Season 2, Lessons 22 and 23 - The Imperfect Tense Flashcards
I was speaking to your mum when you arrived
je parlais avec ta mère quand tu es arrivé(e)
you were speaking to your friend when the telephone rang
tu parlais avec ton copain quand le téléphone a sonné
he was speaking Spanish when he sneezed
il parlait en espagnol quand il a éternué
she was speaking French
elle parlait (en) français
I was playing the piano
je jouais du piano
we were playing tennis
nous jouions au tennis
Marie and Évelyne were singing in the church
Marie et Évelyne chantaient dans l’église
I was working at the market
je travaillais au marché
were you listening to the radio this morning?
est-ce que tu écoutais la radio ce matin?
I was watching the television.
Je regardais la télévision.
You were speaking in Italian.
Tu parlais en italien.
He was dancing all night.
Il dansait toute la nuit.
She was going to the swimming pool.
Elle allait à la piscine.
We were listening to the radio.
Nous écoutions la radio.
You were thinking about me.
Vous pensiez à moi.
They (m) were eating some ice cream.
Ils mangeaient de la glace.
They (f) were chatting in the café.
Elles bavardaient au café.
We were eating the bread.
Nous mangions le pain.
I was swimming in the sea.
Je nageais dans la mer.
we were selling the house
nous vendions la maison
we are selling the house
nous vendons la maison
put away your things
rangez vos affaires
I was putting away my things
je rangeais mes affaires
I was ill / I was being ill
j’étais malade
I was washing myself when the telephone rang
je me lavais quand le téléphone a sonné
She was cleaning away her things.
Elle rangeait ses affaires.
He was finishing his homework.
Il finissait ses devoirs.
I was putting the milk in the fridge.
Je mettais le lait dans le frigo.
We were starting our journey.
Nous commencions notre voyage.
They were threatening the dog.
Ils menaçaient le chien.
She was in the house.
Elle était dans la maison.
You were all on the beach.
Vous étiez tous sur la plage.
She was having a shower.
Elle se douchait.
We were playing football.
Nous jouions au football.
You were going down the stairs.
Tu descendais l’escalier
was speaking to your mother
je parlais avec ta mère
were eating some bread
nous mangions du pain
were drinking some wine
ils buvaient du vin
was speaking to your mother when the telephone rang
je parlais avec ta mère quand le téléphone a sonné
were eating some bread when I saw your father
nous mangions du pain quand j’ai vu ton père
were drinking (some) wine when I arrived
ils buvaient du vin quand je suis arrivé(e)
used to eat cheese every day
nous mangions du fromage tous les jours
used to go to the swimming pool every Saturday
j’allais à la piscine tous les samedis
when I was young, I used to go to the swimming pool every Saturday
quand j’étais jeune, j’allais à la piscine tous les samedis
when we were in France, we used to eat cheese every day
quand nous étions en France, nous mangions du fromage tous les jours
nous nous promenions sur la plage le soir
we would walk on the beach in the evening
Michelle was nice
Michelle était sympa
The museum was interesting
Le musée était intéressant
he was wearing a red jumper
il portait un pull rouge
she had black hair
elle avait les cheveux noirs*
it was sunny that day
il faisait du soleil ce jour-là
I was hungry
j’avais faim
I didn’t want to go there
je ne voulais pas y aller
I was speaking to your daughter when the phone rang.
Je parlais avec votre fille quand le téléphone a sonné.
She was singing in the shower when I arrived.
Elle chantait sous la douche quand je suis arrivé(e).
When I was young we used to play on the beach.
Quand j’étais jeune nous jouions sur la plage.
When I lived in France I used to speak French all the time.
Quand j’habitais en France je parlais français tout le temps.
That summer we would often go to Pau.
Cet été-là nous allions souvent à Pau.
The book was green.
Le livre était vert.
She wore a blue skirt.
Elle portait une jupe bleue.
Were you hungry this morning?
(Est-ce que) tu avais faim ce matin?
It was sunny when we left.
Il faisait du soleil quand nous sommes parti(e)s.
The girls didn’t want to come to the beach with us.
Les filles ne voulaient pas venir à la plage avec nous.
I used to walk on the beach
je me promenais sur la plage
The book that I’m reading is very good.
Le livre que je lis est très bon.