Sections to remember Flashcards
S5 GPA Mark graffiti
Person must not mark graffiti if graffiti is visible in a public place unless they have consent from the owner or the agent of the owner.
S6 GPA Mark graffiti
Must not mark graffiti that is visible in a public place if it were to offend the reasonable person
S7 GPA must not (without lawful excuse) possess a prescribed grafffiti implement.
On public property of transport company
Lawful excuse includes if the PGI is for employment, trade or prefession
A person possesses a PGI for chroming will be charged under the DPCS act
S8 GPA must not possess GI with the intention of using it
I,e permanent marker, keys (need to prove intention)
S13 GPA Search
O/D, D/P
SORG that a person has a PGI in their possession and they are 14y and older
Can search person, vehicle or thing in their possession at the time for PGI
Before search inform of name, rank and place of duty.
Under 14 years must not be searched
Between 14-18 can be searched using pat down
NO warrant must do field contact form
s123 LCRA
Underage person who possess/ consumes liquor or purchase/ recieve liquor from another person
What are the 5 evidence of age documents?
Drivers licence
Learners permit
Proof of age card
S124 LCRA is an offence to
Give their evidence to someone who will use it for the purpose of the LCRA
Make a false document and give it to another person to use
Power to sieze an evidence of age doc for evidence ( except a DL)
Must BORG not for intended person and Forged or fraudulently altered
S126 LCRA Power to demand name address and age of a minor if:
appears u18 years
consumed, consuming or about to consume liquor
(4) creates an offences for refusal to give N/A/A
(5) arrest power (without warrant) after a person has been given a warning and if they continue to refuse
(6) Must hand over to MOPF
S128 LCRA Seizure
Power to seize and dispose of liquor in possession of a person who is underage
S141 (1AB) Allows PSO to issue and infringement
BORG a person has committed an offence against
S123(1) (b) underage person possess or consume liquor
S119 Supply liquor to underage person
Prohibited weapons offence
It is a S/O to
Possess, carry or use a prohibited weapon
Possess, carrry or use an immitation firearm
Bring into Vic, manufacture or advertise for sale a prohib weapon
It’s an I/O to
(prohibited weapon COWA)
Possess use or carry a prohibited weapon, near a licenced premises (20m)
Power to ask for production of approval of a prohibited weapon
Controlled weapon offences
It is an S/O to
Possess, use or carry a controlled weapon with lawful excuse
Possess, use or carry a ccontrolled weapon, near a licence premises without lawful excuse.
Carry a controlled weapon that is not in a safe and secure manner
What are lawful excuses
Pursuit of any lawful employment, duty or activity
(chef tradie)
Participate in any lawful sport or recreation
(fishing, archery)
Legitimate collection or display (but does not include purpose for self defence)
Dangerous article it is a S/O to
Possess or carry a dangerous article in a public place without a lawful excuse
Possess or carry a dangerous article in or near a licensed are without lawful excuse
S10AA power to search- reasonable suspicion
SORG that a P is carrying or has in their possession in a public place a weapon.
Can sieze and detain any wepon that reasonably suspects is a weapon
S10GA Power to search- Designated area- stop and search (person)
There is no requirement for SORG
MOPF must be present
S10H Power to search- DA- Power ot search vehicles
There is no requirement for SORG
MOPF must be present
Owner of the vehicle must be present while conducting a search.