Secondry Economic Activities Flashcards
Factors that influenced the location of a factory?
- Raw materials
- Market
- Transport
- Labour force
- Services
- Capital
- Personal preference
What is a heavy industry?
An industry that produces big products (iron and steel)
What is a light industry?
An industry that produces small products (electronics and healthcare products)
What is a multinational corporation?
A company that makes their products in many different countries. Their headquarters are located in one country and have branches in many other countries
What is a footloose industry?
An industry that isn’t tied to any one location
What is an example of a heavy industry?
Aughinish Alumina
What MNC gave capital to Aughinish Alumina?
RUSAL, the largest aluminum producer in the world
Reasons for Aughinish Alumina location: raw material
It is a bulky material that comes from the republic of New Guinea in Africa. It is shipped to the deep water port at Aughinish
Reasons for Aughinish Alumina location: labour force
More than 450 people are employed at the factory. These workers come from nearby villages such as Foynes.
Reasons for Aughinish Alumina location: transport
The deep water port at Aughinish allow for heavy cargo ships to dock and transport bauxite to the factory and Alumina to the smelters around Europe. There are great roads near to the factory
What is Alumina?
A semi-finished white powder used to make aluminum.
Where is the Alumina exported to?
Aluminum smelters in Scandinavia and the UK
How many ton of alumina do they produce per year?
1.8 tones of alumina per year
What is an example of a light industry?
Intel,Ireland is a light industry
Where is intel located?
Lexlip, Kildare
What is industrial inertia?
When a company doesn’t relocate even though it may be economically sound to do so
What are the three types of industrialised regions?
- Industrialised regions
- Newly-industrialised regions
- Industrially-emergent regions
How is acid rain formed?
Sulphuric dioxide and nitrogen oxide are released into the atmosphere. The gases combine with water vapor and fall as acid rain.
What problems are associated with acid rain?
- Acid rain washes nutrients from the soil
- The acid rain kills fish stocks
- The acid rain weathers the stone in old buildings
- The forests become vulnerable to disease and can be wiped out
What are the solutions to acid rain?
- Use cleaner renewable sources of energy (solar and tidal)
- Use natural gas
- Use filters on coal stations to reduce sulphuric dioxide emissions
- Encourage people to use public transport
What is incineration?
A factory that burns waste
What are some positives of incineration?
- There is little room to dump waste
- Can attract other industries to the area
- Can provide electricity for the surrounding area
- Jobs can be created
What are negatives of incineration?
- They can be seen as an easy option and can become reliable.
- They aren’t environmentally friendly
- Fumes from the factory can affect the surrounding area, the fumes are said to be carcinogenic.
What does intel make?
Microprocessors for laptops and pics
Why did intel come to Ireland?
- Ireland has a good educated workforce.
- English is the international business language and almost all Irish people can speak English.
- The IDA gave 110 million euro to build the intel the plant.
- They don’t have to pay European taxes because they are located in Europe.
- There was a large green site available
- Solid bed rock in the area prevents vibrations in the ground, which is important when making microprocessors