Section V: Christian Metaphysics Flashcards
What is a Metaphysician?
A metaphysician is a person that looks beyond the literal, fundamentalist Christian beliefs to a practice that involves the inner development of the individual soul.
Metaphysicians deal in the realm that is beyond (meta) appearance (physical) and are interested in the order of the universe.
A metaphysician is an explorer of self.
A metaphysician is “one skilled in the science of Being; a student and teacher of the laws of Spirit”.
What is Christian Metaphysics?
Christian Metaphysics asserts and recognizes that Divine Ideas are the fundamental, eternal Truth that underlie and transcend all physical manifestation. Christian Metaphysics affirms the knowledge of Truth and the compassionate application and practice of Universal Spiritual Principles in everyday life.
Define Metaphysics and the Three Branches.
Metaphysics is The study of God as it relates to humankind. It is a scientific study using the principle of mind action and the teachings of Jesus the Christ to determine the nature of God and how its relationship is to the nature of humankind.
The three branches are:
- epistemology
- ontology
- cosmology
What is epistemology?
The branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. (How do we know what’s true?)
What is Ontology?
The philosophical study of being, as well as related concepts such as existence, becoming, and reality. (What is the nature of Being?)
What is Cosmology?
A branch of physics and metaphysics dealing with the nature of the universe
What is consciousness?
The sense of awareness, of knowing. The knowledge or realization of any idea, object or condition. The sum total of all ideas accumulated in and affecting a person’s present being. The composite of ideas, thoughts, emotions, sensation and knowledge that makes up the conscious, subconscious and superconscious phases of mind. It includes all that humakind is aware of - spirit, soul, and body.
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2D, pg. 26
Explain two levels of consciousness.
Victim consciousness is about everything happening to me, and this is usually in a negative sense. In vessel consciousness, there is still that sense that something is happening to me; the only difference is that now I believe and feel that God is happening to me.
Verity consciousness occurs when I finally come to realize Oneness. God is me.
Another interpretation of the answer to this questions is the following: The level of consciousness that we are in the greatest amount of time is the stage we are living in and from. While we are living in this particular level of consciousness (stage), we can also temporarily experience another level of consciousness (state).
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2F, pg. 30-31
Define the “kingdom of heaven”.
The Kingdom of Heaven, the Fourth Dimension, is the realm of divine ideas as well as the orderly adjustment of Divine Ideas in the mind and body of humankind.
Heaven is a state of consciousness in harmony with the thoughts of God.
The Kingdom of God is the Absolute. It is Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence; It is limitless, changeless and pure Beingness. The Kingdom of Heaven is based on our relative perception of the Kingdom of god, and It encompasses the very highest levels of our Beingness based on our current level of consciousness; It is our growing and unfolding consciousness of Truth and Oneness. The Kingdom of Heaven is in different stages of realization for each person; It is not fixed Absolute as is the Kingdom of God.
The kingdom of heaven is the orderly adjustment of divine ideas in humankind’s mind and body. (Charles Fillmore, Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, p. 387).
The kingdom of heaven is the realm of divine ideas, producing their expression, perfect harmony. (Charles Fillmore, The Revealing Word, pg. 115)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 26A, pg. 391-393
Name at least four of the ten types of consciousness listed in the book Heart-Centered Metaphysics.
The ten types of consciousness are:
- Christ [Spiritual] Consciousness
- Illumined Consciousness
- Child of God Consciousness
- Inner Consciousness
- Centers of Consciousness
- Positive Consciousness
- Body Consciousness
- Material Consciousness
- Sense Consciousness
- Negative Consciousness
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics - Chapter 2 Section E - Types of Consciousness;
What are the four levels of consciousness and explain each in your own words?
Victim consciousness - occurs when I believe and feel that everything is happening TO ME. I am a victim of the world I see and experience. I have little or no control about what is happening to me.
Victor consciousness - occurs when I believe that I do have some ability to control the world and events around me and especially my experience of them. A certain amount of the world, events and my experiences are controlled BY ME. I have discovered the innate power of my mind. This state of consciousness still contains some victim consciousness; in order for there to be a victor, there must be a victim.
Vessel consciousness - occurs when I have realized there is something greater or bigger than I think, feel or believe I am, and this something is God. I believe I am an instrument, conduit or vessel of God. This consciousness is when I believe It is IN ME. An even higher state of vessel consciousness is when I beleive I am an expression of God, but this is still not quite Oneness. I believe God is showing up AS ME.
Verity consciousness - occurs when I finally come to realize Oneness. This when I realize there is no such thing as God, or Divine Mind, and me. This is when I realize Christ Consciousness. This is when I realize that my most profound understanding is that It IS ME.
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2F, pg. 29-30
What is Christ [Spiritual] Consciousness?
Consciousness built in accordance with the Christ ideal, or in absolute relationship to God. The perfect mind that was in Christ Jesus. (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28
What is Illumined Consciousness?
A mind purified by the light of Truth. (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28
What is Child of God Consciousness?
A state of mind that is conscious of God’s ideal human. (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28
What is Inner Consciousness?
The realm of the supermind as contrasted with the outer or conscious mind (The Revealing Word, pg. 42).
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28
What is Centers of Consciousness?
The subconscious realm in humankind has 12 great centers of action. Each of these 12 centers has control of a certain function in mind and body. (The Revealing Word pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28
What is Positive Consciousness?
A mind filled with God thoughts such as power, strength, generosity, purity, and optimism. (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28
What is Body Consciousness?
The subconscious mind in its work in the body - repairing, renewing, and conducting the functions of the body in harmony and health if right ideas are given to it, or disintegrating the organism and producing inharmonious action of the functions if untrue thoughts are sown in the mind. (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 28-29
What is Material Consciousness?
A state of mind based on belief in the reality of materiality, or things as they appear. It is carnal mind expressing its unbelief in the omnipresence of God. (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 29
What is Sense Consciousness?
A mental state that believes in and acts through the senses. To rise out of sense consciousness, we determine to return to conscious oneness with God. “I will arise and go to my Father” (Luke 15:18 RSV). (The Revealing Word, pg. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 29
What is Negative Consciousness?
A mind filled with un-Godlike thoughts, such as fear, hate, greed, lust, resentments, discouragement, sickness and poverty. (The Revealing Word, p. 42)
Source: Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Section 2E, pg. 29