Section 2 - Key Words Flashcards
Annulment definition
Proving a marriage would have never been valid.
Consummate definition
When husband and wife have sexual intercourse and make a marriage valid.
Faction definition
An informal group in the Tudor court.
Consort definition
Usually a role taken by the Queen, it was the person who accompanied the king at court on engagements.
Balance of Power definition
A calculation that no one power on its own had the forces to defeat another without the support of a third party.
Probate definition
A legal process to list the possessions of an individual when they die.
Praemunire definition
To appeal to a power outside of the realm for a resolution of the situation within England that was under jurisdiction of the Crown.
Ordinaries definition
Bishops who have immediate jurisdiction.
Supplication definition
Asking for something earnestly or humbly.
Annates definition
A monetary payment made by English Bishops to the church in Rome.
Chancery definition
The Court of Chancery was set up to ensure fairness in Common Law and that cases were setup quickly.
Statute definition
An act of Parliament.
See definition
The area for which a bishop was responsible.
Prerogative definition
Right based on customary law rather than statue law.
Pentecost definition
The day the followers of Jesus Christ had received the Holy Spirit.
Te Deum definition
An early Christmas Hymn of praise.
Evangelical definition
A person whose beliefs are based on faith alone.
Order definition
In that case an instruction issued by the Vice-gerent, Thomas Cromwell which had to be acted on.
Injunction definition
An instruction given to parish churches requiring conformity.
Episcopal system of authority definition
The bishops had the main authority in the church.
Omni-competent definition
Capable of everything