DPCSA Flashcards
Search powers without a warrant for persons under 18 years
A PSO may, without warrant, search a person and any vehicle, package or thing in that persons possession or under that person’s control for a volatile substance or an item used to inhale a volatile substance, if the member has reasonible grounds for suspecting that the person:
Is under 18 years
Is inhaling or will inhale a volatile substance
S60F Search powers without a warrant for a person irrspective of age
A PSO may, without a warrant,search a person and any vehicle, package or thing in that person’s possession or under that persons control for a volatile substance or an item used to inhale a volatile substance, if the member has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person intends to provide
requirements prior to conducting a search
Inform the person of the officers name, rank and place of duty
If requested, must provide the information in writing
If not in uniform, produce identification
S60L DPCSA apprehention and detention
A member of the police force may apprehend and detain a person if the member has reasonible grounds for believing that the person:
Is under 18 years of age
Is inhaling a volatile subtance or has recently inhaled a volatile substance
Is likely by act or neglect to cause immediate serious bodily harm to himself or herself to some other person
S60M DPCSA identifies that a suitable person is who?
The officer reasonabily believes is capable of taking care of the detained person and
Consents to taking care of the detained person.