Section 4 - Assesment Flashcards
Health risk assessment (HRA)
A screening tool used to evaluate the benefits and the risks associated with starting any type of exercise that is strenuous in nature.
A specific situation where a medication, procedure, or exercise should be avoided because it may prove to be harmful to the individual.
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+)
A detailed questionnaire designed to assess an individual’s physical readiness to engage in structured exercise.
False-positive screenings
A screening where the results of the health risk assessment might indicate a need for medical clearance, when one is in fact not needed.
Health history questionnaire (HHQ)
A questionnaire with lists of questions that pertain to health history and habits, such as exercise history, eating behaviors, and general lifestyle.
The physiological process by which the body maintains a relatively constant internal body temperature, including events like sweating to cool the body and shivering to warm the body.
Peripheral vasodilation
The action of expanding the diameter of a blood vessel near the surface of the skin, which helps remove heat from the body.
The field of study of the measurement of living humans for purposes of understanding human physical variation in size, weight, and proportion.
Heart rate (HR)
The measurement of the number of times a heart beats within a specified time period (usually 1 minute).
Arterial system
The system of arteries carrying blood away from the heart.
Brachial artery
The primary artery of the upper arm, which is often used as a site for measuring blood pressure.
Circumference measurement
The measurement that determines the overall dimension (girth) of a body segment, which can be used to estimate body composition or the prevalence of obesity.
Waist circumference
A measurement that represents the narrowest circumference taken around the midline of the body at the approximate height of the umbilicus (belly button).
Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)
The relative score expressing the ratio of the waist circumference to the hip circumference, which correlates to the risk for developing cardiovascular disease.
Gluteal fold
The area where the fold of the buttocks joins the back of the thigh.
Skinfold measurements
A technique used to estimate body fat in which calipers are used to pinch the skin in certain areas of the body.
Jackson and Pollock 7-Site protocol
Measures the thickness of skinfolds at seven different places within the body to estimate body fat percentage.
Jackson and Pollock 3-Site protocol
Measures the thickness of skinfolds at three different places within the body to estimate body fat percentage.
Four-site Durnin– Womersley protocol
Measures the thickness of skinfolds at four different places (biceps, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac) within the body to estimate body fat percentage.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
A body composition assessment technique that estimates body fat percentage by measuring the resistance to the flow of electrical currents introduced into the body.
Archimedes’ principle
The assumption stating that the volume of fluid displaced is equivalent to the volume of an object fully immersed in that fluid or to the specific fraction of the volume below the surface.
YMCA 3-minute step test
An aerobic test that measures the cardiovascular fitness of an individual based on a 3-minute bout of stair-stepping at a specific cadence.
Cardiorespiratory fitness
The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to provide the body with oxygen during activity.
Cardiorespiratory assessments
Protocols intended to measure the aerobic fitness of an individual.
Recovery heart rate (RHR)
The number of heartbeats measured after exercise ceases, which provides some indication of an individual’s fitness level (i.e., more conditioned people recover more rapidly).
Rockport walk test
An aerobic test for deconditioned individuals or those of low fitness levels in which they are instructed to walk as fast as possible and have their pulse taken immediately after completing 1 mile.
1.5-mile (2.4 km) run test
An aerobic test that measures cardiorespiratory endurance by having the participant cover the distance of 1.5 miles in as short a time as possible.
Talk test
An aerobic test that measures the participant’s ability to talk or hold a conversation during an activity at various intensity levels.
Ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)
Ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)
The point where glucose provides nearly all of the energy for the activity.
Ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1)
The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as fuel sources.
Steady-state (SS) heart rate
Any stage at which the physiological response of heart rate from the cardiovascular system becomes relatively constant in relation to the amount of work being performed (i.e., the heart rate response matches the level of work being performed).
Anaerobic energy systems
Energy systems used to perform work in which glycogen is converted to glucose and oxygen is insufficient to break down pyruvate and create adenosine triphosphate.
Static posture
The positioning of the musculoskeletal system while the body is motionless.
Dynamic posture
Alignment of the body while in motion.
Optimal movement
Moving in a biomechanically efficient manner that maximizes muscle recruitment and minimizes risk of injury.
Movement assessment
An assessment of a client’s movement patterns and postural alignment during movement or activity; also known as a dynamic postural assessment.
Movement impairments
Abnormal movement patterns that can indicate possible muscle imbalances or mobility limitation.
Pes planus
Collapsed arch of the foot; also known as flat feet.
Performance assessment
Assessments used to measure overall strength, muscular endurance, power, and agility.
Optimal flexibility and joint range of motion; ability to move freely.
When elevated neural drive causes a muscle to be held in a chronic state of contraction.
When a muscle is experiencing neural inhibition and limited neuromuscular recruitment.
Static postural assessment
An assessment that provides insight to deviations from optimal alignment of the body in a standing posture.
On the back of the body.
On the front of the body.
Kinetic chain checkpoints
The five areas of the body that are monitored during movement assessments and exercise: foot/ankle, knees, lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, shoulders, and head.
Anterior pelvic tilt
An excessive forward rotation of the pelvis that results in greater lumbar lordosis.
Knee valgus
Knees collapse inward (knock knees) due to hip adduction and internal rotation; also known as medial knee displacement and genu valgum.
Pes planus distortion syndrome
Postural syndrome characterized by flat feet, knee valgus, and adducted and internally rotated hips.
Knee varus
Knees bow outward (bowlegged); also known as genu varum.
Lower crossed syndrome
Postural syndrome characterized by anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine.
The normal curvature of the cervical and lumbar spine regions, creating a concave portion of the spine.
Upper crossed syndrome
Postural syndrome characterized by a forward head and protracted shoulders.
Overhead squat assessment (OHSA)
A movement assessment designed to assess dynamic posture, core stability, and neuromuscular control of the whole body during a squatting motion.
Single-leg squat assessment
A movement assessment that assesses dynamic posture, lower-extremity strength, balance, and overall coordination in a single-limb stance.
Pulling assessment
An assessment that challenges the upper extremities and trunk during a pulling movement to identify movement impairments and potential muscle imbalances.
Push-up test
A performance assessment that measures muscular endurance of the upper extremities during a pushing movement.
Bench press strength assessment
A performance assessment designed to estimate the one-repetition maximum of the bench press exercise.
Squat strength assessment
A performance assessment designed to estimate the one-repetition maximum of the squat exercise.
Vertical jump assessment
A performance assessment designed to test maximal jump height and lower extremity power.
Long jump assessment
A performance assessment designed to test maximal jump distance and lower extremity power.
Lower extremity functional test (LEFT)
A performance assessment designed to test lateral speed and agility.
40-yard dash assessment
A performance assessment designed to test reaction capabilities, acceleration, and maximal speed.
Pro shuttle (5-10-5) assessment
A performance assessment designed to test lateral acceleration, deceleration, agility, and control.
Lying faceup.
Lying facedown.
Which muscles are typically underactive in association with lower crossed syndrome?
Adductor complex