Section Everything Else Flashcards
What is Risk considered as?
When should you attack high - risk items in a project?
Attack early in the project; move them to the top of the backlog. It is more cost effective to take it on now and base everything on your initial resolutions.
What is Expected Monetary Value?
EMV = risk impact x risk probability
A risk that would cost $45000 and has a 30% chance of happening would be what contingency reserver?
$45k x 30% = 15,000 into your reserve.
What is a cardinal scale?
This assigns numbers to determine your risk exposure.
What is an ordinal scale?
An ordinal scale wouldn’t involve numbers; rather words like HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM
READ ONLY: How do you perform continuous improvement with tasks?
Periodically review and tailor the process.
Improve team processes through retrospectives.
Seek product feedback via frequent demonstrations.
create an environment for continued learning.
Used values dream analysis to improve processes.
READ ONLY: Continuous improvement is related to Quality. What is Quality?
Quality is a totality of an entity to verify the ability for stated and implied needs.
Quality assurance is prevention driven. Quality control is inspection driven.
You cannot inspect quality into a product….you have to build it in*
What is KAIZEN?
Kaizen is japanese for change for the better.
Small incremental steps for improvement.
Plan - Do - Check - ACT
Plan - Develop - Evaluate - learn
What is the cheapest and fastest channel for exchanging information?
Interactive face to face communication is the cheapest and fastest channel for exchanging information.
Larger teams need heavier methodolgies - projects with greater criticality require greater ceremony (i.e meetins, check ins, etc)
Feedback and communication reduce the need for?
intermediate deliverables.
Efficiency is expendable on?
bottleneck activities.
efficiency is wasted because it has to go through testing.
What is Project Pre- Mortem?
Aims to find failure points before they happen.
1) Imagine the failure
2) generate the reason for failure
3) consolidate the list
4) revisit the plan
How do you “host the pre-mortem”?
- discuss what might go wrong
- typically, after plan created
- people create a prioritized list
In an agile project, you look for feedback for products in sprint review or retrospective stage.
Plan Do Check Act
What are questions you would ask in the product feedback loop or PDCA?
- Does it meet the customer needs and expectations?
- Dose it work and all conditions?
- Did we break anything while building this?
- How can we improve efficiency?
- How can quality be improved?
- How can we share lessons learned?
Why do you need a retrospective in a project?
- Improve productivity
- improved capabilities
- quality improvement
- capacity improvement
What is the Triple Nickel?
take 5 minutes on 5 ideas 5 times
what is working well on this project?
What can we do to improve relationships
What can we do to speed up the process?
What is Color Coded Dots?
Used color coded dots to track your energy on high/low projects throughout the duration.
What is Mad, Sad or Glad?
Track emotions throughout the timeline
What is a satisfaction Histogram?
A bar chart showing satisfaction about particular areas or issues
What is a Team Radar?
An assessment of perofrmance improvement
What is Five Whys?
Cause and effect.
Asking why 5 times….looking for root cause amongst 3-5 people.
What is fishbone analysis?
fish diagram for cause and effect…also known as ishikawa diagram. Asking why 5 times
What is SMART Goal?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely
What is Cicrcle of Questions?
How many roles are in a Scrum project?
There are 3 roles in a Scrum Project.
product owner, scrum master, and the development team members.
What does a Scrum Master do?
The Scrum master coordinates the work of the sprint and runs interference between the team and any distractions that may keep them from the work at hand. They also support the product owner in maintaining the backlog, prioritizing work, and defining when it is done.
What is a characteristic of a scrum team?
cross functional
Not directed by others
What are the stages in a Bruce Tuckman model?
Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning
What should you do if the workload is too much for a Scrum team?
If the work is too large for the current team, remove or change certain items. You can also recruit additional Development Team members before the work begins.
What does a Scrum Master manage?
The Scrum Master manages the process - not the team. Everyone is equal contributer in a Scrum project.
What are characteristics of a Scrum Master?
- removes impediement to the Development team
- helps those outside the Scrum Team understand appropriate interactions with the scrum team
- helps product owner by consulting on finding techniques
What is not a characteristic of a Scrum Master?
A scrum master is not a development team member.
What is the servant leadership approach?
According to the Agile Practice Guide, the servant leadership approach involves listening, respect, promoting self-awareness, trust, promoting safety, coaching versus controlling, promoting the energy and intelligence of others, and promoting safety.
Servant leadership is an important aspect of agile methodology. Servant leader responsibilities include
- manage relationships to build communication
- support the team through mentoring and encouragement
- celebrate with the team and external groups
READ* Servant Leader is not supposed to DELEGATE
The primary role of the servant leader is to carry the food and water, shield the team from interruptions, remove impediments to progress, and communicate and recommunicate the project vision.
What are Leadership tasks?
Leadership tasks include giving transparency through visualization, creating a safe environment for experimentation, experiment with new techniques and process, and share knowledge through collaboration.
What is the difference between being a manager and a leader?
Management is about getting things done, while leadership is more about getting people to do what needs to be done.
Is a Project Manager a Scrum Master?
A project manager can be a scrum master but doesn’t necessarily mean a scrum master is a project manager.
What does a scrum master do when the sprint backlog cant be finished?
If the team can’t finish all Sprint Backlog items, they do not include the items in the increment of current Sprint, they do not show it in the Sprint Review, and they must estimate it and return it to the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with them.
How many hours of work is a user story?
A user story should be 1-3 days of effort, or roughly 20 hours - at max 24 hours (8 x 3)
What are potential stories (user stories) also called?
Candidate stories.
What are benefits of User Stories?
- Perspective of the user or the customer.
- User Stories answer the questions…who was asking for this? why are we doing this?
What are the three c’s of user stories?
Card, Conversation and Confirmation?
what is INVEST (characteristics of effective user stories?
What are “tips” for hosting a great workshop?
- Have a diverse group of people
- Facilitated for Involvement
- Get people involved early
What are 3 brainstorming methods?
- Quiet writing
- Round-robin
- Free for all
What are agile modeling values?
What is a Use Case Diagram?
Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams also identify the interactions between the system and its actors. The use cases and actors in use-case diagrams describe what the system does and how the actors use it, but not how the system operates internally.
What are the use case diagram components?
- System
- Use case
- Actors
- Relationships
What is the purpose of defining data models?
Defining data models determines the structure of data and is sometimes called a data structure.
READ about Wireframes*
The final phase is to use the wireframe to help you figure out the details that the developers need to know to build it. A trick I learned to do this is to imagine yourself using it. Wireframes clarify the picture in your head of what you’re building and allow you to picture its use. This process is helpful in providing the details that the developers want in order to building it.
Creating a wireframe is kind of like cooking something. Think about cooking your favorite dish. Now, think about writing a recipe for how to cook what you’ve made. It’s a different process entirely. It’s shifted from creating to communicating. It’s all about putting yourself in their shoes and not making too many assumptions about their level of understanding or knowledge.
The lesson here is that the process of creating the wireframe is actually more for you than for the developer. It helps you figure out what you want to build, which, in turn, makes it easier to communicate how to build it (even if you’re completely non-technical).
What is a “Wireframe”?
Wireframes are a quick mock-up of a product, could be screens and data flows between the screens, ensures that everyone has the same understanding of the product, a form of low fidelity prototyping, and a quick way to get feedback.
What are 3 “facts” about Contracting?
- Contracts are a form of a constraint
- Contracts are constrained by an offer and a consideration
- Contracts balance time, cost and scope
What are considerations for contracts?
- Scope changes
- Priorities
- Time and Cost
What is a graduated fixed-price contract?
In this model, the customer pays the seller a standard rate if the contract gets delivered on time. But if the contract is delivered early, the seller gets paid at a higher rate. The customer is happy because the contract is completed early, and they might pay less money overall.
A ______________ often provides an initiative to work effectively, but its not the only way to work effectively.
A graduated fixed price contract
Benefits of a graduated fixed price contract?
No sandbagging
Focuses on results
Celebrates success for working smart
What is a customized contract?
The buyer and seller can make any agreement they want.
What is “gulf of evaluation”?
The gulf of evaluation is when team members have different interpretations of the customer’s product description.
What is value-based analysis?
A value-based analysis is assessing and prioritizing the business value of work by subtracting the cost from the benefit.
What does Value-Based analysis answer?
How often the item will generate business value.
What does value-based decomposition include?
Value-based decomposition includes requirements elicitation, grouping of like features, breaking down of features, ranking of requirements, and prioritization of requirements into development.
Estimate Range is not as precise as _______________
Predictive planning.
Characteristics of Iterations?
Iterations usually last two to four weeks
Iterations are short periods of development
Iterations are timeboxed
Characteristics of Release planning meeting?
All stakeholders are represented.
The goal is to find which stories will be done in which iterations for the release.
What should happen at a release planning meeting?
Assess the backlog, review story sizing, sort the stories, define the outline, and slice the stories as needed
What is apart of affinity estimating?
When affinity estimating, put stories on sticky notes, compare to proven reference stories, and match stories to comparable reference stories.
What is affinity estimating
a technique many agile teams use too quickly and easily estimate a large number of user stories in story points.
Fibonacci sequence
The traditional Fibonacci sequence is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on. In Agile projects, this series is modified. The modified Fibonacci series is 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100 – a sequence that is used to estimate the relative size of User Stories in terms of Story Points.
What is true about relative sizing?
It’s difficult to make absolute estimate.
Story points are points assigned for story worth.
Relative sizing assigns points to stories on a relative scale.
Characteristics of story points:
- the team owns the definition of their story points.
- Story point estimates should be all-inclusive
- Point sizes should be relative
- When disaggregating estimates, the totals do not need to match
Characteristics of a “Fist of Five voting technique”:
- The team facilitator asks the team to show their level of support for the item.
- Each team member holds up the number of fingers that corresponds to their level of support.
- The voting continues until everyone holds up three or more fingers or agrees to move forward.
What is the “Highsmith Decision Spectrum”?
This is an effective model because it allows people to indicate support for a decision and air their reservations at the same time. Giving people the opportunity to share their concern is an important component of achieving agreement to go forward while respecting dissenting views and keeping everyone involved. Often, just being able to register reservations is enough to allow people to commit to a new idea or method.
What is Iteration H?
Iteration H is final testing.
- Hardening sprint
- It documents the product
- It’s used to stabilize the code
What is a “risk-based spike”?
A risk-based spike is carried out in response to a known risk. These can also be opportunities or threats. The team might find out that using a different programming language can speed up development, or they might find out that they can’t use the one they had planned to use. These spikes would be added to the backlog as mitigation actions.
What are benefits of a “risk-based spike”?
- short effort to investigate risk
- reduces or eliminates through mitigation
- Good to do early in the project
What is an “architectural spike”?
A spike is an experiment that allows developers to learn just enough about the unknown elements in a user story, e.g. a new technology, to be able to estimate that user story. Often, a spike is a quick and dirty implementation, a prototype which will be thrown away.
How long should an architectural spike take?
Less than a sprint (which is 4 weeks)
IF you perform an architectural spike…what will the deliverable be?
The knowledge in the form of a document or a presentation.
What is an agile estimate?
How do you estimate in Agile scrum?
In Scrum Projects, Estimation is done by the entire team during Sprint Planning Meeting. The objective of the Estimation would be to consider the User Stories for the Sprint by Priority and by the Ability of the team to deliver during the Time Box of the Sprint.
Agile estimation is the process of evaluating the required effort to complete a work item. Emerging in the development field, the practice of weighing work is now widely applied among Agile teams.
What is the purpose of creating an agile estimate?
To create a schedule and a budget.
What stage is in estimates?
Agile estimates are created in the stages of sizing and planning.
When are agile estimates created?
The last responsible moment and throughout the project.
A project has already gone through several iterations, but there’s work to be done. Who determines the progress of the project?
The Product Owner is responsible for monitoring the progress of the project. He or she determines the amount of work remaining.
What are the benefits of a burn down chart?
- Plans for future events
- Communicates progress
- Reach work completion on time
What is a Burnup chart a good tool for?
A burnup chart is a good way to track how much you’ve already accomplished and check on the project’s scope.
What is a burndown chart?
A burndown chart shows the work remaining on a project.
Characteristics of “Team Velocity”
Velocity is the measure of a team’s capacity for work per iteration.
Velocity tends to plateau
Velocity is measured in the same unit that the team estimates the work.
Your agile team is working on a project and they have just completed the fourth sprint. In the first sprint they complete 24 story points. In the second sprint the team completed 32 story points. In the third sprint they completed only 16 story points. And in this last sprint the team complete 38 story points. What is the velocity for this agile team?
To find the velocity of the team you’ll find the average story points completed for the four iterations. This would be 24+32+16+38 for a total number of 110 story points. Then you’ll divide 110 by four, for an average of 27.5. The value is rounded up to 28 story points for their velocity. This means the team is expected to completed 28 story points per sprint on average.
When is Sprint Progressed Monitored?
This should be done in each daily scrum.
What is “backlog refinement”?
Backlog refinement, also known as backlog management or backlog grooming, is the period of time where product owners, managers, and team members review and prioritize product backlog items. This project management process is commonly used in development teams who use the Agile methodologies.Oct 29, 2022
In Scrum, Backlog Refinement is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate to ensure that items on the Product Backlog: are understood the same way by all involved (shared understanding), have a size estimate for the (relative) complexity and effort of their implementation, and
What is a product backlog burnup chart?
The Scrum Burndown Chart is a visual measurement tool that shows the completed work per day against the projected rate of completion for the current project …
How often should a project progress be monitored?
The project progress should be monitored at least once per Sprint Review.
What is the purpose of monioring a project at least once per Sprint review?
It forecasts the completion date of the project.
In a project burndown chart….what is on the X-axis?
The number of sprints. (time left to complete the project)
In a project burndown chart….what is on the y axis?
the remaining effort needed to complete the project. (incompleted work)
When monitoring sprint progress….which tool should you use?
Utilize a sprint board for transparecny.
This might be a sprint burndown chart, a sprint goal, or a kanban of user stories.
Characteristics regarding measurements in agile projects*
- Transitioning to agile means using different measurements
- Agile projects deliver finished work on a regular basis
- Project teams can use such data for improved forecasts and decision making.
**Characteristics regarding how agile teams measure results **
Agile measures what the team delivers
Agile teams limit their estimation to the next few weeks at the most
There is evidence that the smaller the chunk of work, the more likely people are to deliver.
Characteristics of a Kanpban pull system
- A pull system moves work through development
- Only so many items can be in each stage of the project
- Work moves from left to right
What are the CORE VALUEs of Extreme Programming?
What are the Extreme Programming team roles?
an XP core practice is ______ ownership
collective not individual
What are 3 XP (Extreme Programming) core practices?
- Whole team
- Customer Tests
- Sustainable Pace
- Collective Code
dWhat is “Pair Programming”?
There are two programmers using the same code and unit test cases, on the same system. One programmer plays the pilot role — focusing on clean code, compiles and runs. The second programmer plays the role of navigator and focuses on the big picture and reviews code for improvement or refactoring. Every 45 minutes, they switch roles so that the pilot will play the role of navigator and vice versa. The pilots and navigators are not fixed, and they are frequently swapped, the main benefits of that over a period of time is that everyone gets to know about the code and functionality of the whole system. What is this practice called?
Characteristics of Simple Design
Looking for the simplest thing that could work
Simple does not mean easy
Simple design is a risk mitigation approach.
What are the 7 core concepts of lean product development?
Empower the team
Deliver Fast
Optimize the whole
Build Quality In
Defer Decisions
Amplify Learning
What are the 7 wastes of lean product development?
Partially Done Work
Extra Processes
Extra Features
Task Switching
The basis of the crystal method is on two critical assumptions:
1> The team can make itself more efficient by streamlining their work and the project
2> Every project is different from others and requires specific methods and strategies
This crystal method is for a small team of 1-6 people, supports a fixed-price contract, is people-oriented, requires documentation, and is the focus of project safety. Which method is this describing
Crystal Clear
Describe Crystal Yellow
This crystal method is for a team size of 7-20, and there’s a clear ownership of code areas. Feedback is taken from users; prefers accessible and direct communication. Automated testing is used to resolve bugs, and there are monthly improvement plans. Which method is this describing?
Crystal Orange Method
This crystal method is meant for a team of 21-40, with a project that lasts 1-2 years. Teams are split up by their functional skills and a release is required every 3-4 months. Every release is called an increment. This method is designed for a medium-sized project.
Crystal Orange Web Method
This crystal method is made for a team size of 21 to 40 people. It’s used in projects that have a continually evolving code base that is being used by the public. It focuses on raising the minimal defect.
What are the characteristics of feature-driven development?
The characteristics of feature-driven development are domain object modeling, developing by feature, individual class code ownership, feature teams, inspections, configuration management, regular builds, and visibility of progress and results.
It is NOT irregular builds…only regular.
What are benefits of verification and validations?
- Tests checkpoint and review
- Frequent verification and validation happen throughout the project
- Build a consensus between the team and stakeholders
What is predictive delivery?
Predictive delivery is a method that uses analytics to reduce the delivery time and improves the estimate of the time required to make the actual delivery.
What are 3 examples of verification and validation?
- Pair programming
- Unit Testing
- Product Release
What is a unit test?
A unit test is a program fragment developer write and maintained. This fragment exercises a narrow part of the product’s source code and checks the results.
What is Acceptance Testing?
Acceptance testing is a formal description of the behavior of a software product, expressed as an example of a usage scenario.
What is exploratory testing?
Exploratory testing is about testers exploring the application to identify potential edge cases. It’s important the testers understand the different personas that are likely to use the application. This will allow them to execute the exploratory tests with success.
What is Usability Testing?
Usability testing consists of observing a representative end-user interacting with the product, given a goal to reach but no specific instructions for using the product.
Characteristics of Continuous Integration
- frequent integration
- small code commits
- incorproate new and changed code in repository
- automated tools to integrate code
What are disadvantages of continuous Integration?
Disadvantages of continuous integration include the lengthy setup time, the cost of a dedicated server, and the time it takes to build a suite of automatic tests
What are advantages of continuous integration?
Advantages of continuous integration include frequent unit testing to define issues quickly, immediate feedback, and problems are fixed as they occur.
What is Test Driven Development?
Test-driven development is a method of programming where three activities are interwoven: testing, design, and coding.
Test Driven Development first step is?
Red Stage
Test Driven Development second step is?
Green Stage
In an Acceptance Testing, the focus is?
The requirements
Acceptance Driven Testing helps communication with?
Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) helps with communication between the business customers, the developers, and the testers.
Who authorizes the Acceptance Driven Testing?
The tests are authored by the triad of customer, tester, and developer.
What is the Acceptance Driven Testing Cycle?
Discuss requirements > distill test framework > develop code and run test > demo
Benefits of collaboration?
success alert
Good job!
The benefits of collaboration include generating wiser decisions, promotes problem-solving, promotes action, builds social capital, and ownership of collective problems.
What are characteristic of “The Green Zone”?
- Seeks Solutions
- Welcome Feedback
- Firm but not rigid?
- Not Easily Threatened
What is the characteristic of “The Red Zone”?
- Blames others
- short-term advantage
- must win at any cost
What are interpersonal skills for Agile Projects?
Interpersonal skills for agile projects include emotional intelligence, active listening, facilitation techniques, negotiation, conflict resolution, and participatory decision making
What are the quadrants of Emotional Intelligence?
Self-management, self-awareness, social skills, social awareness
When does Negotiation happen in a project?
success alert
Good job!
Negotiations happen throughout the project.
What is Ameliorate?
ameliorate implies making more tolerable or acceptable conditions that are hard to endure.
Ameliorate reduces the impact.
What are the forms of customer collaboration?
- cover
- avoid
- acceptance
- Resolve
What is a level one conflict?
A level one conflict is called a problem to solve.
What is a crusade conflict?
A crusade has ideological language.
What is a contest conflict?
A contest is characterized by the need to win so much that it trumps resolving the conflict.
What are conflict resolution methods?
Conflict resolution methods include withdraw/avoid, smooth/accommodate, compromise/reconcile, force/direct, and collaborate/problem-solve.
What is “Convergence”?
Convergence is participating decision making models in for conversions for collective agreements
High performance teams are ______ than 12 members
Less than.
Characteristics of high performing teams:
- set realistic goals
- provide strong relationship
- build a sense of team identity
Describe a self organizing team:
A self-organizing team isn’t command and control, uses their own knowledge to organize work, responsibility delegated to the team
Describe a self directing team:
Self-directing teams are empowered to work collectively, make local decisions, estimate and decide the project work, and make mistakes but learn from mistakes.
What is “Swarming”?
Swarming is a strategy where the team, or several team members, focus collectively on resolving a blocker.
How does Agile teams resolve “pain points”?
Project teams may experience many pain points when a project contains a high degree of uncertainty, change, and complexity. Agile approaches directly address these pain points by performing activities such as creating clear team charters, among other activities.
What is “Scope Creep”?
If requirements aren’t defined from the beginning, there’s a chance new additions will fall into the mix.
How do you prevent scope creep?
Prevent scope creep by preparing a clearly detailed scope of the project, defining requirement specifications and acceptance criteria, getting the stakeholders to sign off on this scope agreement, determining what requirements need to be involved in the phase you are working on vs. future phases or versions, developing and implementing a change control process that the stakeholders are aware of and agree to, monitoring the project progress against the scope.
What is a BART?
For example, a Boundary Authority Role Task (BART) can be used to identify problems with team dynamics, and the pain snake can be used to determine the root cause of interruptions. A BART analysis evaluates four dimensions of team dynamics: boundary, authority, role, and task analysis. Agile coach Dan Mezick (Mezick, 2009) applied BART to Scrum.
When are the elements of a project scope agreed upon?
In an adaptive or agile life cycle, the project scope and the deliverables are defined through iterations of planning and executing. The elements of the project scope are agreed upon at the launch of each iteration.
What is a sprint planning?
A sprint planning session has a goal to identify any assumptions, risks, and activity dependencies for ordering, and it will assign actions to the project team.
What is a difference between agile project and predictive project?
Agile projects usually don’t have the in-depth planning and estimating approaches that predictive life cycle projects use.
When are quality reviews planned?
They are planned throughout the project.
Quality in an agile project is based on:
Quality in agile projects is still about meeting the project requirements.
What is a benefit of agile approach?
One of the benefits of Agile approaches is the ability to obtain feedback continuously throughout the project. This allows the team to incorporate the feedback early.
What is a highly adaptive lifecycle?
Frank is using a highly adaptive (Agile) life cycle, where Closing activities involve addressing the highest business value items first versus closing out the project or phase as in a highly predictive life cycle.
Communication in an agile lifecycle:
Communication in an agile environment is often more face-to-face and informal, but it’s still important to keeping the project moving forward. Agile communication must be fast, accurate, and transparent.
Four themes for larger agile projects?
There are four themes to manage when setting up large agile projects: people, product, project, and process.
When issues arise with the team, stakeholders, or customers, what should the project manager do?
Hold a retrospective
When issues arise with the team, stakeholders, or customers, hold a retrospective and tune the processes. Review often what is working well and worth repeating, what could use optimizing, and what should never be repeated. There is no cookbook for going agile. Options have to be tried and then process adapted as you go.