Searching (High) Flashcards
What is dtSearch
dtSearch is a licensed software that Relativivity have integrated into the platform.
It can quickly retrieve results in indexes covering over 1TB of data.
dtSearch offers functionality including:
- Proximity
- Stemming
- Fuzzy Searches
- Boolean Operators
- Custom Noise Word Lists
- Basic Search features available in Keyword Searches
- Dictionary Search
Attempting to build a dtSearch index the dtSearch Manager or worker agent encounters a network issue. How many times will it attempt to retry to execute the build?
It will execute up to three retry attempts at 30 second intervals.
How does dtSearch handle accents?
By default dtSearch indexes with and without the access so searching either way will work. (unless “Create Accessnt Sensitive” field is manually set to NO
What does dtSearch Auto-recognition allow you to do?
Provides you with the ability to search for various date formats, e-mail addresses, and credit card number. Can efect permformance and is not activated by default.
If you add an additional field or change the auto-recognise or accent settings you must perform which type of dtSearch build?
A)Incremental Build
B)Full Build
If you add an additional field to your index or change the auto-recognize or accent sensitive settings, you must perform a full build.
Filtering on fields that contain a lot of items can take a long time for the list to populate. Is there an alternative solution?
For fields that may contain a large number of choices, you can designate a Popup filter instead.
You get extraneious results t a search because the word confidential appears in a disclaimer in the footer of most documents. How do you excluce this footer text to make results more relevant?
Using dtSearch index construct a search using the NOT and w/n operators to exlude the disclaimer text.
You wish to locate documents that contain the word contract and the word draft within five words of each other. How do you do this?
Using dtSearch enter boolean searc syntaxt contract w/5 draft
or draft w/5 contract. Doesnt matter which way round it goes as it’s symetrical
What is fuzzy searching?
Allows you to find words even if they are misspelled. You can use the % symbol. The more %% you use the more loose of fuzzy teh search is.
What is the difference between the * and the ? and the = windcard symbols in searching?
- could map to any number of characters. ? maps do just one character. = maps to one numerical character
appl* could be apples or appleby or application etc
appl? could be apple.
=th could be 4th, 5th, 6th etc
Why would you use Search term Reports?
- identify documents containing specific keywords or terms important to the case
- provide aility to enter multiple terms and generate a report listing the number of hits for each term in the document