3.1
- >Emergency Call Button - when activated this feature will only display the portable radio identifier on the communications centre console.
- >Familiarity - personnel automatically tune their individual listening skills to identify the radio transmission pertinent to their assigned portable/vehicle/station call signs
The passports of each vehicle are labelled with radio identifiers. Firefighters will match their mag tags with their radio identifiers on the passport for ease of identification at an incident.
Initiating a Mayday
TN 104.3.2
All TFS personnel involved with an incident can initiate a MAYDAY, including comminications personnel.
Firefighter with radio:
- Button
- Location
- Identification
- problem
After intitating a MAYDAY firefighter should try to remain in the same location until found gy the RIT if safe to do so, if not self-rescue should be attempted..
Firefighter shall activate PASS alarm:
- after making radio contact wioth someone
- when a second attempt at making radio contact is unsuccessful
- when their radio is inoperable
Firefighter shall deactivate their PASS alarm:
- Firefighter(s) are reached by the RIT
- they need to communicate (reactivate alarm after communication)
- self-rescue is accomplished
Command responsibilities for a MAYDAY
TN 104.3.2
- Ensure that all MAYDAY messages are acknowledged
- Order radio silence
- Direct Toronto Fire Comminications to announce on all Channels operating at the emergency incident that a MAYDAY has been recieved
- Ensure that the channel the MAYDAY is recieved on is used for pertinent information of the rescue, another MAYDAY, EVACUATE, or URGENT transmission.
- Confirm the location, identification and problem of the firefighter(s) transmitting the MAYDAY
- Ensure crews already tasked continue with their assignments
- Consider utilizing crews in the vicinity to assist the MAYDAY
- Brief and deploy the RIT
- Conduct a partial or full Personnnel; Accountability Report (PAR), starting with personnel in the immediate area of the problem
- Establish a backup RIT immediately.
- Assign a RIT Sector Officer
- Update Toronto Paramedic Services and have them possition their personnel at the Entry Control point closest to the downed firefighter
- Announce benchmark ….”RIT has been deployed”
- Announce benchmark…..”Firefighter located” (
use FF name) - Announce benchmark….”Firefighter outside” (use FF name)
- Notify Toronto Fire communications to announce the condlusion of the MAYDAY event
MAYDAY Communications responsibilities
TNH 104.3.2
- Ensure Incident Command (IC) is aware of the MAYDAY
- Upon direction of the IC, transmit over all Channels at the incident, with alert tones, that a MAYDAY has been received and RADIO SILENCE is required
- If Channel 16 is available, upon direction ot the IC, direct all crews with the exception of interior crews and those involved with the MAYDAY to switch to Channel 16
- if Channel 16 is NOT available Command will be notified and radio silence will be maintained.
- Immediately dispatch the closest RIT apparatus and an additional alarm level to the Base location on a Strategic Channel. This ensures necessary crews and RIT teams are on hand for further rescue or suppression needs.
- Dedicate a Dispatcher to monitor the Channel of the MAYDAY event.
- Dedicate another Dispatcher to handle the emergency event.
- Dedicate a Captain to monitor both the MAYDAY and the emergency event.
- Monitor all radio Channels and immediately inform the IC if a Firefighter declares a MAYDAY on a Channel other than the incident Channel.
Initiating an Urgent
TN 104.3.3
All TFS personnel involved wiht an incident can initiate an URGENT. Examples:
- Potential loss of water supply
- Change of interior conditions
- Concern for a potential collapse
Command responsibilities:
- Ensure that all URGENT messages are acknowledged
- Ensure that the apporpriate actions are acrried out without delasy
- Conduct a PAR or partial PAR, if required
Initiating an EVACUATE
Initiating and transmitting an EVACUATE order should be done by the IC, however all TFS personnel involved with an incident can intiate an EVACUATE, including communications personnel.
The initial trasmnission for an EVACUATE order shall be repeated three times followed by information for the firefighting crews and Incident Command. The transmission shall be followed by an Air Horn Evacuation Signal. The signal is three distinct blasts of the air horn followed by a five second pause. This will be repeated two mor times in succession, for a total of three.
Crew Responsibilities:
- Cease operations immediately
- Evacuate to a safe area
- Withdraww or exit via the entry point and/or sector officer
- Answer a Par or partial Par
Command Responsibilities:
- Ensure that all EVACUATE messages are acknowqledtged
- Ensure that the apporpriate actions are carried out withou delay
- Conduct a PAR or partial PAR
TN 104.3.5
Conditions Actions Needs