Final Exam of Core Courses Flashcards
Johnnie Colemon is acknowledged as the first Black/African American ordained by Unity that was allowed to live on their campus.
Johnnie Colemon was the first Black/African American female minister to have a New Thought Christian megachurch in Chicago, Illinois
The UFBL was founded in 1978
FALSE - The UFBL was founded in 1974.
The UFBL was founded by Johnnie Colemon and Don Nedd.
FALSE - The UFBL was founded by Johnnie Colemon.
The UFBL headquarters is incorporated in Florida.
The first elected President of the UFBL was Mary Tumpkin.
FALSE - Rev. Dr. Mary Tumpkin was the first APPOINTED president in 1995. The first ELECTED President was the Rev. Dr. Sheila McKeithan in 2013.
Johnnie’s introduction to Unity was through her mother, Lula Parker.
Johnnie knew exactly when she received her healing.
The healing power of God originated with Jesus.
FALSE - In Open Your Mind and Be Healed, Rev. Dr. Johnnie Colemon is quoted as saying the healing power of God did not originate with Jesus and that it also has no end.
Christ Unity Temple was the first Johnnie Colemon organized church.
Charles Fillmore is known as the Father of New Thought
FALSE - Phineas P. Quimby is known as the Father of New Thought. Charles Fillmore is the co-founder/Father of the Unity School of Christianity.
Nona Brooks founded Christian Science.
FALSE - Nona Brooks co-founded Divine Science along with Malinda Cramer. Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science.
H. Emilie Cady founded the Unity School of Christianity.
FALSE - Charles & Myrtle Fillmore co-founded the Unity School of Christianity. H. Emilie Cady authored Lessons In Truth, considered to be the primary text of Unity.
Jesus Christ is the perfect manifestation of the “seed of God”.
Phineas P. Quimby experimented with hypnotism/mesmerism.
New Thought Christianity, as espoused by the UFBL, is the same as “New Age”.
FALSE - New Thought and New Age are NOT the same thing. New Age is a catch-all for a mixing of attitudes, beliefs, and concerns, fads and theories that constitute the thinking of a wide range of people. New Thought Christianity as practiced by UFBL is FIRMLY BASED ON THE BIBLE. It does not place any authority on channeled sources. Our objective is to discern the Truth and prove it in our everyday lives.
New Thought consists of three phases.
FALSE - New Thought consists of four phases - Philosophical, Theological, Psychological, and Practical
New Thought is a term used to cover a wide range of approaches to God, the world, to life, and its seeming problems.
Mysticism is the UFBL’s theological approach to New Thought.
The philosophical basis of New Thought is Idealism.
A psychological phase of New Thought does not exist.
FALSE - New Thought has a psychological phase of Pragmatism.
The UFBL’s psychological approach is Pragmatism
New Thought can be considered a science.
The primary cause of suffering is forgetfulness.
Principle #4 of the 5 Basic Principles espoused by the UFBL is “Practicing the Present.”
FALSE - The fourth of the 5 Basic Principles espoused by the UFBL is Practicing the PRESENCE.
Principle #5 of the 5 Basic Principles espoused by the UFBL is “The Law of Mind Action”
FALSE - The fifth of the 5 Basic Principles espoused by the UFBL is The Law of DEMONSTRATION.
One of the secondary causes of suffering is wrong thinking
Everything in our life has its beginning in our body.
FALSE - Everything in our life has its beginning in our minds.
You cannot run away from adversity, but you can change your wrong beliefs about the condition.
There is only One Present and One Power - God the good.
FALSE - There is only One PRESENCE and One Power - God the good, Omnipotent, the everywhere-present Sprit of Absolute Good.
Since the nature of God is absolute good and everything is God Substance, evil does not exist.
FALSE - Since the nature of God is absolute good and everything is God Substance, there can be no evil in reality.
The idea in Divine Mind of Power is Love.
FALSE - The idea in Divine Mind of UNIVERSAL ONENESS is Love. The idea in Divine Mind of AUTHORITY and DOMINION is Power.
God has all the qualities and attributes of a human being.
FALSE - God is not a person or Being having qualities or attributes. God is All Good. Humankind has all the qualities and attributes of God.
A person is absolute.
FALSE - A person is relative. God is Absolute.
Omnipotence is all knowledge
FALSE - Omnipotence is All POWER. All Knowledge is OMNISCIENCE.
Everything in race consciousness is negative.
FALSE - Race Consciousness consists of Collective Consciousness; Facts; All Positive/Negative Information; Five Senses; Tradition; Family; Formal Education; Social Media, etc.
Thinking plus feeling equals the Subconscious Phase of Mind.
FALSE - The Subconscious Phase of Mind is our Feeling Nature. Our Thinking Nature is our Conscious Phase of Mind.
Divine inspiration can come from he Superconscious Phase of Mind, bypassing the Conscious Phase of Mind, and go straight to the Subconscious Phase of Mind.
The Soul is the Superconscious Phase of Mind
FALSE - The Soul is the Entire Mind, consisting of the Superconscious Phase of Mind, Conscious Phase of Mind, and Subconscious Phase of Mind.
The Subconscious Phase of Mind can influence our thoughts and actions without our conscious awareness that it is happening.
The Subconscious Mind has the power to do original thinking.
FALSE - The subconscious mind has no power to do original thinking. It acts upon what is given it thorugh the conscious or superconscious mind.
The Soul (Entire Mind) has its own structure: Superconscious Phase of Mind, Conscious Phase of Mind, and Subconscious Phase of Mind
Individuality is our spiritual identity.
John the Baptist represents individuality.
FALSE - John the Baptist represents Personality. Jesus the Christ represents Individuality.
Personality is that which is real.
FALSE - Personality is that which exists
Thought/our thinking is the connecting link between God and humankind.
There appear to be many “minds” because humankind uses this One Mind according to their level of understanding.
Thinking is the process by which we have no choice of what comes into our lives.
FALSE - Thinking is the process by which we bring into our lives what we CHOOSE.
Our body controls our health.
FALSE - Body does not control thinking. Thinking controls the body. Thoughts produce according to their character (after their own kind).
Circumstances out-picture the character of our thinking and feeling.
We should judge according to appearances because “appearances” are real, and always out-picture the Divine Idea of perfection.
FALSE - We should NOT judge according to appearances, because “appearance” is LIMITED, not the real, and does NOT always out-picture the Divine Idea of perfection.
Chemicalization is when a new spiritual idea is introduced into the mind, causing a negative belief to be disturbed.
What is visible in the physical world is NOT a Divine Idea.
The UFBL, a church, a house, a car, a mate, and a business are all examples of a Divine Ideas.
FALSE - What is visible in the physical world is NOT a divine idea, it is a manifestation of a divine idea.
Crucifixion, as espoused by the UFBL, only happens once in our lifetime.
Denials and Affirmations are tools to help change our thoughts.
An affirmation is a statement of “Truth” used to establish in our consciousness the truth only about God.
FALSE - An affirmation is a statement of Truth used to establish in our consciousness the truth about God, humankind, and the universe.
True denial is concerned with negative things.
FALSE - True denial is concerned with negative BELIEFS, not negative things.
Practicing the Presence is a way where humankind can discover their true identity.
Our key to power is knowing that we are offspring to God and heirs to all of God’s good.
The Silence is the mystical point (or union) between soul and spirit.
The UFBL teaches five (5) steps that lead to the Silence.
FALSE - There are seven steps that lead to the Silence: Relaxation, Denial, Affirmation, Concentration, Meditation, Realization or Silence, Praise and Thanksgiving
Understanding how to transform our lives through our thinking is one way that humankind can achieve regeneration.
A definition of theology as espoused by the UFBL is “God thought and God talk.”
All theology arises in a vacuum.
FALSE - No theology arises in a vacuum.
The fundamental basis and starting point of Practical Christianity is that God is Principle.
Charles Fillmore saw salvation as a process rather than as a state of “having it made.”
Pneumatology is the branch of Christian theology concerned with the Holy Spirit.
The “true church of Christ” is a state of consciousness in each person.
Charles Fillmore felt that traditional Christian beliefs were not valid.
FALSE - Fillmore did not reject mainline traditional Christian doctrines, but rather had a different interpretation and explanation
Jesus was the man while the Christ was the God Principle.
The ‘headquarters’ mentioned in Charles Fillmore’s famous quote was referencing a physical building.
FALSE - headquarters in this case was referencing turning within to Spirit.
There are only three types of theology.
FALSE - there are many types of theology.
Metaphysical Christology represents “Being’s Perfect Idea.”
To understand atonement, you must study “Being” from the standpoint of your pure mind.
Charles Fillmore had only one-specific view of the Holy Spirit.
FALSE - Father, Son, Holy Spirit and mind, idea, manifestation.
Realized Eschatology refers to the understanding of the presence of the Kingdom of God right here and now.
A New Thought Christian believes that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.
FALSE - A New Thought Christian believes that Jesus is our WayShower
A New Thought Christian Metaphysican is a person who looks beyond the literal fundamental Christian beliefs.
Metaphysics is a religion.
FALSE - metaphysics is a branch of philosophy
One of the three branches of metaphysics is epistemology.
Epistemology is the study of the arrangement of the world and the universe.
FALSE - Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge. Cosmology is the study of the arrangment of the world and the universe.
Absolute Truth deals with the realm of Divine Ideas while Relative Truth refers to the world of senses, time, space, and form.
Heaven is a state of consciousness in harmony with the thoughts of God. Heaven is within each one of us.
As espoused by the UFBL, hell is a place humankind goes because of the life of sin they lived on the earth.
FALSE - Hell is not a physical place but a represents a corrective state of mind.
The devil is your master in a place called hell.
FALSE - The “devil” is a state of consciousness adverse to the divine good.
The Bible is a collection of ancient writings dictated by God.
FALSE - The Bible is a collection of ancient inspired writings written by many authors.
The Yahwist and the Priestly were the only writers/strands of the Hebrew Scriptures.
FALSE - The German biblical scholar, Julius Wellhausen presnted by the theory that there were four sources (writers: Yahwist, Elohist, Deuteronomist, and Priestly) o fht ePentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy); which opposed the traditional view that it was written by Moses. Each source had their own style of writing and could be identified to a specific period of time.
The inductive Bible study has three components.
An allegory is a true story that leaves no room for interpretation.
FALSE - Allegory is “the veiled presentation, in a figurative story, of a meaning metaphorically implied but not expressly stated. Allegory is prolonged metaphor, in which typically a series of actions are symbolic of other actions.”
There are six allegories espoused in UFBL/JCTS Bible courses that are found in the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
The Garden of Eden espoused in UFBL/JCTS Bible courses is one of the allegories in the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
FALSE - The six allegories in the first eleven chapters of Genesis are 1) Creation of Spiritual Man (Genesis 1), 2) Creation of Manifest Man (Genesis 2), 3) The Fall of Man (Genesis 3), 4) Cain and Abel, 5) Noah and the Flood, and 6) The Tower of Babel
Source: Mysteries of Genesis by Charles Fillmore
Let There by Light by Elizabeth Sand Turner
There is a four-step process for metaphysical Bible interpretation.
Exegesis is a process of examination by which one comes to understand a particular passage or scripture.
The Yahwist and Priestly writers give the same account of the “Creation Story” in Genesis.
As New Thought Christians, we believe that the book of Revelation predicts the end of the world.
Jesus is the only begotten Son.
FALSE - According to metaphysical Christianity, “the only begotten Son” does not exclusively refer to Jesus, but to the Christ or divine Spirit in everyone.
Everything in our life has its beginnings in our mind.
The Trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as espoused by the UFBL.
FALSE - The trinity is not limited to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
In the UFBL, we believe that some people on the face of this earth should live a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.
FALSE - we believe that ALL people on the face of this earth should live a healthy, happy, and prosperous life