How to Pass The PMP Exam Flashcards
Reread the answers
often times the correct answer clearly stands out for easy rated questions.
Medium Questions
Mostly fact based.
narrowed down to one or two answers with reading.
Harder Questions
Most test-takers will not naturally gravitate toward the right answer.
Hard Question Strategy
Look for the trap answer - cross it out and avoid it.
tip is to rephrase the question and ask it it normal terms.
Reading the questions
read the last sentence first so you don’t waste time.
Reading the questions
determine if it is predictive, agile or hybrid before answering.
Guessing Strategies
eliminate the most you can before guessing.
Follow the PMI Process
Follow the Agile Manifesto and the principles of Agile Manifesto
Don’t take the easy way out - confrontation is your friend (answer)
Project Managers communicate directly.
Know the roles…if you don’t guess project manager. Assume the project manager is large and in charge.
don’t spend 15 minutes taring at a single question….mark it and choose a random answer and move on.
Know PERT and SPI
Budget Your Time
Sit through the tutorial to gain familiarity with the testing software.
Budget Your Time
Take your breaks
Budget Your Time
Pace yourself for 45 minutes for 75 questions.
Budget Your Time
Review the questions when you are done…take your time.
Ask yourself….did you read the question correctly. Does your answer match what was being asked?