Section 2 - Matters Of Life And Death Flashcards
What is abortion?
The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive
What is assisted suicide?
Providing a person with the means to commit suicide
What is euthanasia?
The painless killing of someone suffering from a painful and terminal disease
What is immortality of the soul?
The idea that the soul lives of after the death of the body
What is a near death experience?
When somebody about to die has an out of body experience
What is non-voluntary euthanasia?
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask but you think that they would want you to do so
What is paranormal?
Unexplained things which are believed to have a spiritual cause
What is the quality of life?
The idea that life must have some benefits to be world living.
What is reincarnation?
A belief that after you die, your soul is reborn into a new body
What is resurrection?
The belief that after death, the body stays in the grave until the last day where everyone is risen.
What is the sanctity of life?
The belief that life is holy and belongs to God.
What is voluntary euthanasia?
Ending life painlessly when somebody in great pain asks for death
Why do some people not believe in life after death?
- They believe there is no spirit world.
- They don’t know which holy book is correct.
- They believe religions contradict each other.
- There isn’t enough evidence and nobody has returned from the dead.
- Any evidence found is challenged by scientists.
- Science says when the body dies, the brain dies.
- There is no place where it could take place.
Why do some people believe in life after death?
- No proof that there isn’t a God.
- Evidence that the mind affects the body.
- Mind and brain may not be the same.
- Some people may say there is evidence e.g. Mediums, Oujia boards etc.
- The mind can make sense of everything.
- Physics says you can have out of body experiences and credible people have had religious experiences.
What do all Christians believe about life after death?
That life isn’t all there is as Jesus rose from the dead
Why do all Christians believe in life after death?
- The bible teaches there is life after death.
- Creeds show the belief has been around for a long time.
- All churches teach that there if life after death.
- Believing in this gives life a special meaning and purpose.
Which branch of Christianity mainly believe in resurrection of the body
Evangelical Protestants believe that when we die, we stay in our grave until the last day when we are risen and judged.
What do evangelical Protestants believe happens at the resurrection and why?
- True Christians will go to heaven and others will go to hell
- Good people fro, other religions will have another chance.
- Interpret 1 Corinthians 15 and the creeds literally.
- Jesus rose from the dead.
What do most Christians believe in?
- In the immortality of the soul. That the soul is immortal and lives on after death.
- When a person dies, their soul goes straight to heaven.
Why do most Christians believe in immortality of the soul?
- Jesus said to the criminal on the cross “today you will be with me in paradise”
- NDE confirm the idea of immortality of the soul.
- The communion of saints suggests that both the living and dead are part of the Christian community.
How does belief in after death affect the lives of Christians?
They believe that they will be judged on how they have lived their lives and if they have remained faithful to the teachings of Jesus.
What does living a good Christian life mean?
- Loving your neighbour
- Avoiding sin
- Parable of the Good Samaritan and and he probable of the sheep and the goats.
- To help people.
What does Jesus teach in the parable of the sheep and the goats?
That you should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty and clothe the naked as you are doing these things for Jesus. Inspired people such as mother Teresa.
What does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach?
That you should love your neighbour and help anybody in need regardless of who they are.
What do evangelicals believe happens to sinners?
They go straight to hell.
Why do most Christians not want to sin?
Because they love God and do not want to disappoint him. They are not afraid of God and do not accept the idea of hell.
What is ahimsa?
The principle of non violence
What are ashramas?
A stage of life.
What is Brahman?
The ultimate reality.
What is a guru?
A Hindu spiritual teacher.
What is karma?
Actions and deeds. Also known as ‘the law of cause and effect’
What is the law of karma?
That any actions will have an effect on the state of the soul and the chances of gaining moksha?
What is a mandir?
A Hindu temple.
What is moksha
The realise of the process of rebirth
What is a Puja?
A place of Hindu worship.
What is samsara?
The eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
What is a swami?
A Hindu religious teacher.
What is nirvana?
The ending of material existence (paradise)
What is the Vedas?
The first Hindu scriptures
What do Hindus believe about life after death?
That humans have immortal souls and are continually reborn into the cycle of samsara until they are released (moksha) and become divine (Brahman)
What are the ways in which Hindus believe you can achieve moksha?
- By following ones dharma in the 4 ashramas.
- through dedication to Krishna or a guru.
- Through meditation and yoga.
Most Hindus follow a mixture of these.
Why do Hindus believe in life after death?
- Its the teachings of the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads.
- All gurus and swamis teach it.
- Reincarnation makes sense if life.
- Most Hindus believe the evidence for paranormal and the existence of the soul and reincarnation.
How do Hindu beliefs about life after death affect their lives
- Some follow the teaching of the ashramas.
- The teachings on karma requires obedience and then they will achieve moksha.
- Through the devotion to Krishna.
- through deep meditation and forms of yoga.
What are the non-religious reasons for believing in life after death
- Near death experiences
- Evidence for a spirit world
- Evidence for reincarnation.
What do non religious people believe about near death experiences. In believing about life after death
- That people who are clinically dead come back to life
- Main features of a near death experience are:
Feelings of peace, floating above the body, seeing a bright light, and meeting dead relatives.
What non religious people believe about evidence for a spirit world. Inbelieving about life after death
- Evidence for ghosts and the Ouija board give evidence for a spirit world
- spiritual mediums and that they can make contact with the spirit world.
What do nonreligious people believe about the evidence for reincarnation. In believing about life after death.
- That Hindus Sikhs and Buddhists have collected a great deal of evidence for reincarnation.
What is the UK law on abortion.
That two doctors must agree on one of the following:
- The mother’s life is at risk or her mental or physical health
- The child is likely to be severely handicapped
- The child will have a serious effect on of the children in the family
What up the two circumstances where abortion can take place after 24 weeks.
- The mother’s life is at risk
- there is a strong chance that the fetus will be severely handicapped
What are the arguments against abortion?
- Life begins at the moment of conception
- Abortion is murder
- The child has the right to live
- Its unfair to make medical staff perform that task
- The rights of the child may be greater than the mothers
What are the arguments for abortion?
- Life begins when the fetus is viable (survive outside the mothers womb (24 weeks.))
- If it isn’t alive, it isn’t murder.
- The woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body.
Which branches of Christianity believe that abortion is always wrong?
Roman Catholics and many evangelical Protestants.
Why do Roman Catholics and many evangelical protestant believe abortion is wrong?
- Life is sacred and belongs to God (SOL)
- God can decide when to end a pregnancy.
- Its against gods will to deliberately end life.
- Human life begins at conception so it’s murder.
- God banned murder in the decalogue.
What do you Catholics follow which teaches abortion is wrong?
The catholic catechism.
What do Catholics and evangelicals offer as an alternative to abortion?
- Adoption
- Help and counselling shows that good can come out of evil if the woman has been raped.
What do other Christians believe about abortion?
Mainly liberals see it as a lesser of two evils.
- Would prefer if it was never necessary.
- The continuation of pregnancy could cause greater evil and suffering.
- It is tolerated.
What are the three different attitudes among Hindus about abortion
- There should never be abortions
- It can be allowed only if the mother’s life is in danger
- It must always be allowed
Why do you some Hindus teach there should never be abortion?
- Teaching of ahimsa (never use violence.)
- Many gurus + swamis are against abortion.
- Abortion brings bad karma.
Why do some Hindus believe that abortion is allowed only if the mother’s life is at risk?
- Ahimsa shows violence must not be done to the mother by the foetus.
- It is permissible if there is no other choice.
Why do some Hindus believe that abortion must always be allowed?
- Bhagavad Gita says it’s impossible to kill to soul.
- The soul of the foetus will be reincarnated into another body.
What are the three forms of euthanasia?
- Voluntary euthanasia
- Non Voluntary euthanasia
- Assisted suicide.
What do advances in medical science and technology affect euthanasia?
- Life can be lengthened by machines.
- Drugs to fight cancer.
- Premature babies can be kept alive.
- People can be kept alive longer, but often in agony.
What is the UK law on euthanasia?
No form of ending the life of a suffering person is permitted in the UK.
What does the UK law allow in terms of euthanasia?
- Switching off life support machines
- Stop artificial feeding
- Not giving treatment
These are allowed as they aren’t euthanasia by definition.
Why do many people want euthanasia to remain illegal?
- Doubt whether the parent really wants it.
- A cure may be found for the disease.
- A doctors job is to save lives.
- You can’t change your mind.
- it is open to abuse (pressure, cost, maybe they don’t really want it?
Why do many people want to euthanasia to be legal?
- Medical advances mean people who would’ve died are now kept alive. Should have the right to die.
- Forms of it are legal e.g switching life support machine off and to withdraw treatment.
- People can commit suicide, so they should be allowed to ask others for help.
What is the attitude of Roman Catholics and some evangelical Protestants about euthanasia and what does this include?
- Oppose all types of euthanasia
- Includes: assisted suicide, switching off life support machines, refusing treatment and the law of double effect.
Why do many Roman Catholics some evangelical Protestants have this attitude?
- Interpret bible literally and it forbids suicide.
- The decision belongs to God.
- Condemned in the Decalogue.
- Sanctity of life. Life and death belong to God alone. Not humans.
What is the attitude of some Catholics and Protestants towards euthanasia. And what does this include?
- Oppose most forms but allow some e.g:
- Switching off life support machines, not giving treatment and double effect.
- But they oppose:
- (non) voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Why do some Catholics and Protestants have this attitude towards euthanasia?
- Believe in the sanctity of life.
- Euthanasia is murder and is condemned in the Decalogue
- If the person is brain dead, God has already decided.
- The intention of lots of pain killers is to relieve pain and not to kill them.
What is the attitude a few Christians have towards euthanasia?
Accept euthanasia in certain circumstances.
Why do a few Christians have this attitude towards euthanasia?
- God may want someone to die, but medical advances keep them alive.
- People have the right to refuse treatment and to have control over their whole body.
- Jesus taught to love your neighbour, helping someone to die may be a very living thing to do.
Why are some Hindus against all forms of euthanasia?
- Ahimsa (no violence) killing is violence.
- Brings bad karma as it damages the soul and stops the soul from reaching moksha.
- Law of karma says only God can give and take life
- Laws of Manu says murder is wrong.
Why do you some Hindus say that euthanasia can be allowed under certain circumstances?
- If the person is brain dead, God has taken their life, Gita says the soul can’t be harmed.
- Refusing euthanasia is violence when someone is suffering so is against ahimsa
- Keeping someone alive is delaying moksha or the next life.