Family Violence Flashcards
What are the 2 S/O in the fvpa?
Contravention of a FVSN
Contravention of an IVO
What is the definition of family violence?
Harmful behaviour that is used to control, threaten, force or dominate a family member through fear.
It includes sexual, psychological,emotional and financial abuse
What are the 4 questions to find out whether it’s and argument of fv?
Has anyone In family/ household
Made you feel afraid?
Put you down, humiliated you or tried to control you?
Pushed, kicked, punched, hurt or threatened to hurt you?
Mad you concerned for the safety of children, other family members or pets?
What 4 things do you need to check in leap?
Is the order current?
Parties on the order.
Has the order been served to respondent
What are the conditions of the ivo
What are the 3 I/O of the FVPA?
Contravention of a FVSN intending to cause harm or fear for safety
Contravention of an IVO intending to cause harm or fear for safety
Persistent contravention of a FVSN and and an IVO